Rick n morty

let's see how long Sup Forums can talk about this show before somebody mentions reddit

You already mentioned it..

>Reddit and Memey

once again proving how shit the opinions on this board are

this show isnt even bad

dont you have some cunnyposting or KEKED shit to post?



This shit is seriously reddit embodied
You should go back there btw

>i literally cannot stop thinking about reddit everything i dont like is reddit

is this show any good? i heard it was pretty swagtastic humor and it was full of win

For the record Bojack is much more Reddit than Rick and Morty.

Bojack Horseman is genuinely one of the most vile and disgusting shows I've ever watched. Except for season 2

It's pretty good if you take it on its own terms and have patience when it gets edgy. Some pretty neat sci-fi ideas make up the storyline for most of the episodes.

Yeah its so deep, I like to watch it while 420 toking it with the rest of my gentleman scientist dropout friends le

You should probably stop projecting.


It's great, especially the Rick Potion #9 episode

Don't let the opinions of other people taint your experience. Either watch it or don't. Have your own thoughts.

It's Family Guy meets The Big Bang Theory, don't even bother.
There are some good moments but Season 2 was a decline and it's probably going to get way worse

Why are people watching cartoons?

>Welcome to Reddit Morty!
>Funny cat pictures Rick!
>Wow here's an upboat Morty!
>Karma conspiracy Rick!
>Wait til le Summer hears about this one. Front Page Morty!
>I tip my hat to you, I tip my fedora to you Rick!
>And in this moment I am euphoric Morty!
>You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. Who said chivalry is dead Rick!
>Carl Sagan +1 Adios Morty!

>greentext adhoms and vapid generalisations to arguments because I have no rebuttal
Kisses you softly

>le epin nihilism and science brahs hahaha so randum and wacky xDDD

Literally Neil DeGrasse Tyson AKA reddit: this show

People shouldn't watch this cr*p

Hehe xd

>I am literally incapable of enjoying anything nor can I relate to shows/movies without using buzzwords or references to Sup Forums culture.
>I am a boring, miserable, joyless cunt who will always consider myself better than everyone else while I shitpost on Sup Forums all day.

Anyone who dislikes the show is simply too dumb to get it or a memeing Sup Forums contrarian.

>Im unable to accept that my taste in TV shows is terrible but I cant actually argue the merits of that TV show so I just insult everyone who dares not like it

Coincidentally that is how people on Reddit argue

>2 dumb 2 get it!!
It's fucking dan harmon and a literally who. There's nothing "advanced" in this, because it doesn't have educated writers, it's not written by a fucking literal rocket scientist, it's written by regular dudes.

>I'm so incapable of accepting criticism to my show that I'll insult anyone who dares to dislike it
I don't even hate Rick and Morty but it seems like every single one of it's fans is incapable of arguing beyond calling everyone who dislikes it a contrarian or using the "you hate fun" argument.

you're right *burp* all you need is to get schwifty

No dude you just don't -get it-. Like the part where Richard tells Mortred that "love is just a chemical do science xD" that's pretty deep dude because check this out dude, all of the emotions in our brain are just chemicals. money is just paper dude, fucking mind dunked bro i just expanded your horizons so much hopefully now you can enjoy Rasta and Morticia you dig hombre?

>You have to be a fan of the show to have opinions about it that differ from the rest of Sup Forums.

Morty, Morty *burp* you-you-you just gotta, you gotta *burp* grab the-uh end of that thing and *burp* *braap* Cymoscope *buuurp* *sips alcohol* Macropterous *buurp* Morty

Hahaha irresponsibility and a 40 year old jewish man in a boys body, ahahahahaha. Go back to where you came from and stay there.

Fuck you guys and the RnM is reddit meme, you fucking neckbeards. I know for a fact that actual hot girls love this show. In fact I was able to get my foot in the door with a qt girl at the bar all by mentioning this show. We were able to talk 15 minutes straight retelling the good jokes. Something you fucking can't do with Simpsons, FG or SP because they're shit and unfunny. Now if only Dan Harmon would get off his ass and make Season 3 I could invite a girl over to watch Reddit and Memey and get some fucking play for a change!

Has season 3 come out yet?

You jackasses keep holding your breath.

Season 1: Decent show with affable humor. Very middle of the road, with a cancer fanbase
Season 3 is probably going to be full poz. Can't wait for the villains of the season to be hillary and trump because the writers are all "having meaningful opinion means I'm an extremist, muh horseshoe"

You are literally a fucking meme. I doubt your tastes are any better than their target audience nor that you've seen a single episode nor that you even genuinely have an opinion of your own at this point.

I like this show and like reading here the anons who mimicking the show desu

>this show is awful and here's why

Lmao are all fans of this show this pathetic?

>swagtastic humor
>full of win
you'll love it

>"having meaningful opinion means I'm an extremist, muh horseshoe"

Do you think you have meaningful opinions, my man?

I completely understand why people like it. but they cannot understand why others don't.

i have never been on reddit before, what does it even mean to say its reddit embodied

surely you'd have to use reddit to know, that would explain why you would want to distance yourself from it

ive been reading this same shit for fucking years and i have no fucking clue what it means, stop fucking talking about fucking reddit what the fuck

does everybody just want me to go to reddit to find out why people cant stop talking about reddit i dont understand

I have sat through countless episodes of it at friends houses

You have so little self reflection that you accuse other people of not having their own opinions when you probably watch it so you can participate in 400 comment long reddit post chains where people quote their favourite lines from it

>if you hate my cartoon you are a bitter virgin loser who hates fun
>it was too deep for you
>the show is good you just want to hate it
>you just hate things because they are popular

mainstream/vanilla, millennial college humor. there, you now understand what "reddit" means.

>heh, what's the matter user, hate fun?

>implying Sup Forums is any better
Please more brap posting, cunnythreads, celebrity worship, capekino threads, blacked, and pol threads

>canned responses
>i bet u go to le reddits xD
>real opinions

k faggot

Better than a destruction based outlook because you just discovered the horseshoe fallacy and think that anything beyond a milquetoast point of view is extremist. The universe doesn't bend to your false equivalencies, you miserable piece of human garbage.

>ms paint strawman comic
Admirable debating skills.

>No response to my text
>I'm going to attack your picture
k then.

>this show is awful and here's why
I know why it's awful sometimes, not that you actually explained how yourself. But I can still allow myself to watch things I don't completely like without having a rod crammed up my arse. You are a literal meme, fuck off dude.

>entire argument is based off a retarded strawman, perfectly encapsulated by the stupid image attached to your post
>not expecting me to mock it

Whats so wrong about having sex with a mentally handicapped girl tho? talkin about the right ideologie btw.

>mocking is the only thing he can do instead of attacking straight on
>D-do you think you have meaningful opinions
More meaningful than you at least. At least I don't throw a bitchfit when someone has strong opinions about anything near me.

Reddit and Memey is a cartoon genetically engineerd to appeal to imdbspawn Sup Forumsedditors with no sense of sophisication who laud meme dialog, which supports upvote groupthink mentality, and meme acting with a good cartoon pandering reddit tier meta scifi shit "entertainment" sensibilities and a meme tv show aesthetic. This is flick tier at best and will rightfully be left to toil in mediocrity, like the population it was so carefully focus-grouped to appeal to.


I would further boil it down to
>that is safe and unoffensive for all shapes, colors, and genders

>>mocking is the only thing he can do instead of attacking straight on
Mocking is the only thing a strawman deserves. I'm not gonna be baited into arguing against your imaginary points.

>More meaningful than you at least.
>ms paint comics literally define his debating skills

Wouldn't expect anything else from a Sup Forums refugee.

I didn't say anything about Sup Forums though.

The worst part of this show is the philosophy and Rick's character. The nihilistic shit drags it down and feels forced.

It's much better when its about wacky scifi gags and premises with dark shit sprinkled in like the Meeseeks episode with the rapey king guy or interdimensional cable.

The show literally is half Sup Forums, half reddit (the cocreators have way different senses of humor)

Care to share some of your meaningful opinions, friend?

Yeah, ur a faget

This picture makes no sense. It has nothing to do with politics and completely fails as an example.

All horseshoe theory says is that extremist (I mean legitimately extremist) political systems regardless of political spectrum share a great amount of similarities, such as authoritarianism, collectivism and excessive state control. Which is largely true, considering the fallen regimes of the last century.

The only problem is the definition of extremism and what it can be considered to be nowadays. Nothing that happened in 2016 or 2017 has anything to do with horseshoe theory. I don't even understand what is the point you are trying to make or what it has to do with Rick and Morty.