Oh, Hey, Sup Forums, don’t mind me just on my way to another owl
Oh, Hey, Sup Forums, don’t mind me just on my way to another owl
Literally ANYTHING is better than the greenbay fudgepackers. I'd rather see Brady and Bill win 20 mores times than have Rodgers make it back to the playoffs even once
Not so fast!
Oh, hi Tom.
In what world
>Taints and Panties beat the failcunts
>We BTFO the Shecocks and the Iggles Practice squad
Who else rooting for a Jags vs Vikings Superbowl
He's so fucking unstoppable and it makes everyone so fucking irrationally angry that they have to fabricate lies about him lmao. That's a whole other level of GOAT that not even Michael Jordan has reached in his sport.
> barely scraping by stoolers
> owl
I think everybody ought to stop for a moment and imagine the soul crushing horror of what its like being a Patriots fan; that constant, sick sour feeling in the pit of your stomach knowing that your team’s “victories” are hollow and meaningless, as they weren’t achieved thru actual effort and sporting talent but were simply purchased by the team from shekel-shuffling corporate executives at NFL headquarters and tv networks and the shame you feel when you pretend you didn’t notice fans of real football teams rolling their eyes at your Brady jersey and your ever more strident yet still empty claims of playoff “wins”, that came at the hands of the referees with greasy palms on crooked calls so blatantly obvious, that even foreign soccer fans are calling you out as a bandwagoning faggot.
God damn, that must truly suck.
Your tears are the world's most potent aphrodisiac
Yeah, the way they refballed the Steelers sure showed what an unstoppable team they are
father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
>Jordan got six rings in six years while Brady got five in 17 years
You in the playoffs too Tom?
*blocks your path*
they killed the best player on the Steelers. Chances are, the Steelers won't even make the AFCCG
you cant read, faggot? cant even write
>Basketball has paraody
>the patriots are owned by Bob Kraft
>he's jewish
no wonder the NFL makes up rules for them to win
Nigga Net is a much easier sport to play than Football.
The Falcons are also owned by a Jew. Nice try at the false flag though.
Jordan drafted in '84..retired in 2003..took 2 seasons off because he was a gambling father killing black.
Never disrespect Brady the GOAT again. And don't you dare fucking @ me.
>can't even beat the corpse of Peyton Manning
Like 9000 dudes have 6 rings in the NBA. Exactly 2 have 5 owls
oh, hey.... you. do i know you?
wow, they put a lot of effort into that shitty sign
NFLrs have to play 16 games reg season only. Much more harder to make it to playoffs that are just one game. Not a series of games like NBA.
>inb4 hurr durr it was scripted
>losing to the queefs
>losing to the lolphins
>needing massive refball to beat the jest
>needing massive refball to beat the toxins
>needing massive refball to beat the stillers
wew lad
Ravens will beat the Patriots. Flacco always plays the Pats tough and has won in Foxboro before.
I'm sorry, what's the undefeated team you root for user?
>you now remember all the redditor casuals thinking the steelers could beat this man
pats get refballed
> great call ref
pats opponent gets refballed
> someone call the league, I demand the call be changed!
every time.
6 rings in about 20 years....
The amount of neck beard jealously itt
You will
thank you based god, please fuck my wife.
>literally undefeated against brady and Rodgers
Lmao eat shit
When Belichick retires and the Patriots go back to being the shit tier nobodies they always were, who will be the new bandwagon team for people who don't like the sport?
There aren't really any up and coming teams with big personalities
Rams or Eagles. Maybe the Boys if they make an Owl appearance.
If Wentz plays like he did this year every year, and only gets better, probably the Eagles.
Is this guy Ronaldo of American football?
No he's the Messi.
Then Peyton would be the Ronaldo of handegg.