Why are there no cult films anymore? I can't think of anything from recent years people quote regularly.
Why are there no cult films anymore? I can't think of anything from recent years people quote regularly
Drive literally is the biggest cult movie on this stupid fucking board. How stupid are you?
If a movie is original or campy it won't be greenlit. The only movies made nowadays are guaranteed hits or tragic flops.
The Dark Knight Rises
There's plenty. You're just too normie.
This guy
Someone get this hothead outta here.
There was a Superbad trailer that actually tried to sell the movie as this generation's quotable movie or something. Can anyone quote anything off it without looking at imdb?
BvS is The The Room of this generation
Literally this
Not really, just the beginning
>Big veiny motherfuckers
The Neon Demon will become a cult classic in around 20 years
my name jeff xd
this raises an interestion question
what, if any, is the difference between a cult film and a meme film?
A meme film is a film that normie a will flock to and a cult film is a film that...
Shit someone help
Similarly, I remember commercials for the movie Dope selling it as, like, "the most significant film of a generation, destined to be beloved for years to come" etc. Then it came out and nobody gave a shit about it.
Because for a film to be cult it needs to speak with a unique or ostentatious voice oe vision which runs too high a risk for big hollywood shit to gamble on, and the reddit-ization of criticism vocabulary has choked it out of the indies coz everything needs to follow muh three act structures and other vague wikipedia tier dramaturgy concepts because god forbid a movie challenge meta-concepts like structure in a meaningful way (but if its le quirky self evident meta humor with no point but to be a joke that gets a pass?)
it's hard to say because to become a cult film you need some time. like when big lebowski came out in the 70s there were like 300 movies. there are at least 2000 movies now the competition is too high
>quoting movies
You uncultured cuck.
Scott Pilgrim
>when big lebowski came out in the 70s
Black Dynamite
Superbad is pretty quotable, a lot more memorable than comedies of today
I always remember the McLovin exchange at least
>McLovin? McLovin?
>What kind of a stupid fucking name is that Fogel, are you trying to be an Irish R&B singer?
That was like 10 years ago.
All I remember is Emma Stone.
>Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law
Fury Road
>Muhammed is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once.
It only came out a year before Drive.
I remember subway sandwich man saying "fuck" about 200 times.
it's obvious bait but it was still pretty funny
The absolute worst flick ever made
The VVitch is a cult film now.
Batman vs Superman is the closest thing we have to a big budget "cult" movie recently
How is it "cult" when it made $750m, I hear you ask? Well, it's cult because it's generally regarded as shit but there's a small, vocal minority of fans who obsess over it and defend it beyond reason.
It's fairly quotable
>Daddy's fist and abominations
>I thought she was with you
The thing with cult movies is that they get recognized as such after some time passes.
The Thing was considered a mediocre gorefest with no story and a really shitty soundtrack when it was released. Then people watched it on the VHS... "Oh, this is actually good."
>Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law
I've seen the film twice and the Martha bit is the only one of those I remember
>You uncultured cuck.
We need to retain the integrity of that word as a weapon in meme warfare against leftist doo doo heads.
>10 years ago was 17 years ago
A cult film implies a generally higher level of quality
A meme film just means that there's a line of dialogue or scene that people keep repeating like a bunch of parrots
Carpenter is the cult master
>you hit becca's foot with your dick?
that's the only one though
I use one of the quotes from the film pretty much every day.
"Fuck my life".
>A cult film implies a generally higher level of quality
what? a bunch of troma films and other shitty films are considered cult as well.
I'd say OGF will be the movie
You dupahits, he's saying "when the big Lebowski came out, there were like 300 movies, in the 70s" he could have worded it better or used commas or something, but you need to think.
For a film to be 'cult' it has to be discovered or apreciated years later. That will never happen.
dredd one i can think of but there not really cult movies that big enough to quote and people will get it
Spring Breakers, now thats a cult classic
>Look at all mah shit
It has nothing to do with quality. Most cult films are actually of sub-par quality, but are still memorable and charming in their own ways.
Blackhat also comes to mind
Taika Waititi's films are ridiculously quotable.
Thanks to that movie I can quote all speeches from goebbels verbatim
>immortan hoe
Would u guys say Napoleon Dynamite is a cult classic?
i don't like it but it's definitely cult
Hope that answered your question, user :)
Cult films take a while to become cult films
See John Carpenter's The Thing, for example.
Bashed on release, received poorly by audiences and critics.
Nowadays it is considered "one of the best sci-fi".
As seen on KC.
Isn't it seen as being a major cult film? It's just not particularly recent.
I feel like Pain and Gain could possibly become cult classic
Pineapple Express
>How is it "cult" when it made $750m, I hear you ask? Well, it's cult because it's generally regarded as shit but there's a small, vocal minority of fans who obsess over it and defend it beyond reason.
This doesn't apply to all sorts of cult films, notably Big Lebowski. There aren't a lot of people who don't like or love that movie.
The Room is my cult classic
I agree
I'd say this is basically now
>The The Room
Ugh, you're one of THOSE people.
Give this maybe two or three years, and it'll probably be the sort of thing people quote, dissect and obsess over.
I'd like to nominate This is the End. It's a pretty tight movie. Let's make that the new cult classic.
Why does no one talk about the Reno 911 movie?
>no cult films
How about no good films.
Is this a cult film? I feel like it was largely overshadowed by Kick-Ass when it came out, but it did extremely well on DVD/VOD release.
>cult movie
>recent years
A movie doesn't become a "cult classic" until several years after it airs. Of course no one knows what recent movies will become popular in 10 years from now.
Because it had none of what made the show great.
Self-awareness has destroyed cult films. If the writer and director don't step on it with overmemeing the fans will.
People are already quoting that with ''BRRRAAAAP''
I fucking hate this film so much. It is literally r*ddit in movie form. Unfunny annoying humor while trying to be "deep". The only people that relate to this film are pathetic "tfw no gf le kill myself XD" nu-males
Rocky Horror Show was more of a scene thing
Pretty much all of Refn's movies are cult classics, especially Neon Demon and Only God Forgives.
Black Dynamite is the most recent film that I can say is truly a 'cult film' and it deserves to be so.
>director is a pretentious cocksucker who goes by one name
I know nothing else about it and I can already tell it's a piece of shit.
You mean The World's End
meme film: fanbase is dead after a year or two.
cult film: fanbase never goes the fuck away.
any Ben Wheatley film?
Gentlemen Broncos
Carpenter is just a master.
It's two people named Daniel who make the movie
pic related is going to be a cult classic
Napoleon Dynamite will be quoted for years to come
Two directors actually, both named Daniel. Make of that what you will.
that was fantastic
are you kidding me?
That movie isn't as good as you want to be it.
I'd say Dr Strange will be a cult classic one day. Dormammu, I've come to bargain.
I thought that movie was hilarious but outside of this post and my friends sister idk anyone who's seen it or even heard about it.
>That movie isn't as good as you want to be it.
what did he mean by this?
Idk the big Lebowski is pretty amazing and is better than all of apatow films.
That i think is an example of a good cult film, which really is just a film that didnt get the recognition it deserved at release.
A meme film is just a film made for the dumb YouTube generation. Example guardians of the galaxy.
Is important to note that ironic watching shit like the room does not make it a cult film.