Should this movie be made mandatory in schools. It is physical proof that Aryan Supremacy is complete bullshit and shows the king of racism be humiliated as Jesse beats those Nazis.I mean lets be honest you know your ideology is failed when you refuse to shake somones hand because they are black and just owned the blond hair blue eyed Aryans in the race.
Should this Movie be Made Mandatory in Public Schools?
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Your bait is incredibly weak, just like your testosterone levels.
>wanting high testosterone
>in 2016
Literally the barbarian hormone.
>barbarian hormone.
It just helped create,develop and build everything you have right now.
Enjoy your estrogen shots.
most disingeneuos, lying peace of anti-white propaganda I ever saw
>>wanting high testosterone
>literally admitting to be a low testosterone beta cuck
Oh god my country just keeps getting more and more cucked
So I guess Swedes were getting cucked as far back as the 30's?
Because the guy next to the nigger looks like a fucking sandnigger and hes wearing a Swedish flag.
Unless its subtle brainwashing to make Swedes who watch it think their country has always been brown.
Sure even though that was scientists which are more feminine than manly brutes.
That's actually offensive.
Holocaust denier alert
How is having high testoesterone good? It makes you more violent
That's actually alll off offensive.
I've been to Sweden in the past and the blond hair blue eyed thing is a meme. Only like 60% of people are blond hair blue eyed.
Except that the nazis won
>the nazis totally rekt everyone in the Olympic games
Nig nog you wrong
They rigged it
Fuck off.
>How is having high testoesterone good? I
having low testsosterone is really bad as a male. Here, read up
I have really low testoesterone and my life has been really good. Having high test will get you in prison because you hit everyone who slightly disrespects you.
its people like this who support hillary presidency and mandatory estrogen-soaked buttplugs for all males
Delete this
Always a fucking leaf
Ok that's fucked and I do like Trump but Trump is actually more low test than high. He didn't want to join the military, and his fellow highschoolers when asked about him said "he wasn't a violent person" and "got along with everyone".
Except that they didn't, don't lie just cause you can't accept defeat.
The nazis were right about almost everything
enough internet for today
>more white guilt
i'm so sick of it.
>blacks win sprinting event
>proceed to lose literally every other event
Wow so supreme
>and my life has been really good.
You are actually incredibly unhealthy and as you get older you will get more and more delirious until you go on a rampage. Im going to be contacting the RCMP about a potential mass shooter in the future as its only a matter of time.
p.s. your trolling is terrible and you are being way too obvious. Soaking a buttplug in estrogen wouldnt actually do anything, it has to go into the blood stream.
>that was scientists
>gets up in the morning applies his anti wrinkle face cream
>shaves legs whilst in the shower
>thinking of getting penis reduction surgery as he considers big penises gross
What millenials actually do in
it's completely inaccurate to the true tempo of history.
Hitler had no issue with Jesse Owens and got in trouble with the Olympic Committee for only shaking the hands of German Competitors the first day. They required him to shake everyones hands or none, so he chose none.
Hitler had no ill will towards Jesse Owens and need I remind you that the Germany won the Olypmics that year?
Now, the real story is why the American president, FDR, didn't bother to congratulate Jesse Owens or even send him a postcard.
all blacks can do is run and jump. hardly an argument for equality.
Way to prove you went to public school, retard.
Even Canadians are getting tired of this.
Wow, Jesse ran faster than a Nazi. That's probably the only trait Jesse has over the Nazi.
damn, these movies are thrown out
why are you so good at the olympics? weren't you in top 10 in 2012 too?
>damn, these movies are thrown out
"all at once" i meant
really makes you think
we're sorry
>why are you so good at the olympics? weren't you in top 10 in 2012 too?
I knew what flag it was before I opened this thread.
>if you get more medals than your enemy, they win
>if you let the other team score on you, you win
ok first the holocaust denial movie, then the aryan nation movie with harry potter, now this movie. Hollywood must be in a fucking panic of public opinion of Hitler's germany changing.
apes dont even have big lips
Hitler was actually a good sport about it. He just had a busy schedule that day and had to leave, but actually went out of his way to meet Owens before he left the stadium to congratulate him. Owens kept a picture of them shaking hands. Owens himself wrote that Hitler's Germany was one of the most welcoming places for him as a Black man and he was treated like a guest of honor where ever he went in Berlin. Contrasting to his return to the US where NY airport security made him go through the freight access so his presence wouldn't offend anyone at the whites-only terminal.
>breed 4 speed 2: electric jigaboo