We all agree Jackson has to direct, right? It wouldn't be the same without him

We all agree Jackson has to direct, right? It wouldn't be the same without him.

I think we agree it doesn't get made, because it's not one straight narrative like lotr or the hobbit.

>It wouldn't be the same without him
Well, do we really want it to be the same?


It should be a tv miniseries, not a series of films.

The Bible, shown on the history channel, is kinda like what I'm thinking.

>lotr ascended to kino through fanedits removing the jacksonisms
>hobbit made passable through fanedits hacking away even more jacksonisms

I can't wait!

No, it wouldn't, mate. I for one welcome our new l33t skateboarding anime-physics dual-wielding martial-artist edgy elven overlord, Feanor.

oy vey dont forget the silmarillion, goyim

>Thinks LotR is one straight narrative, just because it happens to have a straight narrative in it that leads into everything else, but which got singled out in the movies
Yeah no, the hundreds of pages of exposition are definitely just there for fluff. No reason for their existence. Tolkien just couldn't shut the fuck up.
They're not vital parts of what the books are actually about; because Peter Jackson flushed them down the toilet in search of his formulaic bullshit.
I mean they're not even about fighting orcs in heroic combat or the momentary, fleeting woes of the mortal characters, most of the time, like what the fuck? What does that shit have to do with Lord of the Rings besides making up most of the book?

Humungous exposition just doesn't work on film, my salty /lit/ escapee. 'Show, don't tell' and all that, you know, and, moreover, show something that doesn't put the viewer to sleep or make him wonder what the fuck is he watching. Has to be mixed with plot and action, and here Jackson did a decent job, before he got a bit too preoccupied with action for the sake of itself.

lotr is about the same group of characters from start to finish, yes there's side stories and shit cut from the books, of course there is they're huge, but essentially there is overall a straight line A to B story you can make out of it for a movie.

the silmarllion takes place literally over hundreds (thousands?) of years across whole generations of characters not the same group like lotr, if you're going to cry about stuff being cut from lotr how do you even being to make the silmarillion into a coherent movie.

i wanna see morgoth on big screen!
fuck you all

>It wouldn't be the same

Thankfully it won't happen. Fuck off.

Shut the fuck up and fuck off forever

It should be a Netflix or HBO series

No and no fuck off

>Peter Jackson flushed them down the toilet in search of his formulaic bullshit
By "formulaic bullshit" do you mean "making sure the movie doesn't end up 15 hours long"?

I will never understand how Jackson made both LOTR and the hobbit.
the hobbit was fucking terrible. and I loved the book as a kid.


Hackson does not deserve LotR hegemony

It would be better as a series. Its basically like the bible. you couldnt make a bible movie

I actually think that the hobbit was way better than LOTR, loved the hobbit as a kid aswell.

The LoTR film Adaptations just always seemed cheesy to me.

No one respond.

I am going to shoot up the production studio if they try this

>if you're going to cry about stuff being cut from lotr how do you even being to make the silmarillion into a coherent movie.
Are you trying to imply they had to cut everything they did from the movies to make the story more coherent? are you actually retarded?

>of course there is they're huge, but essentially there is overall a straight line A to B story you can make out of it for a movie.
Have you read the Silmarillion?

>of years across whole generations of characters not the same group like lotr
Oh, so no, you haven't. You understand the only characters who 'change' are humans, literally every single other character exists from pretty much the music.

The Silmarillion has a very straight storyline, which yes, takes place over a very long time. It's just hard to digest and can't be done on one reading because of Tolkiens language. It tells the story of Arda from start to third age, it's pretty explicitly coherent, I mean seriously, tell me why it wouldn't work, without suing examples of modern peoples not wanting to see it? That's literally your whole argument, "people won't want to see it because LOTR was nothing like the book".

Silmarillion could most certainly work in this day and age, just not as a huge billion dollar hollywood blockbuster.

The tone was one thing Peter Jackson did a very good job of mimicking in The Hobbit. The Hobbit is far more childish as the book is than LOTR, LOTR is too actiony, and yeah, cheesy or not cheesy enough with the scenes like Imrahil and Aragorn, and the boat scene with the statues being cut.

bro relax

Fuck it, do it over the span of 5 movies, 3-4 hours each and it will be great

Worried about this. I feel it would work better if HBO picked it up as a show.

Anyone other than HBO would fuck it up.

It needs to be even bigger than GOT though.

somebody post the webm's of the hobbit

Yeah I think so. I don't really want or trust anyone else to do it.

that you, christopher?