> pic related with steel core ammo
What weapon will Sup Forums use in the upcoming race war?
>tfw no freedom
None. Y'all just going to sit around like you did last night. The blacks are creating multiple fronts and whites are too afraid to confront them.
>tfw AP .308 is b&
someone needs to get Trump to advocate lifting the AP ban on "pistol" calibers
what terrible bait
>multiple fronts
bitch where?
not in the gunshine state, i know that
hold some job applications and you will be fine
Why would you waste steel core ammo on niggers? That shit's expensive, and they don't have armor.
that thing is bullshit it jams all the time,
get this instead
ChildDozer modded AR15 (Assault Rifle 15 clips/second) with KidSeeker rounds that automatically target the innocent, no matter where the barrel is pointed.
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The best anti-liberal tool ever made.
I like roleplaying threads. I"ll use a melee weapon. Its fun to pretend we'd actually do anything.
It does not jam is you buy actual shot gun shells and not the nigger poor low brass junk.
Maybe this one?
Can't, Mr. Agency Man, all my guns were lost in a tragic boating accident.
An AR15 because it's the smartest choice.
Whatever I'm feeling like on that day.
There's a nice replica German MP40 I have my eyes on in a militeria shop downtown where I live.
>Not the DP-12
>Not wanting a pump action double barrel
Can i get it with wood furniture
Learn to reload, man! It's a useful skill even for regular ammo.
Most people, even with body armor, will not have level III+ or higher plates to stop FMJ .308, anyway. But I agree, I wish I had easy access to some.
I'm a convicted felon, so probably a very illegal and very destructive weapon, as I have no reason not to use the best I can buy.
And I have money to burn baby.
So much for gun laws.
R8 my camo
Why do you guys want steel core or AP ammo? The average nig-nog wears a shitty cotton t-shirt in his favorite gang colors and that's about it. Jamal and Traqueeftius don't know shit about plate carriers or vests or anything. They can't even afford those, all they can get are SKSs and glocks anyway.
bretty good/10
You not having a Glock or at least M&P triggers me a bit tho
Only if you don't mind it being on fire most of the time
He unironically chases cats and niggers
Blackpowder revolvers are legal and can be shipped to your door.
Pre-1898 firearms are legal and can be shipped to your door. There are double action revolvers and bolt action rifles in modern chamberings, although they of course command a premium price.
Assuming you want to stay legal, anyway.
Can you buy full-automatic weapons or only semi-automatic weapons in America?
EBR for the main job.
AS50 to reach out and touch someone
Ma deuce (or NSV) on the porch for when it's just to whom it may concern
That's a nice rat m8.
Dont thread on me, niggers.
Oh yeah, and this.
Full-auto is expensive. Regular folks need to file paperwork with the ATF and pay taxes, and the supply is fixed. The registry was closed in 1986, so they're all grossly overpriced.
If you're a dealer you can have whatever, but you need a real store and a federal license, etc
So for most people semi-auto is all they ever touch.
Oh wow, a bunch of niggers are clumped together in an easily surroundable street, I'm so scared of this new front
Glocks are for faggots.
M&Ps are for faggots.
Steel gun master race only.
>i have a life
>i aint goin to prison
when the war goes hot and genuinely fucks with normal white people
or not. but any nog that knocks on my door at 3am is getting one through the dome
jk i cant i have to let the nigger loot my house. maryland has no stand your ground laws
An AR15.
>caring more about muh feels than practicality in a race war
Maybe the niggers deserve to win
>maryland has no stand your ground laws
how would one actually go about tragically losing his guns?
Np germanbro
>Assuming you want to stay legal, anyway.
I'm already a "criminal".
I don't make trouble for anyone, but I sure as shit hold no reverence for law and order either, especially when the government openly disregards law and order themselves.
I want to be able to defend my people from riffraff, and I WILL find and use the best and most powerful weapons I can get to do so.
No government tells me I can't protect myself or my people. They're not badass enough to have that authority.
Ironically, it was illegal weapons and lack of vigilance that gained me my criminal record.
i will, but i'd be moving back to new jersey which is even worse.
hesitant to pickup an AK because i genuinely don't know if i can legally own it in NJ
I understand.
But, it may be advantageous to have legal options available, as well. Not judging you either way.
You make bad life decisions.
We Helghan now
>jk, no gunz here
Forgot pic :3
I'm more of a sig guy. Don't like the grip angle or sights on glocks.
i make >$100k/yr and i'm probably making another $80k-$150k as a bonus this year
but i make it by working with niggers for the corporate equivalent on an SJW
PS, i'm de-niggerizing my club and replacing all of the dindus with white people... slowly
also for Q's about what i do: i've already said enough for someone who knows enough to be able to figure it out
my life decisions balance out
You could get a Glock with any sights you want for the same or less than most SIGs. Glock made the right decision by keeping their sights basic and cheap from the factory. If they put better sights on and raised the price, anybody who wanted to replace the factory sights would essentially be paying twice.
I've never found how someone 'feels' about grip angle to actually translate into performance, but to each their own
I've been wanting one of these, but I have no safe place to practice with her.
I'd like having a gun that can down aircraft and remove federal armored donut transports.
>upcoming race war
Fuck off you retards. Tired of this faggotry.
>also for Q's about what i do: i've already said enough for someone who knows enough to be able to figure it out
Which means literally nothing.
Not really buying your story, maingo
The strongest legal weapons in Germany are crossbows and single-shot muzzle revolvers,,.
wrong guy m8 im not a felon
wanna figure it out, start with the company
My West German SIG .45 and Mossberg pistol grip pump
Sorry, crossed the streams.
If you're not a felon I'm not really interested in your corporate job, but if you make that much money you should easily be able to move somewhere completely self-sufficient within 1-3 years. Best get on that
I'd get both if you can't move yet. But, you should move.
you're a walking meme
Same here, unless you have a valid reason (apparently not wanting to raped and beheaded by muzzies is not good enough). Still, a crossbow will put a hole in someone good enough to shut them up if shit hits the fan
>what weapon will Sup Forums use in the upcoming race war
maybe we'll get a hashtag to trend while they plunder our wives' ovaries.
Probably won't be an outright race war, but a civil war will happen in this country within the next two decades.
If you're learned on human society and economics, you begin to see the patters arising. The ingredients are coming together flawlessly for a civil war.
Fortunately, our opponents are morons and have no clue the slaughter they're in for.
They're hilariously outgunned, out-trained, out-witted, and have exposed several weak spots. And because they're genuine fucktards(psychotic as they are), they can't even see it.
It's going to be a massacre of socialists/progressives. It's going to be r-selected vs. K-selected.
Is atlantic firearms a meme? Some of that shit they sell seems to good to be true
Don't bother. Few accidents with weak bolt lockups and firing out of battery
Get an AI AX50.
Like what? They sell the same shit as every other retailer.
I want a mounted 20mm cannot for home defense.
It's too obvious to have around though. Having one with a shielded autoturret and heat-seeking capability to deal with gubmint goods would be sweet.
They'd need an airstrike to shut me down.
>start the fire and spray into crowd of nigs
>bumrushed/shot/ bomb-botted by police
>deadnigs turned into martyrs by MSM
>thown in jail with even more niggers
>raped to death
when i can get away with it ill take the shot. until then we must meme like we've never memed before
>R8 my camo
shows pic of empty forest
not gonna fall for that user
Wut? They're pretty alright. I've ordered a few firearms and other things from them. Decent folks
fun fact: Under Hitlers rule weapons were legal:
The 1938 German Weapons Act, the precursor of the current weapons law, superseded the 1928 law. As under the 1928 law, citizens were required to have a permit to carry a firearm and a separate permit to acquire a firearm. But under the new law:
Gun restriction laws applied only to handguns, not to long guns or ammunition. The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as was the possession of ammunition."[9]
The legal age at which guns could be purchased was lowered from 20 to 18.[10]
Permits were valid for three years, rather than one year.[10]
The groups of people who were exempt from the acquisition permit requirement expanded. Holders of annual hunting permits, government workers, and NSDAP (the National Socialist German Workers' Party, aka the Nazi party) members were no longer subject to gun ownership restrictions. Prior to the 1938 law, only officials of the central government, the states, and employees of the German Reichsbahn Railways were exempted.[9]
FN remote op MAG. Various fire control systems available. Go halfs?
Stop spreading lies. You can get semi Autos in Deutschland just fine if you're a Sport Shooter or Hunter.
I'd like to use a pkm on a crown of blm apes. Or an mg42 but 8mm is expensive
Oops forgot the pic because I had so much trouble with the damned captcha. BUBBLE TEA IS NOT A MILKSHAKE
Oi u got a permit to be posting that thing?
i might feel like an asshole depending upon whats going on and choose a shitty .22 pistol that keyholes at 15 feet.
Lol airshit
>my freedom solver
I said I have money to burn, not gold bars and emeralds.
What's one of those go for, $250K?
>tfw you dont own a gun
end me
You absolute madman. A spoon maybe, but combined with a fork? I'm reporting you for possession of a WMD.
Have you heard, we can only have 3 spokes in our assault bike wheels now.
>UTG shitty railed handguards
i need to get some more K-31s i have one but more
Alright lads, we've seen your arsenals....y'all've been waiting for this moment. When are we gonna see some dead niggers on the streets?
What exactly makes them shitty? Also, talk shit post guns faggot
>What exactly makes them shitty?
They're not made of wood
Well ethnic Germans could get guns, but Jews and other untermench couldn't