What's some kino about criminal scum getting what they deserve?

What's some kino about criminal scum getting what they deserve?

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That's a setup innit? The cops in the situation are the scum.

Yeah, criminals that don't give a fuck about human life must be trated with respect.


Din du noffin

Literally any Charles Brosnan film

Who cares.

Justice was served.

Were they ok?

>Trump's America

Robocop, the original one.

Judging from this webm Tropa de Elite

>brazilian video

What are some kino flicks about the boys in blue?

the thin blue line

errol morris got a guy off death row with that doc

also the paradise lost films are always recommended but I haven't seen any of them


Trump Drumpf Trump is everywhere Drumpf what a clown HILLARY'S TURN I'm not crazy!


Death Wish 3
Any Dirty Harry film


>that thumbs up

fucking based

r/the_donald BTFO lmao

Why are Brazilian cops so ruthless?

Brazilian cops are as intense as Brazilian asses.

the only one, my man.

because favelados are literal human crap.

Are the police going to pay for that damage?


indeed, just the first one


>get baited into robbing joint
>cops right there waiting
>kill them

i like the fact that yellow helmets leg got totally retracted, despite being unable to use the whole lower half. that bullet hit right at the center of the spine. metal as fuck.



Dirty Harry series.

Death Wish series (tfw I thought Part 5 had reached a new low when Kersey took on the Fashion Mafia and then later I found out the Fashion Mafia were actually real).

The Exterminator series (part 2 is wretched and 50% recycled "flash back" footage - but at least it's not flash backs from the family dogs POV like The Hills Have Eyes 2).

The Principal and The Class Of 1984 - Solid Ghetto School Cleansing Kino from the teachers perspective rather than the lame gang focused stuff like 3:15.

A little seen and overlooked film;

The Guardian. Ripe for a remake.

It features Martin Sheen as a tolerant, progressive liberal yuppie who begrudgingly goes along with the fellow residents of his building to hire a black security "consultant" from the ghetto, after street thugs repeatedly attack their building.

Sheen is appalled by Lou Gosset Juniors behavior, until he goes in to the ghetto himself and eats a red pill.

The whole movie is on Youtube I think.

in my america, these cops would rot in jail

nigger detected

also, the fact that yellow the moment he hits the floor he immediately checks black helmet status means they were probably brothers. most probably his younger brother. top drama kino.

He's still alive at the end though.

Because Brazilian criminals are equally as ruthless.

Doggy dog world my friend.


if he moves, he can still do harm. he needed to be neutralized. do you even cop?

Brazilian cops will shoot with maximum prejudice without a once of care. They'll do it at any place, any time. They simple give no fucks.

>That white T-Shirt guy's spine locking up from being shot and falling down

It's a crime ridden 3rd world shit hole.

how about shoot to deter future scum?

i feel strangely happy after watching that webm, very close to what one feels after having sex with a girl you love. am i in the wrong here?

Even North American cops never shoot to wound or stop.

Police policy is that if you have to shoot, make sure you shoot dead. There's no time and they won't risk missing by aiming for legs or arms. They always aim for the chest.

>ywn shoot third world scum to death

Nice dubs, weak bait

>Kids grow up without their father because he was killed by the constables
>Has to resort to crime to get by
>Grows up to be a criminal just like his father
I'm literally light-miles ahead of you

In your america the cops would be dead and those guys would rape your wife and kids.

nah you're dead

Wouldn't make a difference. If the dad had any involvement with the kid at all they would've raised him to grow up the same.

You just have to kill them young so they don't have children


If the kid isn't human trash he would realise that being a criminal is not a smart choice.

If they grew up to be criminals they'll be killed anyways.

So the moral is, don't be a criminal and you won't die like that.

Brazilian cops, man. I've seen a video of two cops just running over a bunch of criminals and maybe innocent people while shooting everyone in their path. They must have killed 5 people doing that shit.

They live their lives as if everyday was a Lethal Weapon movie.

>One last score so that I can end my life of crime and spend time with my family
>Gets shot by the gendarme

Why do liberals hate justice and blame the victims and not the perps?

This is some sick brainwashing you guys suffered, humanities need to be removed from universities permanently - they add nothing and poison people's minds. China really got that one right.

Only people who hates cops are illegals and retards who are prone to crime and too dumb not to get away with it.

>Has to resort to crime to get by
fuck you. do you think the people behind the counter are in any better a position? the criminals make it even harder for them

Living in Brazil must be like GTA (the video game)

Yes user, the theft of probably thousands in what looks like a Brazilian shit holes deserves death. That is the state we all deserve.

This is basically the plot for The Place Beyond the Pines.

Which is pretty good.

Is this satire?

It certainly seem so.


This right here. Shooting to wound or immobilize takes serious practice and precision. The gun's there to prevent your death or the death of innocents. Those BR police are more ruthless though, as our cops would have waited for them to come out and yelled at them to get on the ground first.

>all these retards trying to apply American police practices to Brazilian police



That's what they deal with day in day out

Some brazilian cities are like fucking warzones at night. Being a cop in Brazil is nothing like in the U.S. It's like being deployed in hotspots in the middle-east.

Cop-killings are really common, their judicial system hardly works, so it's actually better to just kill the criminal right away.

It's like a rekt thread all day every day

These crimes usually happen in big urban centers. I live in a small city 200 km away from where this OP's situation occurred and I can walk alone at the streets with my cellphone at midnight, ride my bike, etc. The shit get serious at a good portion of north/northwest of Brazil and the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (brazilian southeast)

It's not the theft of money that deserves to be punished by death, it's the act of armed robbery, holding innocent people at gunpoint for some cash.

Check these dubs

The country is a toilet

it's not theft it's armed robbery. stop being an apologist, at least try to sound a little bit reasoned. they put in danger the lives of innocent citizens with a lethal weapon

Not at all. You need a fucking reality check.

What's your point? Cops are told to shoot until the threat is completely gone. Not bang bang "you ok?". They use a video of a cop being murdered by some crazy vet as the example of why you keep shooting.


three scenarios:

number one:
>guy robs store, gets away, cops arrive too late
>son learns from his father to be a robber
>becomes a criminal

number two:
>guy robs store, cops arrive, wound him and take him to prison
>son grows up without a father
>becomes a criminal

number three:
>guy robs store, cops arrive, shot him dead
>son grows up without a father
>becomes a criminal

the legit solution to the favela issue is to nuke it all. but that would be too much for the modern world.

Sounds like you got your next holiday figured out

*north/northeast, sorry

Holy fuck, those cops in the second video are in a fucking warzone and they're joking among themselves about the criminals' firepower and walking casually.

What kind of beast do you've to turn yourself into to be a cop in Brazil?

Big surprise Sup Forums the answer to a serious problem is nuke everyone.

nuke yourself

>it's not the theft of money that deserves death
>the theft of money that deserves death

So, are you actually saying they should die not because they took some monies, but because they spooked peoples while doing so?

Or you know, you could just let them sell their drugs.

If you pull a gun on people to rob them, you should be prepared to get gunned down as well.

If you start shit it's likely you'll get in a fight.

You get what you deserve. Why do liberals refuse to understand this? Is it because you're so fucking sheltered?

if you have a pest problem, what do you do? do you teach the cockroaches to behave well and have manners?


An attempt at a peaceful arrest might have turned it into a hostage situation and further endangered the lives of the people inside

>Yes, if you are going to take thousands of mine
>I am going to kill you
How is America going for you?

If that was my store I'd shoot the niggers myself, no hesitation. Criminals are scum that need to be wiped from the gene pool.

>so we kill them
>they have 2 pistols
>we have
>machines guns


>kill them
>for a couple of thousand

I like how you ignored this part
>holding innocent people at gunpoint for some cash
If you have so little respect for the lives of your fellow human beings, you deserve none in return. Murder, armed robbery and rape should all carry the death penalty.

blue ruin

the comical part with his friend getting the guns was a little stupid, but the rest of the movie is great

Kill them to preserve the safety of the innocent people

they're basically zookeepers

Its not a setup ya moron. That's a pizza delivery place

I'm not American. I hope you get robbed with a weapon. You are obviously extremely sheltered.

You've literally not made one point.

Are you saying someone who is starving, who cannot afford food who lives in literally poverty should die, not rob?

Because I mean, you can only make that argument from sitting in your nice house, with the internet, with power, with running water, with an education behind you.

And I literally do not understand how you can actually argue this point of view, it's a literal childs point of view to the point where i think I am being trolled?

Robbery is simply a necessary evil in this day and age, literally, if you ar talking bout poverty stricken robbers, which is most likely most Brazilians, then they are doing this literally to survive, not because they want to because they will die if they don't and they did it, and died anyway.


you're acting like the cops and the criminals are the only two groups in this scenario

you want to sound egalitarian, yet somehow you people always forget the disadvantaged who don't commit crimes - the real victims in this particular case

the criminals weren't shot "for a couple of thousand," they were shot for directly threatening to shoot someone else
