Choose your Own Adventure concepts are terrible in any medium. It'll just end up people complaining about what ending was better and shitting on people for getting the "wrong" ending, like in video games. Just tell a straight forward story without bullshit gimmicks.
Choose your Own Adventure concepts are terrible in any medium...
Sounds retarded. If I wanted that i'd play a fucking videogame not watch a movie.
T-thank you Netflix shills.
now fuck off and kill yourself, please
yeah I was big into Goosebumps as a kid and I HATED those choose your own adventure series that came out.
how will thoes work in webrips?
the only thing I've seen get it right is the walking dead videogame.
I imagine it woudl wind up being massively more expensive and time consuming to make on tv, having to film so many different versions of scenes, so it woudl end up being quite limited and superficial choices you'd have.
and a good day to you to sir, may you die raped by niggers.
back on topic, it sounds tempting but then as I think about it I agree it has to end up retarded. Then, I doubt Netflix would make such a decision without some sort of checking first.
It's not new. It's been done before. In porn too.
I have a dvd of House on Haunted Hill 2 that does this. Pretty cool concept in itself, average movie, below average use of the concept (you could take all these alternate senes and make them dvd extras instead and it would be basically the same).
They've tried interactive media before. It always dies horribly because people, shockingly, don't like things they choose, don't know what they actually want, and/or what they want simply isn't possible.
In fact, past attempts at interactive media actually lead to the practice of test marketing. As sitting playtesters down in front of a multiple-ending game always ended up with one ending agreed upon as being the best.
So, this shit is actually backwards unless they're going to implement some truly next level stuff like being able to take an extra, thrust destiny upon it, and have it become the unwilling/unknowing protagonist. But that isn't going to happen because NO ONE IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO DEVELOP ANY SORT OF REAL ADVANCEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY
>In porn too.
That's a little different, choosing whether she gets fucked in the ass or the pussy isn't the same as choosing the outcome of a story.