What did you think of the creature selection, Sup Forums?
I thought it was lame that there were NO dinosaurs shown, with the exception of that Triceratops skill.
What did you think of the creature selection, Sup Forums?
I thought it was lame that there were NO dinosaurs shown, with the exception of that Triceratops skill.
Why did you even watch this garbage in the first place?
and hardly any insects or small creatures either.
You'll grow out of your anti-Hollywood phase soon, bud
The eyes are certainly misleading
Sounds like you actually need to go through the anti-hollywood phase pleb
the opinion of a condescending 90's born faggot means less than nothing.
I was disappoint by the lack of other creatures on Skull island. The spider and octopus were fun but the stick bug was a waste.
Needed dinosaurs
Needed more giant bugs
The movie really didn't feel about skull island or Kong, too much human characters. Same problem as 2014 godzilla
I did. I actually saw your post and it reminded me of myself like 5 years ago.
>too much human characters
Is English your second language?
is it any good?
no it's third or fourth. I also have too much language in my brain
This. My date got cancelled tonight so I need something to do and was considering going to a film.
a-a-anyone near the 630 area code (Aurora) want to go with me?
Practice more so you don't sound like a moron.
its the worst $200 million movie ever made
Because Brie Larson was in it.
It's complete garbage.
that's pathetic user
Definitely shlock but it wasn't a fucking loud borefest like other recent flicks.
At least it didn't blueball me with not resolving half the plot points because we have a cinematic universe now to finish and 50 capeshitters to fit into it.
she was fucking useless and a terrible character, like Hiddleston, but at least Loki can show he's a good actor in other movies
why does he always come off like such a faggot?
He definitely look a lot more gay in this movie than in any other one I've seen him in. He seemed to be struggling hard to act like a non-flaming faggot.
He seemed really gay when he was Loki
i think he's gayer in Kong because he really isn't up to the job of being a bad ass Indiana Jones/Navy Seal type character at all. I think he's an awesome actor and dude, but just a a mismatch for this role (or possible just poorly directed).
Never noticed where it's actual eye is placed.
The arachnid was pure sex.
Giant Spider
Really big Water Buffalo
What selection? There was hardly anything new in this movie
the stick insect was cute, he deserved more screentime
You're forgetting the log-bug.
Interesting. The giant spider and stickbug was cool. Skullcrawlers were meh but the final battle was dope
It's good
By being british
I felt bad when it got shot in the face
Are you some blind faggot using text to speech software? lol fucking blind faggots
>asking the advice of literal children
Are you retarded?
Bang bang! Am I right? Hahahahaha.
Rest in Peace.
Was the bamboo spider a reference to Kumonga?
>Bang bang! Am I right? Hahahahaha.
>Rest in Peace.
>not knowing the deleted spider sequence in original king kong
jesus christ really
Probably want to avoid dinosaurs cause jurassic world is doing them
Did the last kong really have much more, i think you just want tentacle porn monsters.
>when Kong slurps that tentacle
I was mildly turned on
holy shit the creatures and visuals were the only redeeming quality about this movie.
The special effects were shit, get some standards.
they could design some new crazy ass dino's
It's a good monster movie
the opinion of a mid 30s virgin well past his prime means nothing
Deleted Scene from Kong Skull Island;
And another.
was the skull crawler supposed to be version of this things from the original film?
I mean... what else?
they were pretty weak overall. The spider with bamboo legs was the most interesting thing and you could barely see it.
Nigger what did I tell you stop spamming your shit review on my Sup Forums
The Hollywood Heebs created an even shittier wyvern
yourself from this planet. Sup Forums is mine for the taking
so is it worth checking out? loved the 33' king kong, and I'm a sucker for 70's ass kaiju flicks with monsters beating the snot out of eachother
What a shitty review. Speak up, don't be so monotone
Also what jurassic park references are you even talking about, this movie has no dinosaurs
>so is it worth checking out? loved the 33' king kong,
>and I'm a sucker for 70's ass kaiju flicks with monsters beating the snot out of eachother
it's not anything like the 33 film, but it's a great movie for monster fighting
what a shitty reply. kill yourself.
Samuel Jackson saying hold on to your butts.
Giant lizards and dinosaur bones. A scene where characters at a high elevation touch the nose of a giant creature and have a moment.
and now ripping off jurassic world, having a character sadistically murdered by pteradactyls.
die a violent death
I didn't care for those skull crusher things. Not only did they look like some kind of edgy monster that shops at Hot Topic, but the final boss was weak as hell. They built it up as "so big that Kong can't handle him," but he does. Even after having recovered from catching on fire. A cheap boost would have been to just up the final boss size some more.
All the other monsters were okay. Didn't care for the log monster, though. Looked like a scaled up pokemon. Logimon or some shit.
final boss was weak, just a bit bigger than the mini bosses and nothing special about him. i thought there was going to some scene after because that was such a weak finale
The skull crawler looks like it has a big nose if you know what I mean. Wink wink
the dinos probably got driven to extinction by more powerful and bigger monsters. I mean, Kong can literally pick up a t-rex and throw it over a mountain.
didn't really like or dislike the skull crawlers design. wished the boss looked different, maybe more spikes and three tails. the muto from Godzilla is still my personal favourite.
the tree monster was cute af.
I have never heard of or seen brie Larson before. Needless to say she has 2 assets that distracted me when she was on screen. I think I have a waifu in the making.
Fun popcorn movie. Not as good as Godzilla.
Well then strap in user because shes MCU's Captain Marvel
I'm positive she won't be showing off those jugs in the marvel universe. She's got nothing outside of that very definition of butter face.
>godzilla fights bland looking insects
>kong fights bland looking lizards
those lizards are bland
>let's make them black
>no white
>no BOTH
>good. they should have skulls
>...but nothing too scary
>...or offensive.
>good insight, we're on the right track, team
Haters gonna hate
The skullcrawler was less bland than the mutos though, you have to admit.
oh shit, didnt make that connection
>Haters gonna hate
One day you may develop some standards user.
Jackson Kong was way better for creature fuckery
Just a few examples of superb kong kino
Haters gonna hate
i dont like the movie, but the designs and reasonings for all the monsters and how they interconnected was probably the most well thought out part of the film. from the way the bombs wake up the crawlers, to their anatomy and habits, and the way they interact with kong.
their teeth look like they are made to pick every last bit of flesh from the bone, they are designed to contort their bodies and fit into strange spaces(like skulls) and their camouflage matches them lying around a bunch of old bones. you sound like one of the retards that said godzilla 2014 was too fat, ignoring that hippos and crocodiles are both fat as fuck
jackson kong is better in pretty much every way
Just as niggers will continue to nig I suppose
Jesus Christ the one guy who keeps spamming his shitty review needs to kill himself.
He's not meant to be a John Rambo, he's British.
It didn't take itself seriously so it was easy to enjoy the ridiculous spectacle. Huge monster fights, john c Riley playing himself again with ok jokes, and Sam Jackson dies saying motherfucker. Worth $12
It's like a killer whale or a caterpillar.
The official website says they're carnivorous, so the guy was probably better off with a quick death by the skullcrawler.
>getting swallowed and digested slowly in a stomach is better
I've actually grown INTO my anti-Hollywod phase as I age.
>that insect pit scene
It still gives me nightmares. Fuck giant bugs.
Everyday get on your knees and thank the square cuble law and their lack of lungs that they will never be that huge
Do you like giant monsters? fuck yeah it is.
You don't like giant monsters? why the fuck would you even care?
>90's born faggot
A reminder that I have no business being on this site
thanks you square cube law!
I thought Brie Larson was going to stick her hand up one of Kong's nostrils.
Skull island was high budget porn for vore faggots
Can anyone tell me the details of thr stick insect scene?
Jackson's Kong was better in every aspect, 30 minutes too long, but better anyway.