Come home white man.
Let the rest be, there's an own home just for you.
Come home white man.
Let the rest be, there's an own home just for you.
Other urls found in this thread:
Can I bring my guns?
Sure, we have proportionally the most of them in the whole world.
White people are welcome back home.
The only problem is that what the average american would call white, would stand out here like a turd in snow.
I would much more like if they fixed the problems back home and not bother us.
So are southern Spaniards and Portuguese basically niggers?
t. hwhite man
I agree to some extend, but I do also know that there are still many pure whites left in the states we created.
Africa starts at pyrenees
>age 20-30
fucking lol. what about age 0-5? probably more like 20% tops.
+Nords suck, total losers.
+Aryans suck, always trying to make deals with Muslims.
+Anglo was where it's at, but nowadays they ain't shit either.
Half-Mexican, Half-Anglo master race.
they were never white. the blonde people you see in southern europe today are descendants of germanic invaders.
Go back to Mexico nigger
Those whites should fight for their land not run away. I would not mind sailing over there to help them fight, but I want nothing to do with their deserters who want to now live an easy life in our white nations.
A prime example of a turd in snow.
I'm as white as far as the eye can see although I'm certainly not Finnish.
Either side of my family are McDonald and McCoy
Am I welcome?
>The only problem is that what the average American would call white, would stand out here like a turd in snow.
Light colored eyes and blonde or brown hair is what I consider "white". t. Average American
am I invited to Finngolia? Or do I have to fuck off we're full?
How exactly is "light brown"?
what's up with Greece? I thought a lot of them looked like this
Is northwest Spain White in your book?
Don't you consider brown eyes white?
you can have blue eyes and be non-white
you cant be blonde and be non-white
there are exceptions to this rule (for example Putin(fingoloids))
Some are, naturally.
lol no. The only people who have brown eyes in my city are Mutts and nonwhites
usa-60% white
Canada=God fearing big dick lumberjacks
if you cut down the trees, the forest wins.
>big dick
Southern europe is mixed race, but not as much as nordics think. Most of us are 90% european.
Problem is White phenotype is so fucking weak. It only takes one drop to lose it forever.
The roaches turned them
breddy cool
Vi kan tala svenska oksÄ. Kom till hem!
So what country is this?
Also, is it free of Jewish influence?
>Problem is White phenotype is so fucking weak. It only takes one drop to lose it forever.
>tfw pic related is the future of the human race
Eurasians are the masterrace desu.
>German and Scandinavian ancestory
>dark brown hair and green eyes
a-am I white?
I mean skin color right now actually. I searched a quick pic of some Americans for you. The girl holding the phone could never blend into a crowd here. I would be willing to bet money that she is considered white in America.
Too much greek pussy, they ended up being turned themselves.
you're only white if your skin burns instead of tans
btw, do you know her name?
a denbtroach?
>I would be willing to bet money that she is considered white in America.
kek, are you trolling me? NO, she would never be considered white here, she's what we call "Hispanic" or "Mexican" No one I have ever met in my life would label that girl white. You have been fooled by the memes
Serizawa Jun
i searched for long but i couldnt find the original
most of sites about her are in Japanese
she isnt even 18 btw
I burn bad but get tan after a summer's worth of sun.
>I have some injun in me according to my dad
Lol no. That kid is up to 50% african. Further mixing would make him look whiter.
I tan instead of burning, but my family has lived in the UK as long as we can trace on both sides, and I'm white as fuck. Am I not white?
lol keep trying kike
Finland will always be the greatest country on earth...
Asian+White= HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm certain that I have 0 injun in me. I will never understand why self loathing whites take pride in that
My Mexican grandfather didn't move here and marry a white woman so we could go back to Mexico, assblaster.
Aryans kicked the shit out of the Germans, the Swedes, the Italians, the Spanish, and Africans all at once.
>wahhh I'm mixed race and I don't like it wahhh KIKE KIKE
>t. Anjem Choudary
Your country is useless and will fall to either the Muslim/Germanic superstate or to Putin's Russia.
Have a nice life!
I will find a way to get there if Trump loses.
I'm blond hair blue eyed but not white.
Literally all you anime weirdos.
How comfy is Finland? I like winter
>doesnt want memes
>posts "a fucking leaf"
Non-white excluded though. You can have the rest of the word. Russian Siberia is ours though.
why? post a pic how you look, doesnt have to be your own face
I have brown hair and brown eyes, can I still live in the Netherlands?
They are all mexican except for the nigglet in the bottom-right
His country is the european union, as the country of all those who got involved into this shit.
I swear I want to leave the european union even if I starve to death.
I'm coming to Finland just for the metal
Breddy combfy :D
I kinda hate doing that because people make fun of me but I'm Sicilian so I'm not white even by normie standards.
>Russian Siberia is ours though.
lol no way. Siberia was never White.
>WAHHHH my leader is a nigger WAHHH
So there's a meme going on that brown haired and brown eyed whites aren't actually white...
Then my dad and my grandpa aren't whites??? Then why the fuck is my entire family blonde and blue eyed with them as an exception? (including me btw)
You're welcome if you're White.
>implying britain's a country
Reminder that england brings down the Britain's white percentage and the seperate countries should be represented seperately.
Scotland: 96% white
Wales: 96% white
England: 85% white
No. Too cold. I will fight the race wars instead. The niggers will not take the sun from me.
lmao rekt
Christ I miss winter
do I have to learn Finnish? it sounds impossible
Oh really?
And then they failed to secure a future for their people...
Wasting away, slowly losing all purity and land until they are just a fading memory.
Mixed-race will always be here. Our numbers grow every day.
I win. You lose.
Have a nice life!
Oh man that looks really fucking comfy. No homo
JIDF trying to divide us.
Am I white enough?
Me too user. It's coming back though. It always does
Yes, but we all can initially speak cuck english.
>finnish is not an indo-european language
^ that meaning, we don't speak the language of the cuck
The New World welcomes you. We can always use more European badasses.
I have both those things and I'm a burger.
>no homo
Why would anyone even imply that?
It's all about cleansing of the body and the soul.
i'm 99.9% european and
Yeah it's fucking ridiculous how some people are...
There a bunch of stormfags here who say brown haired and brown eyed whites are 'jews' or actually 'white niggers'. Never have I heard such idiotic rhetoric. There are literally people actively saying Northern Europeans procreating with Southern Europeans is equivalent to race mixing. Wtf?
I'm assuming that Helsinki like every other population center is a shithole
Makes no sense, genetically speaking. I am mixing serious posts and shitposting on this shitpost thread, but as I said, blue eyes and blond hair are recessive. So they can serve to infer your amount of mixing, but again, everyone is mixed to some degree, and you can't define a race only with that.
My brother has Brown hair and Green eyes, my father blonde hair and blue eyes, my grandparent had blue eyes and dark hair, my cousing has blond hair and Green eyes, and I have dark red hair and Brown eyes. By the logic of this thread, my family is composed of both whites and nonwhites.
Someone pls respond.
post boipussy pls
I guess it's a burger thing. While I was growing up everything between guys was considered gay and you had to get into the habit of rebuking it. Old habits die hard I suppose