Criminals dont obey gun laws therefore we dont need more gun regulation

>criminals dont obey gun laws therefore we dont need more gun regulation

Other urls found in this thread:

>if you want crime to go down you need more guns not less

>if we ban guns, then all the criminals will still keep theirs, therefore a ban on guns will do nothing

>criminals dont follow any laws so why have laws at all? After all they will only affect the good citizens

Easy solution: revoke drivers licenses from women

>Easy solution: Revoke all guns from citizens

Easy solution: revoke citizenship from women.

this means that criminals will have guns (by illegal gun trades etc...) while citizens who follow the law will must follow gun-laws, therefore, increasing the ease for criminals to act.

it's not that fucking hard

A gun is a stop sign?
No, the gun is the car.

Drivers licenses aren't protected by the Constitution :^)

>False equivalence the comic

>criminals don't obey gun regulations, therefore we shouldn't regulate guns
>criminals don't obey traffic regulations, therefore we shouldn't have cars
When you put it like that, it sounds completely insane. How does he get away with making such a false equivalency?

>COULD care less
how to spot a drooling retard 101

fuckin lefties mate

Disobeying a stop sign isn't a criminal offense.

what stops criminals with a gun?

A non-criminal with a gun every time, nothing else compares.

You can spend zero dollars by reducing stupid nutjob leftist regulations and allowing law-abiding moral citizens to protect their own lives.
You can spend several hundred thousand dollars per cop for similar effectiveness (or worse. Cops shoot more innocent bystanders than license-holding civilians and act far more irresponsibly because they know they're above the law)

Next time Antwaine Dakwonda Brown is stealing your wallet, racking his foty-five and preparing to make your lack of brains a puddle on the sidewalk, smile and say "killing me is illegal, you're in trouble when the police come 20 minutes from now!"
It will end really well for you and improve the gene pool.

All illegal guns begin life as legal guns.
If you restrict the number of legal guns, you restrict the number of illegal guns.
It's not that hard.

this is a bait thread

sage, report and ignore

Just vote Bernie and everything will be fine you faggot loser.

Yes but allowing the normal citizenry to buy and legally own heavy weapons is just giving them the chance plus the temptation to turn into fucking criminals.

Most of the people who commit mass murders or kill cops like the dallas nigger where not actual criminals and only became criminals AFTER they commited the mass murder. Essentially guns enable normal citizenry to become murderers by giving them the tools to carry out such attacks. Attacks that would normally not happen IF those law abiding citizens could not get guns in the first place.

Its like this. Some people, like most of Sup Forums I'm sure, every once in a while fantasize the idea of killing all their enemys/people they hate. By having guns readily available, they are able to carry out their fantasy, a fantasy that would normally just stay a fantasy and eventually be forgotten.

>gun laws result in nignogs getting shot by police every single day
>hey guys you know what will stop gun crime?
>More laws that will disproportionately result in more up and coming rappers getting shot by police

we already do this with niggers and abortion and is doesn't seem to work.

that worked out for every drug out there.

We don't need anything. There's no such thing as a need. page 29

And they will all completely ignore the point made here just like the last thread and the last and the one before.

>implying illegal gun--Manufacturing is not a thing:
those guns are shipped world wide to happy buyers.

and while the criminals have guns and the citizens don't, the citizen will not have a way to protect himself nor his family.

pic related to what you should do

Traded analogy

It would be criminals don't obey traffic laws so restrict all cars to 5 miles an hour.

Explain how some nigger is going to magically manufacture his own rifle, nutjobs.

Makes no sense whatsoever. Committing crime with a gun is a crime no matter what. Driving past a not-stop-sign is not. A better analogy would be to install MORE stop signs.

>Projection: the post

You aren't that great at this bait thread thing.

Speed limits are a pretty good example of laws not doing shit desu given that everybody in the country breaks them on a daily basis

Oh, I forgot you live in a fantasy world where that would be possible in a country with law enforcement.
See you Sup Forums.

Mexico dumbass.

Leftists BTFO'd by reality once again.

So much false equivalency.

The problems with gun-free zones are 1) If someone has a concealed firearm, you aren't going to know they're violating the zone until they pull it out and start blasting, and 2) In order to defend against those people you would need to have guns yourself, but you aren't allowed to.

It's entirely different from something like a no-smoking zone. You know right away when someone is violating it because you can see them smoking. And no one's life is immediately in danger.

Post an argument anytime.

You faggots must know this is all true. Or what, do you think a beta cuck boi like Adam Lanza or Dylan Roof would have the balls/resources to buy a gun in the black market? Do you even know how dangerous doing that shit is? Its not like theres a black market store right around the corner.


>drive over the speed limit
>hit someone
>vehicle computer reports last speed before accident
>looks like you were speeding so now you are fucked

b-b-but muh useless laws!

Driving is a privilege

Owning guns is a right

Feel free to amend the constitution, all you need is 60 percent of the country to vote to approve it, until then, eat shit.

>so much false equivalency

Heh. But this is the only way 80% of Sup Forums argues these days. What? Dont like it when people use your same dirty tactics against you?

Here's your (you) faggot

>I know nothing: the post

Keep going, desu.

Do they not realise it's too late when there are already so many guns in your country? If they try and remove your guns then the only people left with them will be the criminals. The 12%.

Stop signs aren't designed to make already-criminal actions more difficult to carry out. There is also not the dynamic whereby someone not being bound by stop signs would help them protect themselves from criminals. Not a valid analogy.

See: Removing all the traffic signs actually reduced the amount of accidents in the towns that tried this, and made their streets safer.
Even when the left resorts to absurd strawmanning, reality has already proven them wrong.

All for the sentiment it represents, but still, the most cherry picked propaganda piece

oo post the one about the guns made in mexico and then shipped to the US.

That video absolutely proves my point. Thanks for playing jew.

what was the mane of the episode again?

we already have gun regulation. what we need is nigger regulation, that would have the biggest impact.

>All illegal guns begin as legal guns
I'm sorry my dude but that is just incorrect

You said it yourself fuckboi. TOWNS. Try doing this shit in new york city and then get back to me

very interesting stuff
digits registered as well
Just like the sand niggers do

Not a clue I saw it in a bar a while back. It had some dude from a cartel explaining how they "cloned" guns and then shipped them through the US to other countries.

what about
that shows illegal gun trades exist.

and what about

that shows that illegal guns are crafted and shipped to the us?

what about those nigger faggot?

>gun regulation is all the laws forbidding people to do illegal things with guns like killing people

Congrats, you don't understand anything.

Was there ever a political cartoon made by anyone that wasn't complete strawman cancer?

Seriously, the average political cartoon looks like something any 14 year old could shit out during class.

>ghost guns

That was it. Thanks israelibro.


All blacks begin life as non felons.
If you restrict the number of blacks, you restrict the number of felons.
It's not that hard.

The difference is we want everybody to stop at stop signs not just people that dont obey the law
The only way gun control makes sense is if your goal is to disarm the law abiding population

The truth hurts Eurofags, we're keeping our guns.
for more

you don't need a no shooting people sign to let people know there's a law against it.

Pretty shit comparison user. The purpose of stop signs aren't to stop criminals from breaking the law (as is the case with gun regulations). The point of stop signs is to alert the driver that they don't have the right-of-way and help keep traffic moving efficiently and safely.

I think you mean blacks

Irrelevant. The two caricatures allege that the concept of removing traffic signs is patently absurd, they rely on this to make their point—when in reality, it actually works, at least on a certain scale. Therefore, the concept is not absurd at all, but in fact very practical in certain situations, and the cartoonist's “argument” is rendered invalid.

Fuck your gun regulation, cocksucker.
Move to Europe if you want that faggotry.

This kills the progressive/eurotard-

But user, isn't the right to own lethal arms an inviolate natural right?

How does rescinding the 2nd amendment suddenly make a right disappear?

>implying only guns kill people and there aren't other types of weapons in the world

>Mudslimes take over

Yes, people will stop braking before intersections when you remove stop signs.
Might be true for america, tho.

>I'm suffering from islamic terrorism
>You need more muslims

I'm on fire!
here's a fire extinguisher, caution misuse can cause injury or death

I have cancer!
here's radiation, if misused causes injury or death.

I'm being mugged!
Here's a gun, if misused causes injury or death.

funny how gun control nuts all want to also push America in a direction that will make people militant. It is almost like they realize they better take the guns first.

A law is different than a regulation.
Don't conflate the two.
It is illegal to ignore a stop sign.
Are you saying you want to make guns illegal to possess?

>Oh, I forgot you live in a fantasy world where that would be possible in a country with law enforcement.
Does Australia not have law enforcement? I swear to god anti-gunners are functionally retarded.

If you're really mentally handicapped like OP, you will have to pay the insurance and risk your life. Composition fallacy much?

False equivalence.

You're just playing with words at this point.

Traffic signs are placed EXACTLY because the vast majority of people abide by the laws in place, that's why they work.

On the other hand, gun regulations are proposed because a tiny minority doesn't abide by the laws in place.

You shot yourself on the foot libshit.
Pun intended.

Lmfao that post

The fundamental difference is that millions of gun owners will never doing anything bad with them.

It's not just a matter of criminals ignoring the laws; it's the fact that criminals will ignore the laws like any other law, but normal law-abiding gun owners will be impeded.

>>criminals dont obey gun laws therefore we dont need more gun regulation
i love american doublethink about law. anytime it suits them, law is magic and 100% solves everything and will be respected 100% of the time (see: SHALL NOT LE INFRINGE :^) ) but as soon as you bring up something they don't like, suddenly laws and police and courts are all useless and do literally nothing at all to stop anything ever

death to america

False dichotomy. Road signs are there to tell you what to expect and what you should be doing in order to drive safely. They are not there to deter criminals.

People want gun control because they think it will stop criminals. It won't. It doesn't. There's been years of examples. Chicago every weekend. San Bernadino in California.

If you want to actually solve the problem, you need to focus on what's causing the violence, like fixing the black community, finding or preventing Islamic extremists, and figuring out how to identify and treat people with psychopathic tendencies.

But all of those are hard, so Democrats will just blame it on guns. And then they'll wonder why shit keeps happening.

>aw jeez, sir, looks to be that the registration on that nigger ya got there ran out not 2 months ago. Now I know what it's like, so i's just gonna give you a warning this time. Make sure you go right over and get that renewed ya hear?

Removing all traffic regulations actually end up in safer driving.

We don't need overly-restrictive gun laws. We already have gun laws. It would be like stop signs that make you wait 1 min, 10 mins, 1 hour, 10 days. Criminals would just blast through that shit when they want to, yet law abiding citizens will follow those stop sign laws however unreasonable they are.

Blaming guns for gun violence is like blaming the water for drowning the guy or blaming cigarettes for the guy dying from presumed smoking related cancer. You're blaming inanimate objects instead of focusing on the human decisions that have caused your issues.

In this case, more guns means more guns in the hands of capable law abiding citizens in the form of concealed carry, so that they can help police their communities, defend themselves when needed, and promote a positive attitude towards a self-defense tool instead of fearing it.

German's autobahn has proven that given good enough roads and drivers, speed limits are stupid. On the freeways, most people do 5-20mph over anyway, and only the strict law abiding citizen adhere to the exact limit.

The whole point of the criminals don't follow laws logic is that leftists, and liberals attack the law abiding citizens' rights to own guns whenever something bad happens. Why? Because law-abiding citizens are easy targets. It's much harder to crackdown on criminals and black market arms sales, or treat mentally ill people, create harmonious communities without race baiting for political gain, without globalist false flag agendas. Their emotionally charged attacks against an innocent group of people not only reveal their true agendas, but also their true nature of beings lacking in reasoning ability.


>a lawful driver can stop an unlawful criminal driver


It's been found that less signs are actually safer as they make drivers think about the conditions of the road and what they are doing and not just going on autopilot.

gun grab = civil war
if they do it peacemail
it will not work because we are all reichs of one for now, we are our own furer and we will not be disarmed by the enemy

nice OC mate.
fuckin' saved

That makes sense. Stop signs also don't stop anyone from running a bunch of pedestrians down.

Stop signs are for safety, not security. The equivalent would be teaching people how to handle guns properly.


>criminals don't obey gun laws therefore we should make it harder for people who aren't criminals to get guns


Cars aren't a god-given unrepealable constitutional right.
They're never going away, gun control will never happen, deal

drivers not paying any attention is a problem. if you do away with the signs there will be more accidents where people failed