Character takes a shit with his shirt on

>Character takes a shit with his shirt on
>Character doesn't get shit on the bottom back of his shirt

>Character pees.
>Doesn't need to run the water to give his penor some encouragement.

love this stupid meme threads

I always wonder when I see these threads how many people here actually do these things.

The hell kind of shirts are you wearing?

i shit with my shirt on nearly every time and have never had that problem.only problem i have on the shitter is when my finger pokes through the paper and i get shit on my finger and under my nail.

>character uses public toilet
>doesn't wait for all the other men to leave so he can pee comfortably

>being so motorically retarded you dont realize when the paper is about to break before it happens

Murricans everyone!

>Character doesn't take his shirt off to shit

>character takes a shit, its super clean miracles like shit that take only 3s and require no wipe and leave you with slight moan, warm emptiness in bowels and happily gaping anus afterwards
>character does not have hard to push glue-like consistency shit that require wiping for hours and even then he has to take a shower to be clean

>character shits with clothes on
>character doesn't need an entire roll of toilet paper + a shower to clean up after shitting
>character doesn't grunt from the pain while shitting

Do normies really think the world works like this?

>Character doesn't take his shit off to shirt

>we've lost all communication

>character takes a shit
>doesn't take out a syringe from his fanny pack, inserting it in the big juicy shit. Sucking out the sweat nectar of the lower bowels, adn then inserting the syringe in their urethra and just spraying it all in

>character takes a piss
>puts the dick right back into his pants without shaking or wiping it

>Character doesn't also take his trousers off so he's shitting completely naked

>character takes a piss
>doesnt cope his balls with his hand to protect his pants from pee stains

the fact that we can't pee cleanly is proof that there is no god.

>character doesn't piss in the sink

I heard someone fart loudly and repeatedly in a men's bathroom in a cinema. Everyone laughed at him

>Character takes a piss
>Doesn't pull his pants down to his ankles

We literally have 4 of these threads up right now.


>Character makes a new thread
>Doesn't check the catalog

>character shits
>doesn't find blood on tp
My suspension of belief can only go so far

But there's nothing wrong with that. You need to look at the toilet paper to see how much shit is there, and therefore know how much you need to keep wiping.

>Blind people have to taste it to know whether they are done wiping

Blind people probably need their wrangler to shit properly.

Relax user. Being around other men won't make you gay.