He's in hell now, for sure.
He's in hell now, for sure
Other urls found in this thread:
hell sounds gr8
Who, the nigger?
FUUUUUCK THIS WORLD, FUCK THIS WORLD . God I hate that people ae wprolifferating this fucking lib memes
Spread this everywhere. The cop was a fucking Nazi. He deserved to die.
Did the ADL dig this crap up?
Those fucking jew bastards.
calm down kiddo
Except he wasn't in the army
Where's some actual source?
For all we know this is some libtards photoshop creation.
The media wasted no time digging deep into the histories of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, looking for reasons to excuse their murders. But somehow no journalist has taken even a cursory look at the blatant racist iconography on the Facebook profile of one of the dead Dallas cops. Or on his fucking finger in the memorial photo they posted everywhere.
You can look it up yourself.
The picture where you can see his finger tattoo is circulating everywhere.
The source is his Facebook profile.
Is the army a white supremacist organization?
Nevermind. Dont answer. Just go blow a goat.
glad this piece of shit is dead
Well they somehow think he was in the German army
You are fucking clueless or lying if you're really telling me that symbol isn't strongly associated with white supremacist groups. Plus you're ignoring everything else.
sad, seems like a great guy
would have beer with
whoa damn
There is nothing remotely racist on that picture.
>iron cross
My quads say you are a homfag and should go have a bleach enema.
Little jew boy you are in the wrong place.
Oh...because he had German heritage and was proud of it? FUCK YOU, you bigot.
Stop listening to leftist; they lie.
>I have no argument
You sound like a butthurt shitskin nigger
You can see it with your own fucking eyes. Sup Forums is fucking retarded.
Hating kikes and niggers is merely a product of experience.
Go fuck yourself.
An iron cross is a MEDAL MADE OF IRON.
This is a tattoo of an equal-armed cross. How is that even remotely a proof that the guy is racist?
Writing "I HATE NIGGERS LET'S HANG THEM" on your Facebook page is a proof of racism. Having some sort of cross or Nordic symbols on your Facebook page is not.
>the swastika is just a symbol from eastern religions
>he's only racist if he says "hello I am racist"
>why wont they just accept racism.is everywhere and white people deserve to die? Cant they see the inly reason blacks kill a white person every 18 hours is due to the white racism? Those blacks didnt deserve to die when committing a minor crime but all those cops unrelated and from different states deserve to die.
Seriously, canada, butt out of our business or we will make canada our business.
>Heroic cop... or white nationalist?
False dichotomy.
i agree with leaf, its pretty obvious he has neo nazi shit tatooed on him. its a bad coincidence the cop killed by the assassins was actually a white supremacist
look at this still active racist medal with iron cross and swastika
synonymous really
oy vey da evil nazis
probably the only non-retarded american ITT
May you be blessed by Allah and Muhammad, peace be upon him
>white pride is white supremacy is racism is hatred
typical jewish/lefty bullshit
Cops can't have tattoos on their forearms
Brexit wil save the west
>anti-transgender hatespeech
So he is hating on people who are anti-transgender? He wuz a gud boy.
If you know anything about this religion, you know that it's based on the Vedic Norse texts. Having read the Poetic Edda, I can tell you that there is no mention of anything regarding race. The book is more stories of the god's adventures and how the Earth came to be, etc.
I don't see this story gaining any traction whatsoever.
Except the cross pattee is used by many organizations, including British and US military organizations today
It's just a Christian symbol.
yeah right
WTF??? That's it, I'm a Cruz-missile now
The majority of asatru is huge nerds and history buffs. Fuck these faggots claiming thors hammer is racist. Goddammit kikes really can't whites huh
Whats your argument for your juif family saying this..
(I guess to a kike or a goat-fucker any Christian symbol is racist.)
>heroic cop or white nationalist
Hell and Helheim are not the same thing.
>implying huge nerds and history buffs aren't the biggest racists next to biker gangs.
Were you expecting the ADL to provide accurate information free of Jewish Paranoia?
All of which he's not a part of.
Well, his name sounds little nordic. Maybe he is just interested in old pagan stuff like his heritage. But then again, it seems that whites are not supposed be proud of their cultural heritage.
Maybe he wasn't even a police officer, just a very committed character actor
>white supremacist
>bad thing
Wew, it's the 'I'm new to Sup Forums' hour as cancerous crossposters come over to read the news.
You'll get what's coming to you just like that pig did
So what?
You really have to be an evil kike to slander a cop who's been shot because he is a Christian with crosses tattooed on his body.
It's ok to slander a black guy when he's shot though, right?
I'm sure I will, friendo. I should probably have attached a trigger warning for the sake of your feelings!
Everyone is getting redpilled about your antics.
Pissing off the white man is like pissing off a bull or a snake. Stupid, yet some people keep doing it.
shocking! (not)
It's okay to slander criminals when they're shot.
Finally someone ITT with a brain.
That's probably what Lorne Ahrens thought shortly before being deleted
Show me a case where people started to have vague interpretations of tattoos of a shot black man.
really made me thunk OP, thanks
Goddamn that's a beast
>Iron cross is synonymous with Nazism
>Iron cross was there way before Nazi Germany
>Liberals don't know the difference.
Jews did this.
Race traitor, actually.
Tons of people of all colors have tattoos like this.
Sorry op, but not everyone with tattoos gets the typical millennial sleeve of cupcakes and pokemon.
Those symbols aren't necessarily white power symbols. A huge swath of people are into them. You get told that X means white power when X means A, B, C, D, E, or white power. Stop listening to leftist; they lie.
Even if he was into white power, which these symbols don't show, who gives a fuck? He would still be a cop protecting people who was murdered.
This is true, but anyone with such imagery is suspect.
I believe the is true
Some people would maybe get one of them. But all of them? Thats a lot of nazi symbols for one person for it to be a coincidence
He probably saw himself as a protector so those kinds of tats make perfect sense.
Just goes to show you how fucked the "thin blue line brotherhood" is. Couple snipers randomly shoot into a group of cops, kill 5, and at least one of them is a fucking out in the open nutjob
Sounds like they got a couple good men too, which sucks, but hey, nobody's gonna miss this guy tbqh
Wow the jidf in full shill mode, go fuck yourself you kike parasite
The minister of the church I attend has tattoos just like that. He's done tons of missionary work and refugee assistance.
In no way whatsoever racist.
Black user here, guy just sounds like a proud patriotic American in touch with his European roots.
>This is seen as problematic by SJWs, nu-males and upper class white girls
You guys really need to reel these groups in if you want to see any real change. Whites and Blacks have always had their differences, but it wasn't until these guys showed up that you started becoming cucks.
Liberal shills have flooded since it is summer. Out job is to spank them hard and make them so mad they fixate on us and slowly start to process the information provided here.
Nazis don't represent all nationalists.
Nazis say the damnedest things
>thinking differently is punishable by death to these people
If he went around curb stomping fags and lynching blacks it'd be different. But God dammit, having an unpopular opinion is never justification for being executed.
What is your point?
Even if he was a white nationalist, (there's no evidence indicating that he was) that doesn't mean that he deserved to die.
These niggers have a lot of gall slandering a dead man that's incapable of defending himself.
>Even if he was a white nationalist, (there's no evidence indicating that he was) that doesn't mean that he deserved to die.
>nobody's gonna miss this guy tbqh
His 10 year old daughter and his 8 year old son might.
Go fuck yourself, you piece of shit.
bodybuilders, people that like cars, and people that like motorcycles are know for having these tattoos fuck off op
>bodybuilders, people that like cars, and people that like motorcycles are known for being nazis
National Socialism is a political ideology of peace.
Did he do his job?
Was he professional?
That is where this matter ends.
It doesn't matter if he was racist or not ; the shooter couldn't have possibly known before he shot him. Stop painting the victims to make the shooter seem more innocent. Nothing was accomplished by shooting those people; that freak just further criminalized his own movement.
Liking something on Facebook vs sniping white cops because you actively belong to a domestic terrorist organization.
The media didn't do any digging. We had to shove it down their throats.
Am I on flebbit again?