
Are there any Vietnamese stereotypes? Never heard of one.

yank slayers


sideways pusspuss

wasn't that the japs?


uh deuh duh guk gak ging gay goo do dey tung munggggg, chuh hu he fak pang say!

There were a lot of jokes here about how vietnamese students like to cook fish on an open fire while still in the building of student hostel, so everyone inside were forced to smell it.

>None of these virgins have watched Full Metal Jacket

You should be ashamed to call yourselves "Americans"

Aside from the Aussie, disregard the Aussie


I am gay you subhuman.

Stall sellers

In Taiwan I once thought all Vietnamese men were darker than all Taiwanese men and all Vietnamese women wear Áo dài

all of them are called nguyen

they eat dogs and cats
this too

>eats pho
Its good though

me love you long time

>strong sense of justice
>strikes fear into american hearts

Vietnamese food is the Thai food of the 2010s.
Also, they're all insane degenerate gamblers who smoke like chimneys and drink like fish.
Also, contrary to popular belief, they generally have fairly positive opinions of Americans. According to Wikipedia, 78% of Vietnamese viewed the US favorably as of 2015.

>be viet-american boy
>be a big fan of civ games
>tfw just want to see vietnam be included in a civ game

>civ 4, cambodian gets included
>"oh cool. wow. the first southeast asian representation in a civ game. noice."
>civ 5, thai faggots get included
>"well. at least gives me hope that maybe vietnam be included in dlc or expansion."
>tfw only indonesia gets added to civ 5

>civ 6 comes out
>a couple days ago, news about a new dlc come out
>rumors that the dlc will be southeast asian civs but no one yet know which civs they are
>people on civ boards hopeful for vietnam
>i'm thinking "oh shit nice. two dlc both are southeast asian civs, one of them gotta be vietnam!"
>a couple hours ago, someone cracked the files and found out which civs they are
>tfw it's indonesia and cambodia


boo hoo

i know your feel, bạn.

but tbqh pham, even if they add a vietnam civ, im afraid it'll probably just have a bunch of vietnam war era traits like the civ 5 mod did

as much as i want to see the dai viet roll up with a horde of tran dynasty horsemen, we'll probably just get the viet cong since nobody cares about vietnam beyond the vietnam war

This is true
This is also true

The national pastime of Vietnam is smoking cigarettes with your belly hanging out. Everyone drives a shitty motorcycle and loves using the horn. No one cares about noise pollution: I lived next to a construction site for a month and they would do all their noisy work at 5 AM and then relax the rest of the day.

Also almost everyone is either in the army or a parking attendant.

how do you pronounce that

Vietnam should get a special cavalry unit but instead of a guy on a horse it's a guy on a motorcycle with a long piece of rebar as a lance

they're too scared of triggering diaspora with communism and vice versa

Vietnam will always be a third party mod

very good at fighting and shooting, deeply honest as friend

but vietnamese dont like U kim

why.........but i luv all of you (;y;)

You can make us as slut

Vietnam wouldn't be interesting to play and most people are clueless about Vietnamese history outside of 'Nam.