Ladies Depart
Ladies Depart
Whores exit stage left
Ladies of the night relocate
Prostitutes disembark
Cunts get out
Gentlemen quietly vanish into the shadows
Clarence Boddicker
or I'll put my foot on your ass!
Concubines vacate the premises
I take a particular enjoyment from this weapon.
Dead or Alive you are cumming in me.
Harlots be gone from this place
I would be willing to acquire this item say for the price of 1 dollar
Id' be willing to pay one hundred cents for that item
I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake.
Now it's time to erase that mistake.
>tfw robocop is burned into my brain.
u jus fuged wid da wong guy! :DDD
Perhaps you could try to allocate me a time slot in your boss' busy schedule
This one made me laugh.
Do you possess the ability of levitation, Robert?
Thats a sweet ass silencer
Ballooninas bounce off
Sluts remove yourselves
Females vamoose
Hooers, oot!
Bitches, Ahoy!
Those of sultry appearance exhult
Eric get the hell out of the basement