
The Jedi's lightsabres are based on how they use the force right? Like blue is the neutral color where the force is on a neutral state, red is when they use the dark side, green is when they rely solely and is in tune with the force, purple is when they are in between?

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Where on earth did you get this retarded idea that crystal color is based on the users side of the force?

New canon

In legends maybe. Nu Canon says it's completely rando except for red which is dark side.

>new canon says its true

>new canon says it isn't true


Execute Order 66 Mr Devil Man

it's probably just personal preference, except for the red, red is always a dark side color

BUT, before the prequels came out I always thought that the green meant that the Jedi was in between dark and light, because Luke used the force chose and I associated that with dark Jedi, before I ever heard of Sith

Executed Satan

Satanic trips of truth

new canon now saber pick up the color when they are made base on user and stay that way


here if u interested

Funny, I just thought the colours were a basic storytelling effect used by filmmakers to distinguish heroes from villains. Or in the case of Samuel L Jackson, what colour lightsaber the actor wanted.

Why DO black people like the colour purple?

No clue


Red is bad.
Blue is good.
Green is for when you lose your saber to make it clear to audiences that you got a new one.
Purple is so Samuel L. Jackson would stand out on the battlefield.

>Green is for when you lose your saber to make it clear to audiences that you got a new one.
and/or when you fight against blue sky

You can buy codein in the supermarket in USA? Would explain alot.

Orange is the patrician choice

I read somewhere that Samuel L. Jackson had a purple one because he learned to use a lightsaber in the way dark side uses it, but he managed to stay in the light. Also guys like Yoda usually don't use the lightsaber so I figured that's why it's green.

purple drank

It was purple because he wanted to be different and George Lucas gave him the go ahead. There's really no lore reason for it, Sam L Jackson is a big name actor and has an ego.

how long before a rainbow saber to pander to fags?

If you have a prescription and the supermarket has a pharmacy then yes

Is this shit any good? I've always wanted to try lean but never had the opportunity,

That was old EU

Why the fuck did they change this?

I always just accepted the KoTOR explanation of things, even if it's mostly likely not canon. The colors are mainly class based, consular=green, blue=guardian, yellow=sentinel, red=sith. And of course you have the special snowflakes here and there that have to be different just because.

>"Look at this mess of fan made bullshit in the expanded universe"
>"We'll make it all non-canon because we can totally write something better"

Notice how every time this happens in any given franchise the new canon is almost always made worse.

>>Green is for when you lose your saber to make it clear to audiences that you got a new one.

What, when did Yoda lose a light saber?

And the is no good or bad just light and dark. The dark side of the force is not bad, it's just dark.

Nah it's bad. It was bad when Lucas made it because he was pushing his whole eastern religion thing into it. There has never been in instance where the dark side was used for good in the series.

It's always just "evil sorcery", promises immense power but always leads to the damnation of the user with the exception of Vader, who was just a karma tool for Sheev's own damnation since Lucas made it canon that Sheev and his master were technically Anakin's "fathers".

In the original videogame canon, an the slug ayys built an entire empire using the dark side of the force and it eventually struck them back when the force stopped working for them and they were reduced to a tiny population.

>Lucas made it canon that Sheev and his master were technically Anakin's "fathers".
Lucas didn't do that.
Did he?

during a new hope they discussed how are they going to introduce vader as the bad guy
Lucas just said he'll be dressed in all black and have a scary voice, the audience will figure it out.

>There has never been in instance where the dark side was used for good in the series.

Didn't Luke choke some guards in episode 6?

It was part of the uneccesary and tone breaking plot elements introduced in the sequels.

Lucas for some autistic reason forsook the original fantasy elements of star wars and decided the force should be some sort of massive psychic hive-mind of microscopic aliens based on mitochondria, you know, the metachlorians.

In Sheev's infamous speech about his master, he talks about how Darth Plaguies could create life as well as keep people from dying. What he's talking about is a time when he and his master were learning new ways to use the dark side and tried to use the force to create a living being. Though nothing happened inf ront of them, they succeeded in that the force created Anakin, who is already implied to be a virgin birth in episode I.

Anakin was thus bound by fate to be a karma redirection for all the terrible shit Sheev did.

Maybe, in the prequels Lucas went full autistic and made up a dozen specific force based attacks for jedi and divdied them into light and dark. Examples include the force jump, which is terribly portrayed and confusing to watch, force lightning is an obvious one and a bunch of other tiny micro shit like the ability to hit you with psychic doubt as a temporary distraction during a fight.

Force Choke could be a "dark exclusive" ability, but since all this shit is an afterthought I still think the concept still holds that no dark side user beyond Vader wasn't hit with cosmic punishment.

>What he's talking about is a time when he and his master were learning new ways to use the dark side and tried to use the force to create a living being. Though nothing happened inf ront of them, they succeeded in that the force created Anakin, who is already implied to be a virgin birth in episode I.
Gimme the proof

Because it involves chlorophyl it's not canon thanks to Disney

That's wasn't Lucas that was James Luceno

There was obviously some already established idea since otherwise there would be no reason to make Anakin a virgin birth.