
Wtf? I love Islam now edition

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fuck off kuffar

Gangnammmmm Styleeee B-)



EU ≠ Europe nations, dumb mexican bastard

arrrrr, that's a nice party cake me matey

early bird gets the worm

You arrive in the Islamic Golden Age

Unironically the dream gf. Modest on the streets and naughty in the sheets

Why do Brits love Islam so much?

europe is dealing with muslims and has a busy military doing shit in the middle east

Search knowledge with the based islamists philosophers and inventors


>Islamic Golden Age
You mean when Arabs did nothing and they survived off stolen Persian, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian knowledge?


I want Emma Watson to fart whilst sitting on my face.


>Islamic Golden Age
You mean the time period where the Muslims took credit for the achievements of their freshly conquered and promoted a culture of tolerance only after their tax revenues were falling from false converts?

>whyboi accusing muslims of stealing greek culture
oh my days

*tips fedora*





Allowing yourself to be sat on is not deference or a form of eroticism, but It is your unconscious desire to be furniture.

Basically, if you want a girl to sit on your face, you also want to be used in street fights as a weapon desu.



stop raping children please


You arrive in the American Golden Age

When are they all going to get into the mothership and leave Earth?

Noncey poncey rorkey porky.

le le le america le never le had le a le golden le age

By some assault rifles and start the era of mass shootings earlier

god the twin towers were fucking ugly
I reckon that the terrorists did america a favour that day

just like manchester with the IRA bombing

not yet anyway

oh - note to gchq: I do not endorse terrorist attacks, I just feel that the renovations were necessary

They were packed with asbestos too, would have cost a fortune to remove it all.

The dust clouds from the collapse have been responsible for numerous deaths.

Good job Thomas Jefferson.

based thai man

To subvert the tyranny of our execrable government, to break the connection with England, the never failing source of all our political evils, and to assert the independence of my country--these were my objects. To unite the whole people of Ireland, to abolish the memory of all past dissentions, and to substitute the common name of Irishman, in the place of the denominations of Protestant, Catholic, and Dissenter--these were my means." - Theobald Wolfe Tone, The founding father of Irish Republicanism.

shut the FUCK up

Why are americans pissed of with Colombo (columbus for the plebs)
He never went there and the discover of America was Americo Vespucci btw

my thoughts are still of texas and of home

late worm doesn't get killed

that was the golden age of serial killers
way more interesting than spree killers

shut UP

>The dust clouds from the collapse have been responsible for numerous deaths.
part and parcel of living in a big city

we have 'columbus day'
hating him is just a meme though since literally everyone was racist back then

i hate the irish

In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:
It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.[25]

Yes yes.... well observed
So i would grab a car and kill people all across the south wile listening to the cure


Ummm excuse me but I'm 10% Greek according to one of those meme DNA tests

When I envision her farting on my face, I actually envision her wearing blue jeans or some times panties. I imagine her ripping one and immediately being overcome with a very sulfurry and somewhat spoiled milk and lightly poopy smell.


Autistic day and more autistic people hating him

>tortured by Los Zetas
>all but one of his fingers is broken
>permanently blind in one eye
>the first thing he does upon his escape is crawl his miserable emaciated body to the computer
>"post toot"

love beto

long live anglo-mexican friendship



Excuse me buddy, but we HEEM'd the Moors.

I would fight for Seinfeld

>swedish-american victory

fucking based

Don't talk to me until I've had my morning covfefe

don't know what the barbary wars were for and i don't really care to find out

Swedes were in for a year and helped blockade Tripoli.

>fucking based

Going to sleep, don't forget boys, the King is a Bender

willies, arses, fannies, bollocks, bums, poos and minges

everything about this image is perfect

The Arab slavers were abducting people as far north as Britain, the crown did nothing.

amazing how out of touch boomers are desu

parents were complaining about ads online and i told them about ad blockers and they were like "wow you should work with computers!"

they're right you know

You wouldn't believe how many borderline retards are in well paying IT positions because of this. Small-mid size companies made up of boomers hire because of things like that.

why do all Hollywood producers have names ending in -stein or -berg? I don't get it?

>new motherboards replace beeps with codes on 7 segment displays

oh fuck off I don't want to bend down under my desk to figure out what's wrong

((( I have no idea)))

>I will never Inspect Emma Watson's poo right after she has a bowel movement to ensure that she is healthy and has a healthy diet

Tea pickers in Chaubatia, India, 1890. The mortality rate amongst workers was as high as 30% on some British run tea plantations.

The Jewish people have a natural talent for both arts and commerce. They often achieve the highest levels of their respective fields through outstanding merit and hard work.

desolder the display and resolder it with wires so you can move it around

why do (((they))) control everything if they are just like the 2% of the world's population

It's an extremely common name Sup Forumsshit aside

I love accidental thong exposure pics


ask thai chicANO, he knows everything

higher intelligence
higher in-group preference

read kevin macdonald

we are further away in time from people in 1980 than people in 1980 were from Hitler and the Battle of Berlin

They are quite obviously the actual master race

we don't control everything

i'd like to get a job in IT but i don't have any qualifications desu

i mean i am ok with jews, but their loyalty to israel is they reason why i don't like them

1980 was fucking ages ago mate

business idea: new version of 1984 but set in 2017 during the drumpf administration

Will say anything on vocaroo right now

if you knew many jews in real life you wouldn't think this with how cold and smarmy they are

israel is a model for how nations should be

a nation for a people

none of this "diversity" nonsense

Big Finnish tits