'Racism exists in 2016'
Other urls found in this thread:
>things that didn't happen: Blackula 2 Electric Ooogaboogalo edition
>'Racism exists in 2016
Gee I wonder who's fault that is
I love it when people make up bullshit inspiring stories like we're supposed to believe.
Exactly what happened to Philandro. To a T. Doesn't cheapen his unnecessary and avoidable killing in the slightest.
can't they write more realistic "stories"???
Canadians mostly
and don't you forget it!
That cop's name?
Albert Einstein
Sup Forums, can you do me a favor and leave this twitter/facebook shit on twitter/facebook? That's where it belongs, that's where it should be contained.
This weeb nigger should get a job at Disney for his works of childhood fiction
>It's fake because it goes against my worldview
It's fake because it didn't happen
I had four squad cars roll up on me once because I was walking through a white neighborhood.
>Sup Forums actually thinks this type of stuff doesnt' happen
After I explained myself to the police, they left. But it was still annoying to know that someone called the cops on me literally because I was walking on a sidewalk.
This happened
Why didn't it happen, user?
>I don't think it happened
Not an argument.
What makes you think it was? Because someone put it on the internet?
Just out of curiosity, how many white men were raped or sexually assaulted by black men/women?
Doesn't have ID on him
>still has cell phone and Bluetooth device
Remember your priorities
Because I've experienced the exact same thing, and so have many of my friends. Getting the police randomly called on you if you're in a white neighborhood of a large city is not an uncommon experience, user. His story isn't far fetched at all, and until I see otherwise I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. If this thread was about a white guy complaining about being harassed by thugs in the ghetto, you would believe him instantly, don't even try and lie.
Im a white man who has been raped almost a dozen times by black women. Usually its blowjobs actually, and usually they are morbidly obese.
All of them.
Trihex probably has legitimate autism, desu.
>Police response time is the same as it takes for you to walk and still discern people you just passed
hot pic
This didn't happen.
That doesn't make the story true.
He also left out why the cop pulled him over.
I had someone call the cops on me for open carrying a handgun once. I am white, blond and had worked at the place I was oc at for 3 years. The old woman was a regular and certainly knew me. I know also because I recognized her and smiled at her while I was walking by.
And this old cunt called the police. Police were bros though. My point to you is deal with it nigger nobody gives a fuck about your problems. Stop being a victim and make like the irish so you and yours can gtfo of the ghetto. Shitbag. Maybe if you niggers werent niggers shit like this wont happen. Its all good though, dont speak out. You wouldnt want to be an uncle tom, or anything because you totally rely on your fellow black for survival.
I'm not talking about welfare, section 8 or believing BLM.
How the fuck does this shit happens? The few times i had to call the cops it took them 10 minutes to get here, and there was no longer anyone... must be a size difference with the states
>Ooga booga
>walking to Kay eff see
>See racist coppo draining lizard on baby
>Tell pig he ain't can't do dat
>Fatty pulls ar15 out of pocket holster
>shit nigga slavery again
>He pops off almost 6 million rounds
>Maybe 20 million
>Kills entire black youth group
>They dindu nuffin just asking old lady on street for church donation need money for dem programs
>smacks lips, shakes hips, dabs
>Whitey floats up and starts to scream
>Use kangz powers to kill him
>His eyes start bleeding more than Bill Clinton did on his wedding night
>Drop him and ground shakes
>Pull off his pants and see baby dick
>white boiis can't even compete!!
>Shit on his dick and wipe with his shirt
>Cut off head and bring it in kfc
>Church choir starts singing and thick girls twerk
>Pop them all and bbq sauce squirts out
>Get free kfc for a year
Similar situation? So he too was pulled over for armed robbery?
>Retelling an experience means I'm trying to play the victim card.
Shut the fuck up, right now. All I was doing was using my own experience to show that this type of stuff can actually happen, and that it's actually pretty common. I never complained about the police at all, in fact they were perfectly reasonable in this situation, just as they have been every time I've interacted with them.
But you're immediately dismissing it as false, you're not even considering that's it true. Your mind is already made up.
I was just walking straight down a sidewalk, it probably wasn't too hard to find me from where the call was placed.
>I refuse to believe that anything that goes against my world view could happen. I am a stupid faggot, please rape my face.
Haha! I nearly spit out my drink after reading this hilarious story! Bravo, sir, bravo!
Wtf racist whitey it's not funny its 2 0 1 6 R A C I S M. I hope you enjoy being homeless because I'm telling everyone you know.
You and your people are victims. Fuck y'all
Jokes on you my friend, I have no friends!
Haha! Ha...
trihex is kind of a faggot
one minute racism is funny
the next minute he's nigglypuff
I'm white and I've had cops called on me for
1) Being a 12 year old kid and playing with airsoft guns clearly marked with orange tip in a forest next to my house
2) Standing for too long next to a public pool entrance at late night (I was waiting for a friend to pick me up)
3) Setting off M-80s in my yard on the 4th of July
4) Having an argument with my girlfriend outside her apartment complex
5) Smoking a cigarette in a public park (they thought it was a joint)
I'm white. Most of my neighbors are senior citizens. Old people call the cops on you regardless of skin color. It's like their own unique meme.
>i shook the white cop's hand and walked off
This would never happen.
What really happened
>nigger is on another family's property loudly cackling and speaking in ebonics shouting shit like "nigguh yu WILIN' agagaga"
Blacks have no sense of agency. They do t realize what they are doing..
How is this in anyway related to man having a broken taillight and a few misunderstandings leading to death?
>and that it's actually pretty common
>Shit bag liberals showing their true nature by calling the police on anyone who worries them
This is the lesson to be taken faggoy.
Old people will call the cops at the first sign of trouble. Even when there isn't actually any trouble, and they are just slightly annoyed for whatever reason.
ITT: straw-like things that never happened
Weeb lives matter
8th Grader Trayvon Martin is walking home in his graduation cap and gown
Aryan Nation member George Zimmerman driving around in his Confederate Flag draped pickup
Zimmerman spots Trayvon through the night by the glow of his halo
The Klansman takes chase
The football star nearly outruns him, but he is trapped by a "do not enter" sign
Faced with certain death or disobeying the law, he makes his stand
Trayvon attempts to reason his attacker, but the illiterate racist will have none of it
Zimmerman steps out of his vehicle and asks "Any last words?"
Trayvon looks his executioner in the eye and replies "World Peace"
"WHITE POWER!" exclaims Zimmerman as he unloads with his fully-automatic assault rifle
If not for the Republican party he may have survived, but the skinhead's extended magazine, unfettered by their legislation unloads hundreds of rounds into the future Nobel Peace Prize recipient
Zimmerman then bashes his own head into the curb repeatedly screaming "help me!"
When he is finished, Hitler himself steps back into his gas-guzzling vehicle
As Trayvon lay dying, the last thing he sees is the "Bush Cheney 2004" bumper sticker disapear into the night
So what. Get out of white neighborhoods, nigger. If you want something just as nice how about your people build something worthwhile.
Instead niggers destroy once great cities, they can't even maintain existing nice neighborhoods. And you think it's such a surprise white people don't want your kin around.
kill yourself
I saw trihex fucking up on the last boss of MN9 so fucking badly and it's so incredibly easy. Why is he even popular again? Isn't he supposed to be good? Speedrunning must be piss easy or something.
nobody cares nigger
>tfw I'm black
>back in high school
>17 takin honors courses
>dress like a white boy all the time because my mom hoped I never go to jail
>button down shirt, skinny slacks, black vans
>literally walkin home from school by my damn self headphones in
>cop right the fuck outta nowhere
>throws me against wall
>starts patting me down
> yells some shit at me about coming from some store when I just stepped off the bus
>take my wallet check my ID
>yelling at me and shit
>mfw his Mexican partner steps in
>"dude this kid doesn't even match description. Were lookin for a 6 foot kid with a red hoodie. Wtf man"
>white cop "oh they never said anything about his height"
>Mexican "because you didn't listen jackass."
>Mexican apologizes, gives me my shit back
> mfw I'm 5'6.
I've stayed as far away from law enforcement as possible since. Uni campus is a godsend and I actually fear having to go back out in public.
Uhm, yes ill take Things that Never Happened for 1000 please.
l o l
If that's true that is pretty bad.
It seems to be either police are angels and can do absolutely no wrong, or all the 'victims' are niggers who deserve(d) it anyways.
It's obvious it's leaning far to the latter. There are plenty of shithead cops, but there are plenty more good cops, and cops simply doing their job, which is something I couldn't do. If you watch maybe a dozen videos of the low life trash they have to deal with regularly, I wouldn't be able to handle it and would most likely kill some Trayvon Martin at some point or another.