Top Israeli Official Admits Israel Supports ISIS

>Israel’s military intelligence chief, Major General Herzi Halevy, took Israel’s long-standing position that it “prefers ISIS” over the Syrian government to a whole ‘nother level, declaring openly that Israel does not want to see ISIS defeated in the war.

>saying that in the last three months the Islamist group was facing the “most difficult” situation since its inception and declaration of a caliphate.

>He then said Israel will do “all we can so as to not find ourselves in such a situation,” suggesting that the Israeli military is looking at direct support for ISIS as a matter of policy, and not just rhetoric.

Other urls found in this thread:

Also never forget Steve Pachenic on the Alex Jones Show said his fellow Jews did 9/11



Got a more reliable source? is pretty reliable desu






I was put off by Noam Chomsky always contributing.


Best article:

Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan have also written in the site. It was one of the few sources who called out the Israelis in 2003 over the Iraq War


Chomsky being antiwar is about the only thing he's good for.

But is a very reliable source.
They were even investigated by the FBI just after 9/11 for articles pointing out Israeli connections to the attack.

Link kinda unrelated

Good work posting that site user the newfags here probably never heard of it

Get Ready

>Good work posting that site user the newfags here probably never heard of it
I know ever since all the attention this place got a bunch of blue pilled newfags invaded and the Right-Wing Libertarian types are being drowned out

I have a feeling it's going to get as popular as it was in 2003-2006 if and when Hilldog takes control

Thanks for this user bookmarked

How would I find these articles?
Just typing keywords such as "antiwar iraq war israel"?
Want to make sure I get the correct one.

>Just typing keywords such as "antiwar iraq war israel"?
Yea that's a good way also check out it likes to anti war sometimes

Just about everything on that site is good

Also follow Ryan Dawson on

Documentary related

Single greatest redpill on 9/11 the Iraq and Afghanistan wars CIA drug smuggling and the current situation in Syria
If you haven't watched it you don't really belong on this site.

*Links not likes

Thanks, will check when I get home - on phone.
Also, what would they call Israelis out on for the 2003 Iraq War?
I may be naive to this...

Israel isn't bothering anyone

stop posting this anti semitic spam bruh

This is about as spoon fed as it gets

potato niggers getting jealous of the rest of anglosphere's shitposting game

The Israeli Lobby and the Israeli Government pushed hard for war in Iraq in 2003 and were the decisive factor in the launching of the war by the Bush administration
check out this book: the israel lobby and u.s. foreign policy

OR just read the summary on Wikipedia

$20 to watch something.
Comments on trailer make a good point - he should release it for free or at least at a lower price.

Damn it JIDF

Thanks you, thank you.

doesn't help that there were over 9000 Jews in PNAC which piggybacked onto the Bush administration in 2001

No problem newfag enjoy the red pill


Seems legit


It's a pretty reliable source bro the only real opposition to the Iraq war back in the 2000's

>tfw when been coming on for over 10 years and still getting referred to a newfag

What board do you mainly browse

>Gold is going up,. buy gold

ooga booga, nigger

All these shills

>Also, what would they call Israelis out on for the 2003 Iraq War?

>thread is absent Israeli flags
>disparate nations appear supporting Israel in its collaboration with Islamic terrorists

It's so obvious too they don't even hide it anymore

Red pill these Zionist Christians

I started off on Sup Forums late 2006, then /new/ then here.
I'm mostly here, but I still like to ask as many questions on as many topics/issues - regardless of how much I know already.
I just wanted more specifics, you often get Israel/Jew thrown around with nothing more behind it - so just wanted to know in what sense that particular time.

If the jews found a goy army to fight their wars, you can be sure they got a few goys to shill for them from other countries.

Hows Mugabe doing bro

>Being for one of the best anf longest run alternative media sources out there makes one a shill
My has this site fallen

>>Being for one of the best anf longest run alternative media sources out there makes one a shill
No I called you a shill because i thought you were trash talking the site

Then Maybe you should take a remedial English class instead of shitposting

>Then Maybe you should take a remedial English class instead of shitposting
Sorry dude I just checked the wrong id my bad


You people are all idiots. All he said was that he prefers to have an enemy such as ISIS to win a theater against Hezbollah and Iran's ground forces which pose a larger threat to us. In the end of the day all are hostile to us and all wish to kill us so it'd be perferable to wish for the lesser threat to win. It's not that we're suddenly buddies or 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', we're not their friends, they're our enemy and we would never support them.

Where's Moshe when you need him, eh?

>they're our enemy and we would never support them.

To be fair al-Nusra and ISIS aren't allies and aren't the same - different policies/end goals.
Putting them in the same box is a disgrace to the hard work and effort we put into /sg/.
Speaking of which, has your Druze community finally managed to persuade you guys into not doing this anymore?
You do realize that al-Nusra will just go back and harm the Druze of Syria?

Why not just say want them all to die. Why be that sly cryptic Jew stereotype :(?

You mad merchant?

>You people are all idiots.
No we know dam. Well what Israel is after
Destabilized terrorist ridden shit holes that pose no hegemonical threat to Israeli regional power like stable governments do and radical Islamic terrorism is the tool to achieve this.
>Every Arab on Arab conflict benefits us
t The Prince of Darkness to Bibi
> they're our enemy and we would never support them.
Your air force has been providing Isis and Al queada air support against Assad from the very beginning.
Israel opposes these groups like America opposed the contras in the 80s.

We hold Assad's army responsible for any incidents that happen next to our border, doesn't mean that ISIS is suddenly our proxy army or some shit like that.

ISIS isn't the only organization next to the border; there's the FSA, Nusra, the SAA, the Islamic Jihad and many other smaller groups. Our soldiers aided only one group, it wasn't ISIS.

>To be fair al-Nusra and ISIS aren't allies and aren't the same - different policies/end goals.
You should know better, pic related. But the next picture will explain everything.

>ISIS isn't the only organization next to the border; there's the FSA, Nusra, the SAA, the Islamic Jihad and many other smaller groups.
Every single one of those groups are intertwined with the same individual fighters skipping round them for whoever is convenient at the time.
The only population more propagandized and brainwashed on this subject ahead of Americans is Israelis.

I know all of this, friend.
I just get annoyed when people refer to al-Nusra as ISIS.
Call it OCD.
This doesn't mean I prefer one over the other - all should be killed off with fire.


You don't know shit, you think you know in your head because you've been filled up with your conspiracy theories that there's some masterplan to take over the region. Assad and his dad kept the peace for 40 years, Assad is a secular leader amongst the last who is friendly to Iran but not a full puppet, making him fall and having him replaced with Sunni radicals or Shia radicals whould only harm us.

This war spans multiple factions in which all of them hates us, it's best to just wish all of them good luck.

Our air force was supporting local militants, not ISIS and not fucking Al-Qaeda which sworn to destroy us. We attacked Assad's military as a response for our own border being attacked. Since we didn't know which group did what we held the SAA responsible for all engagements.

They have on and off been working and exchanging weapons with each other though

Jew, please. It doesn't matter what these groups want.

You think we're the ones brainwashed despite not being there? This isn't a game where soldiers just switch sides, they have their own stracture, their own ranks, their own relations to each other. They don't work like clubs where people can just join and leave all the time.

Any sane regime would do the same thing if they were in Israel's position.

Israel's regime isn't sane. Sane regimes don't attack their own benefactors.

Pretty much this. The funniest thing is how the "redpilled" mongoloids are essentially pushing the conspiracy theory popular in the mudslime world that "Isis are not real mudslimes they are CIA Mossad agents, Islam is a religion of peace!!!!"

>You don't know shit, you think you know in your head because you've been filled up with your conspiracy theories that there's some masterplan to take over the region
These aren't theories these are decades long policies that have been being followed almost to the t. And if you read them now they read like history papers not policy papers written in the early 80s
If you cannot name what I'm talking about you're furthering my point that you're an ignorant propagandized prole.
Isis is to Israel what the Contras were to America in the 80s.
> Our air force was supporting local militants, not ISIS and not fucking Al-Qaeda which sworn to destroy us.
Not at all
Israeli airstrikes have repeatedly striked Assad forces in direct conflict with Isis and Al queada.
And to further back up the article in OP Israeli airstrikes killed a Syrian general and a Hezbollah commander in charge of fighting Isis in the region.

> This war spans multiple factions in which all of them hates us, it's best to just wish all of them good luck.
I'll quote the Prince of Darkness again
>Every Arab on Arab conflict benefits us

>"Isis are not real mudslimes they are CIA Mossad agents
Why can't they be both, Chaim? The leaders are on the take, the mooks have 70 IQs.

>Israel's regime isn't sane.

oy veyyyyyy

If you were the Israeli government would you attack and kill American soldiers?


>This isn't a game where soldiers just switch sides, they have their own stracture, their own ranks, their own relations to each other. They don't work like clubs where people can just join and leave all the time.
Again there is a wealth of evidence of this happening.
You have John McCain of all people with men from the "FSA" later to be on the media as Isis members.
This shit isn't thinly disguised if you turn of the damn propaganda machine.
Nation's using despicable groups as proxy forces is centuries old do t think yours is any different

More frequent in the past, but since split they've openly clashed with each other.
You'll get certain factions breaking off from both groups that will collude with each other temporarily to fight off their common enemy - but nothing more than that.
Sunni Islamist militia/rebels are shit-tier and unreliable/unpredictable.
Again, they're both a bunch of cunts.

>the one-or-the-other meme
Nice try.

>Privateers funded by the British crown to attack Spain weren't real pirates as well
Radical Islam is nothing more than a convenient tool


'The Elders of Zion'. I know what you're talking about, they're fake. The same people 'controlling the world' wouldn't allow a book disclosing all their schemey jewish very /evil/ schemes to be revealed to the world.

Our airstrikes targeted Hezbollah which is still prompting to start a frontier with us at all the times. The Syrian general was aiding Hezbollah.
The fact that they were fighting ISIS at the time doesn't change the fact that they were posing a bigger threat to us more than the same people they were fighting at that very time.

They want us all gone, they are all our enemies.

You sound like my 60 year old Egyptian neighbor who blames everything that happens in the ME on Israel and America. Conspiracy theories about Isis are very popular among Shia mudslimes are you sure you are not some kind of Iranian shitskin? Cucknada is a multicultural shithole I wouldn't be surprised

>Just a tin foil theory goyim

Some of us know you hate sand niggers more than anyone here greatest ally.
Living surrounded by subhumans must be a pain in the ass.

People happened to defect? Wow, that's surprising.

The FSA is crumbling and its members joined other groups, it doesn't mean that they switch sides all the times when it suits them like they're the same army divided by names.

I like how you got your hands on classified material. Throwing Assad won't help us. The United States proved that it doesn't see Iran as a threat by making that deal which allows it to continue developing nukes.

More Sup Forums hypocrisy

> Russia steps into Syria
> "fuck yea good job based Russia"

> Israel has a fucking opinion
> Evil kikes!

We dont even have concrete proof that he said this other than this """"reliable"""" news source.

stupid warmongering jews in both Israel and the US are a consistent advocate for entanglement in the Middle East tar baby

If Hillary gets elected we're going to put our last foot in

When did Israel ever attack American soldiers

> inb4 "muh uss liberty, look here it says on this website it was a hoax1!!!"

The difference is that Russia was bombing terrorists while Israel is supporting them and bombing the people fighting them.

There are high IQ people everywhere, just sparsely distributed. About ISIS leadership, many of them are ex-Al Qaeda bosses and Iraqi army and Intelligence officers from the Saddam era, many of them veterans of several wars, so yeah, not to be underestimated.

>I just get annoyed when people refer to al-Nusra as ISIS.
It doesn't matter the name of the 61243 groups fighting in Syria because the whole thing is a fight between Assad's forces and the other side. Israel wants ISIS to win or a perpetual war in Syria, so it doesn't matter what the group Al-Whatever wants.

>israel supports shitskins killing other shitskins
wow who could believe this?
just shocking!

>9999 nice

We're not supporting them. We bomb Hezbollah and Assad's forces who happen to work with them because they pose a threat to us. We don't bomb them because we're huge fans of ISIS or Nusra.

>People happened to defect? Wow, that's surprising
Gee it's almost like you'll do anything to justify your government funding absolutely horrible groups.
> it doesn't mean that they switch sides all the times when it suits them like they're the same army divided by names.
But that is exactly what is going on.
Look at all of those Toyota trucks Isis is using.
Know where they came from?
All that "nonlethal aid" sent to "moderate rebels" which all of it conveniently landed directly into thr hand of Isis.

This is very basic modus operandi for establishing plausible deniability when supporting proxy forces.
> I like how you got your hands on classified material
Literally everyone has access to this information because Hillary is an incompetent moron and left it in a place your average highschool hacker could get it.
> Throwing Assad won't help us
Tell that to ur absolutely insane Zionist government because the giant cherry of irony on this shit sundae is that they're doing this all for some insane Zionist agenda that is only going to harm Israel as a whole.
> United States proved that it doesn't see Iran as a threat by making that deal which allows it to continue developing nukes.
Pfffffft ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha
>Developing nukes
Not a single intelligence agency on the planet including your mossad thinks this because they simply aren't.
It is a propaganda tool to trick retards into supporting this insane Zionist agenda which men like Bibi are at the forefront of.

I understand that - think most sane (and clued up) people on this board do too.
As I said earlier - I'm pretty OCD when it comes to these things, nothing personal.
You might like pic related.

No one cares about your motivations, only your actions.

I'd like to see what Trump has to say about this. He's basically fucked one way or the other since he insists on suck Jew dick.