>muh louis and gucci
basic as fuck

you can always tell when someone grew up poor

> basic

athlete """"fashion""""

gotta bang a 6 every now and then to appreciate the 10's

chav version of slav track suit

Not with those furry shoes, no.

wtf is that gucci rope thing she has round her neck?

Honestly he probably does so much coke and shit he's become an empty shell of who he was when he's not on it

These photos are gonna be hilarious to look back at in 20 years. He'll be looking like Jordan here

>Those shoes
Just because you can doesn't mean you should

when will be come out of the closet? hes is leaving the BLGBT community hanging

Poorboi detected.

Better stick to those Uniqlo sales and Paypal scams, /fa/ggot.

Jordan still dresses like that


what a manlet

is an manlet a athlete?

>it's too warm
>my feet are itchy
>i don't know what to do with my arms
>i wish I was sniffing coke right now

Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada
Basic bitches wear that shit so I don't even bother


I want those shoes.

looks like a modern version of the zoot suit


they give it to him for free, idiot.

small baller detected

>making fun of a guy for the brands he's been PAID to wear

looooooool crawl back to daddy for some more clothes money /fa/ggot

Thought all the Conor nuthuggers died off. Glad to see there's a few of you still out there.

So... Do those clothes mean he's gay?
He'd be the active pro-athelete version of
Catlyn Jenner.

He's dressed like a Migos backup dancer

the leaf is actually right
louis vuitton and fendi are shit
2016 Gucci onward has been great though

And you can 100% tell when someone grew up poor by how they dress

Mcgregor grew up middle class Crumlin is a decent area hes just trying to make himself seem an everyman

>decent area

>claims 74" reach