Post Race War gear, will be posting reciept in thread.
/rwg/-Race War General
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>practically a sword
You forgot your fedora.
Sorry took so long, captcha fucked up
And bump
Judging from this list it seems like you're going to hide in the woods like a bitch rather than fight like a man.
Guerilla warfare faggot
>Guerilla warfare
LMFAO you must be 14. I'll be glad when summer is over.
No fucker will get away from my illegal stick.
Swear down on my mum and Her Majesty.
Maximum loadout. Come at me, niggers.
You'll get a jolly good smash on your ears.
get a life, bin that knife
I'm glad that is illegal in my country along with crossbows and fireworks.
There is no such thing in a developed nation. It has been superseded by insurgent warfare. The fact that you cannot grasp this concept underscores the fact that you are likely to die in no time at all.
Hurr rhurrr hide innawoods with predator drones using bodyheat cameras flying overhead. Insurgent warfare entails living in major population centers and using a combination of hiding in plain sight and using human shields. There is no where to hide "innawoods", cuck.
replied to the wrong poster, but whatever, gorilla warfare people from /k/ are faggot larpers
reported to MI5, enjoy prison :)
I'm well prepared. Should they come to my neighborhood I'm ready to protect the women and children.
>using an illegal stick instead of an illegal rooty tooty point-n-shooty
You got the same gear set up?
>female trenchcoat
m-muh dick?
Le edgy
>manuals you can dl for free and print
>bayonet for a gun you p[robably don't have
Come the fuck on
I like to keep it simple
Reported to Trudeau for posting on a Tibetan tailoring forum that is known for hate speech, enjoy re-education camp ;^)
Here's my main weapon, rate guys.
true slav style
only add AK if from serbia croatia or bosnia
plenty of those and PPSHs and other ww2 guns people still have from the war
I have a bow, crossbow, lots of machetes axes and knives (inb4 muh bin knife meme), know how to make explosives, and can live off the land with ease. I have plenty of clothing for winters and lots of other gear for surviving and guirrella warfaring.
bretty gud
too expensive for my taste
Keep tradition alive/10
>guerrilla warfare meme
are you one of those apocalypse prepers?
closest i have is an axe a 9mm and ak74
>Remington with slugs and buckshot
>unnaground hole in backyard
>other things I'd rather not divulge
As the sky and earth burn, I thrive
i swear i would kill for a 1911
looks good and is reliable easy to clean and uses 9mm so ammo is everywhere
I've always wanted to bludgeon someone to death with a dildo. I don't think there can be a more shameful death.
Why would you own a 9mm 1911?
add a couple of nails trough it
EZ kills m8
also for extra effect get one of those 18 inch dildos like edups has
License got approved last week. Let the massacre start.
just told you
ammo everywhere
also why not? i guess a .45 would be better but still
this happens in guy richie flick "lock stock and 2 smoking barrels"
youve seen it right?
hilarious, superb film
wow hol on here chap, ya cheeky cunt
Lighter, cheaper ammo maybe? I've got a 1911 in .45 though.
Because no hydrostatic shock
Yep. I've never thought it about it before watching it.
>predator drones using bodyheat cameras flying overhead.
What in the fuck do you think is about to happen? The US government slaughtering it's population?
I know things are getting crazy but to think they would start sending infrared drones out into the woods is fucking insanity.
You know, these bayonets aren't that great on their own, as they are pretty shitty cutters. You'd be much better off getting a proper sword if you want something long.
>tfw you'll be the only guy carrying around a Model P single action
Everyone else will have ak's and sks's, while I'm running around pretending to be Manco.
Will I be ok with this?
you misspelled Deus Vult
its like playing on hard mode
remember stalker and you will be fine
sword maybe
but the shield is usless unless you line it with kevlar
500 rounds of 7.62x51
Vortex Strike eagle
Considering getting a plate carrier
Guirilla warfare isn't a meme, I WILL go full vietcong on any pakis.
yes im a prepper. lucky fuck that you have guns.
A bong is better armed than a burger
bretty nice
consider getting a secondary maybe a handgun or military knife
i doubt ill have to use them (both a good and bad thing)
i only saw 5 niggers in my life and they were african niggers on thesea coast during the summer, also no arabs
at least not in my town
You do know that won't work very well right? If you want to prepare yourself for a Civil/Race war in Britain look up on the conflicts in Ireland in the 70s.
Check your spelling - it's Deus Vult
The divide and conquer elites want a race war. Ironically that's why they push multiculturalism so much - for the inevitable reaction. We are but pawns in their schemes. We fall for it everytime.
I've already got a handgun and 18 round mags, I recently got pic related
15€ at the hardware store
Niggers don't have predator drones
did you mean: deus vult
How good are G3's? Would you recommend one? I've been thinking about getting one lately but I wasn't sure.
thats a FN FAL right?
consider getting a drum mag if you have a bipod already
ultimate survival tool if you think about it
>that pic
i let him trough out of self pity
also he made me laugh in a sad game
dont have many nonwhites here as well, always best to be prepared my man
it will work. I'd just stay in kent near dover and shoot any rapefugees trying to come in for the racewar, hide in the woods. I bowhunt deer already, and people are a lot dumber than them.
you know that by buying that you ended up on some watchlist somewhere right?
Why would you not have already trained to run barefoot in order to run for 3 days at a time? Those shoes have a chance to attract niggers and you better hope none are kenyan.
my generous son let me use his lethal weapon
ready for the day of the rope
Ive got a baseball bat and airgun with loads of ammo. I need a better airgun, spring loaded or PCP, any suggestions?
you can drown them in your own debt
A good hatchet, spade or machete are basically omnitools
I love it (technically it's not a G-3, that's just the military designation) HK/PTR-91s are great though accurate as hell, pretty minimal recoil, cheap after market parts too.
Not a FAL but an HK-91/G-3 clone. I'll probably get a drum eventually. I have one for my AK, didn't really care for it but these drum mags are like 200 dollars.
Also will probably try to train my German Shepard for basic guard duties when she's old enough.
thats not gonna get you far against an angry 150kg nig nog or crazy jihadist
With a bow and a crossbow? It's bound to go to shit but good luck.
>dues vult
Swords are awesome
I'd get pressurized air, springs wear out.
nice Downs syndrome
Oi lad, that knife is banned by his majesty the Prophet Muhammad.
You're nicked, mate.
This is the UK. We have few nignogs and the ones we have are isolated. I live in a >90% white area filled with white middle class families. An airgun would defo injure, I was thinking PCP air pistol and a bicycle pump to keep it filled. That way I can run quickly.
i knew it
it lacked the distinct holes
also drum mags are a good pay off since you dont have to reload (as often) and they take less space then 3 mags
also nice thinking great breed for things like that
Get a Section 1 license and a bolt action or atleast a shotgun certificate and a shotgun, not a break barrel one.
thats our secret weapon like the atomic bomb, we use it if and only if opponent doesn't surrender.
>fits on the end of a gun
>using anything other than frostmourne to kill niggers
Do NOT get a century G3/CETME. They are total trash.
>you got the same autism?