Why is she so perfect?
Why is she so perfect?
Not hairy enough.
her ass is
white goddess
Imagine being her fat ugly sister
lets see a picture before jumping to conclusions
>Why is she so perfect?
'was' perfect...
QT on the left is much better, she has a natural nose without a nose job. You can see that it was literally the same nose at first except the left is still real and the right has been operated on.
It looks better, Liv would probably look better with the real nose too.
There are websites where groupies from the rock era talk about the rock stars they used to fuck, and of all the rock stars, Steven Tyler was probably the most popular and considered the best in bed by the groupies.
12 out of 10 of these stories are fake sweety
what does she look like in 2017 and not the 90s
delete this
Lol, "fuck off!"
>"the rock era"
Wew lad
That was in her teens, she's like 40 now.
I always get her and anne hathaway confused
>Why is she so perfect?
She's fucking disgusting and the thought of her is revolting and every time I see her putrid fetal alcohol syndrome looking face I want to vomit
Everytime a redditor misuses FAS God kills a kitten
Good thing I'm not a redditor, reddit.
her mom was hotter
Trips confirm
Dank dubs dude, don't discount dem digits
Witness that wicked 3737 combo. Fuckin' lots of great gets in here
Because her butt smells gud
What does it smell like?
the rock era is perfectly reasonable and apt.
you can trace it from about the Beatles to the declining in the late 90s. don't tell me it has been particularly big or vital since then.
we've been more in a time of hip hop, dance, and pop since then, as far as bigger movements. rock has been scaled down to a niche, indie 'rock' is too tepid to hardly count as rock oftentimes, and otherwise the best underground bands went into beats and noises and textures and even ones like Ariel Pink who used rock elements used it in an ambient way.
the time of big rock stars is over.
I just want a gf
lazy fucks
this is a few weeks ago