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Advanced Meme Warfare:
the meme starter pack contains:
guide of advanced meme warfare 1.0
guide of using gimp to make a /cfg/ memes
blank folder - containing images and templates for /cfg/ memes
done folder - completed memes collected from previous threads
> How do you gain so many followers?
You have to follow relevant accts to get RT ammo
I just RT a variety of stuff again and again, interspersed with anti-hill memes.
RT this:
1- inoffensive pro-black stuff
2- militant pro-black stuff
3- general intrerest stuff
4- anti-hill stuff
I was added to a few lists by random ppl, gives me more exposure. Do you know how to find us on twitter? I have like 10 /cfg/ operatives in my followers and we RT each other constantly
>How do you gain so many followers?
- Search for your facade's interests hashtags e.g. #blacklivesmatter #bernieorbust, and just like, retweet, and most importantly follow everyone you see there
- A good way to get exposure is to find profiles that are relevant and have big followings. Go to their profiles and under their profile picture you will see "Tweet to ....". Write some short appreciation, then write some virtue signaling with the hashtags we need to spread.
E.g. I go to "We Wuz Pharaos" who has 50K followers, use "Tweet to..." and write: "We cant forget our roots brother! Stay woke cuz #Hillary b chainin us like the old days" And post a meme we specifically made for the normies. For example, this one or this one or the one I am posting.
>"Tweet to ...."
Because of the ego stroke they receive, they will most likely retweet what you wrote and praise you back. Therefore, more people will see you, you get better exposure.
I won't be up for much longer tonight, I'll just retweet and like what the others tweet.
Your account will look as a spambot account and it will be very obvious if you don't do these:
- Don't be comical. Get a name that is not suspicious. The whole operation is about getting lost in the noise, just being a normal negro/Bernfag. You don't have to overdo it or be funny i.e. no: Shani'qua Jones, La-a (Ladasha), Tommy McCuckson, Byrd Schydt and such.
- Before starting to spam our memes, make sure you have a profile picture and a header. Get a profile picture from /soc/ or from a random facebook profile as they are not backtracable/imagesearchable like if you would get it from instagram or google or some news-sites. Header picture should be something relevant. E.g. If you are parading as a negro, use BLM/Black Panthers headers. If you are a Bernfag, use some Bernie picture or even some Communist propaganda.
- You still can't start the spamming, because you have to follow some people and make them follow you. For that, see: (You)
- Since we have got a heated situation (Racewar, Hillary) you can have a 3:1 Political:Non-political ratio in tweets. In normal situation, keep these around 1:1. Post personal drama, food photos, and anything else normies usually do.
- Be subtle, and remember the main law: EMOTION IS THE HOOK, FACTS ARE SIDE DISH
- From my experience, the dumber and the worse (in quality, and in amount of strawman) a meme is, the better it flies. Don't think as if our victims were just like us. They can't think. They are üntermensch living on an animal like level. That's why have to hit their feelings, mainly their fear reactions hard as we can.
- Don't post anything pro-Trump - we are anti-Hillary and pro-Bernie. You can talk a bit about Trump in negative light, but your focus is on uncovering Hillary's dirt for the Bernsters and the negros.
NARRATIVE: Hillary Clinton is a mafia leader along with Bill, who have commited a lot of crimes and are racists and part of the 1%. Hillary was only saved by Comey because the system is corrupt and because of white privilege obviously. The Dems are keeping the negros in welfare slavery so their lives will never get better under Clinton. Post the KKK memes, talk about the Clintons' link to different shady persons (e.g. Epstein the pedo) and organizations (Haiti charity ruining the country)
Also if you are a negro, it is essential to use emojis.
Here you can copy and paste them just like you would with text.
Use the "laughing with tears" "100" and "perfect! hand signs" a lot.
TL;DR Appeal to emotion and strawmans.
Bump. Shills incoming to slide thread.
Ignore the salty Sven in these threads, he has shit advice and many muslim dicks clouding his view
BUMP For Based Hungarian jew
Since #WhitePriviligeMeans is trending we are going to hijack it.
Either with right wing (obvious what to do, use the Muslim memes and all the usuals that go on Sup Forums)
Or left wing BLM/SJW/Bernfag/communist accounts (normie memes here: )
Left wing attack narrative: Hillary only got saved from indictment and jail because she has white privilige and she is the 1%.
Obviously this mostly works with negro accounts.
I am going to post the memes I have.
Yeah, he's definitely a Hill Shill working some double agent tactics.
I made this yesterday. I'll try to make some more today.
shilarey for prison 2016
I really like this. Congratulations.
try to make images square if possible. They share much better on twitter (without getting cropped)
You lads would probably enjoy this video.
Now we are talking
10/10, Spam it!
Ok. It's hard to do side-by-side comparisons in a square though.
Yes, essential.
Already shared this
sorry, realised it had some crap in the bottom left corner. here's another version.
Brilliant, cunt.
Sharing it on #whiteprivilegemeans
Now this is surprising
For user asking
Well, I mean, he ain't wrong tho.
Thanks friend.
What's surprising is the 252/450
I am Yuriing so hard right wing people started attacking me
Kek has blessed you. Theres nothing to fear. Ive had some 3-4 negative comments too but just ignored them. As negroes we aint raycis
This version has the corrected spelling, sorry for the problems.
This is an argument I constantly make. People have no perspective. Yes, we conquered North America - what was the other option? There was no way for peoples thousands of years behind technologically to compete and they weren't going to integrate peacefully.
According to Stefan Molyneux North America has more Natives now than when Columbus arrived.
No hard feelings.
Thanks for the update
Well that frogposter is sure doing us a favor, eh?
Btw is anyone updating Wikipedia with new CF leads? That's where most people seeing these memes would probably stop by to check their validity.
editing wikipedia was part of one of the earlier versions of the find a task, do a thing post results pasta
Not sure why it got removed
this should be added to the cfg or cfg strategy dept.
I'm kind of wondering where it went over all?
where is trumpin capitalist?
his mom told me his hot pockets are ready
Be careful Sup Forums
Thread hidden
Here's a meme.
And the template for y'all memers out there. It's good for two-liners. Let's put this bulldyke back to where she belongs, in the toilet.
What's the source?
What is the font?
Pic related is tileable and can be used to "complement" i.e skin textures
This one has less local color variance
search sharp unity extra bold.
Hexcodes She uses on her sites and propoganda:
109ACD -- darkerblue E51D2E-- red
12a8e0 -- lighterblue
look at this post:
sorry it took a few seconds, I had to dig out my hexcodes txt file.
Wtf is this used for?
You can add it to i.e. hillary's skin, but really, that's up to you. It produces extreme discomfort in some people
Yes I could use it as a multiply layer in photoshop, but no.
I like the psyops thinking.
you can make shit like this, but if you're at that level you grab your own textures anyway
Darken only is better in my experience
bump bump bump
Anyone have the video of Hillary apologizing for liying on TV for her Email scandal?
This is literally disgusting me. Can someone edit this into a meme for me?. It's REALLY effective.
Make it into a GIF with worms coming out
Looks like the sponge she wipes her hard drives with.
Holy fuck that gets to me.
Could try using that to add just another layer of disgusting to a couple memes
Add those Freddy Krueger hands and some text "I'm your nightmare" or something. Perfect Kikebook-tier meme for normies.
Off to sleep, good night
Keep up the work.
Do you mean a macro? Impact font. Make your own.
Those pod holes have been a thing for some years now though. Forget what you call it... trypophobia or something.
yea I remember reading up on that, it only gets to a certain percentage of people. Don't work on me, but if it works for some lets go with it
Unfortunately she never said that
Are you a fucking clinton shill trying to undermine the anti-hitlary PR?
I like how ya'll have been taking advantage of natural waves in the social memeverse
Think about how energy resonates. Resonance was one of the things Tesla was studying.
Take advantage of not only the peaks, but the valleys of trends as well.
Y'all know what to do.
>Zerg rush time is coming.
I am the Tree-man.
I'm not the best at making memes, but it'll do
The normies really hate the child exploitation shit, definitely worth seeing what we can get out of it. Do you have the article or whatever it was?
bump for the meme war
Uh replied to the wrong thread, ignore that
Nice. The one with the horse hoof should be useful.
Does anyone have an actual example of this shit?
Isn't Jess Lynn a porn star?
I just threw up a little in my mouth
aussie shitposting strikes again