What are some films about nations that have destroyed themselves in one generation?
What are some films about nations that have destroyed themselves in one generation?
Lamo it's this thread again!
Holy shit, white people really are an endangered species.
who cares lol, you lost
Nigger "nations" nasically destroy themselves over and over again in each generation.
I'm surprised they didn't light them on fire, as they are wont to do.
Loser detected
What are some tv shows about autism and outsiders shitting up communities?
I recommend turkish kino, all the inbreeding takes care of the mental illnesses like autism.
Is Germany the new Sweden?
>outsiders shitting up communities?
The eternal reddit sensibilities
They're gonna have a great economic growth.
hello r/thedonald
Forgot the image sorry!
>n-no you
You lost again, like the election, remember? Back to /reddit/ kid.
hi cloister the pedophile
In 20 years it will be a new Germany
You know, you keep saying you don't browse Sup Forums but you sure spend a lot of time defending the board and constantly pointing fingers at others.
>you keep saying you don't browse Sup Forums
Which of your genderless headmates is talking to you today?
Why wouldn't I when you're posting on a board thats been infected much longer? If you were saying the same about Sup Forumseddit while posting on Sup Forums then I'd do the same thing. Now if we were on boards that are still not subchans like /lit/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums or /ck/ then it would be fine
You owe your entire posting career on Sup Forums to the redditors you try and mock if you started coming here(on Sup Forums) after 2011