If you are white

If you are white
Kill Yourself

If you are male
Kill Yourself

If you are straight
Kill Yourself

If you are rich
Kill Yourself

If you are all 4
kill yourself and give all your money to black families

simple as that

byyyyeeeee loooosers!

*middle finger*

Isn't he/she/it white?


they sure do

brb buying a katana and giving all my wealth to my black neighbors.

>disgusting fat blob has to project it's self-loathing outward to keep from killing itself
>covers itself in a giant meme so it can't see it's own reflection


I know things like this are supposed to make me rage, but they just make me feel better about my sad life.
I may be a bit of a loser, but at least my life still has a slim hope of getting better.

Dunno about killing oneself that seems kinda drastic but white people sure are whiniest of races.

kill yourself nigger


nice job proving his point

You first you niggerloving fatfuck piece of shit.

Shut up bitch

A lot of material was needed to make that outfit.

what did I prove?
niggers whine all the time

>Isn't he/she/it white?
you can "identify" as something you're not, so no, none of the above if ze/zir chooses

>Trump openly expresses his love for Israel
what did he mean by this?

I don't care one way or another if a black person wants to gripe about the white man. A lot of them feel about us the way we feel about the Jew.

That thing in OP's pic that calls itself Dean Sutton and other traitors like it should be tied to a stake, covered in honey, have fire ants dumped all over it's body and then if the fire ants finish the honey abandon it and it's still alive it should be set fire.

Like it's one thing to have black friends and to believe in some liberal talking points but, Sutton and other pieces of shit like it are on a whole another level. I hope they are made an example of.

Dean HUTTon

No, Jewish.

Stop shitposting, CLoister

I'm not sure if this is nsfw, because I don't know if that's classified as a woman.

Not enough, apparently.
