Times you accidentally revealed your power level

>work at paint store
>lady comes in with a bunch of little shit skin kids wearing shirts that say "VOTA!" on them
>they want a clear coat to put over a signature on a guitar
>ask who signed it
>"Dolores Huerta."
>"you know who Dolores is?"
>yeah I do
>they sense my feelings and leave when I tell them I don't have anything they can use

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm glad I know who Dolores huerta is otherwise this thread would suck.

Anyone who doesn't know who she is shouldn't be here

who is she?

Wait so neither of you liked her?

A civil rights activist for illegals and degenerates

She's basically an anti white socialist who shills for Obama and Hillary and helps secure the brown vote

Such a nostalgic image OP, things where much simpler back then

Some wetback who asks for more rights for border jumpers and their anchors.

>Dolores Huerta
why would someone want her signature on a guitar?

This group of kids looked like a fucking 80s after school special. Literally one kid of every race. Fucking Burger King kids club shit

i got her to sign my katana, it was all i had with me and your not not gonna get Delores Huertas autograph.

>Dolores huerta
Literally who?

Some niggers asked me for a cig
I told him I didn't have any left
I lied

Are there shirts available that say H8 FCK?


>drunk at party
>friend is giving me sprites like it's no tomorrow
>lmao w/e sprite tastes tank
>30 minutes later
>sprite was actually 3/4ths vodka
>i've had half a bottle of vodka and i was already drunk
>lmao too late to go back
>last time i was drunk i ended up crying and saying i was a degenerate for getting drunk, saying Hitler tried to prevent this
>last thing i remember is sitting on a couch watching tv
>friend gets up walks past and goes to bed
>friend teleports to the spot she just left
>it has been 4 hours and 5 people who were going to sleep over have left because of me
>get in a fight with a degenerate alcoholic irish kid
>told a fat cunt to kill herself, saying i would kill myself if i was fat like her
>say to my childhood friend that he can do better than his ugly girlfriend
>give other cunt a panic attack because i wouldn't stop touching him (no homo)

I out grew every friend i had in 1 night, was pretty dank though. I made new friends right afterwards that weren't degenerates and i haven't drank alcohol since. I'm 19 now.

The fat whale tried to befriend me recently so i brought her into my room and showed her some equality facts about welfare users and niggers.
She hasn't talked to me since. Feels good.

Me and a friend was at a city "church" and i out of the blue told a faggot to burn in hell for his sins.

What mango is this, recognize the art

My bro and his gf are cucked.

"Our city is too white."
"Why is that a bad thing?"
They both looked at me like I am furiously stabbing a puppy.
"Why does diversity equal progress?"
They both ponder a logical response.
"When did you become so racist?"

I'm still fucking pissed about it. Trying to redpill him but it may be too late.

I really hope you're not this autistic.

Literally cancer thread - some people would say we should not discriminate based on country - but 9 our of 10 times it's safe to just hide threads started by american flags.

I was alot younger but the memory is still funny

Prison school

So did she like Dolores? If so, why was she painting over it?

idk how the conversation started, but we were training this new girl at work and somehow we started talking about abortion. She kept saying that she wouldn't do it for religious reasons and I'm like "nah fuck that shit what if you were raped? would you keep the kid? You know rapists get visitation rights too right?" then she gave me that dumb look people do when they pretend they're thinking hard about something.

Then some Indian chick got fired because this dude made a joke about how cramped we were because all four of us were sharing a small office fit for one person and she took it as a fat joke, because she was fat. Later, after the Indian was fired for being lazy and unreliable, I went off about bad Indians smell and how they legit have designated shitting streets to my other co-workers. To which my co-workers agreed wholeheartedly.

I swear that office was a shining example of different races coming together. Diverse team just shitting on each other with no hate.

Oops I meant to say the indian chick got a white dude fired after the fat joke

can't the guy who did that FCKH8 vid be brought up on pedo charges?
he's showing underage males engaging in sexual foreplay

It would be a clear coat to protect the signature from getting scratched or smudged.


>power level

translation: retard racist level

yeah go reveal how stupid you are
go ahead OP
you fucking faggot

delete this pedo nfaggot fuck

>Bad Goy

>talking to fat, Asian liberal friend in LA
>Trump comes up
>how is he a racist?
>he said X and Y
>did he now? can you find those exact quotes and show me?
>well, he wants to build a wall
>and? why is enforcing our national borders racist? how many people call Asians racist for having the Great Wall of China? Should Asians take down their wall and accept refugees as well?
>well he went bankrupt in 4 companies
>out of 100 companies only 4 went bankrupt and I'm only supposed to pay attention to the 4 while ignoring the other 100?
>he wants to deport immigrants
>he wants to deport illegal immigrants
>illegal immigrants work hard and do jobs Americans don't want to do
>If illegal immigrants truly worked hard, they'd work just as hard as your parents to come here legally like everyone else
>besides, illegal immigrants drive down wages and those here picking fruit are here legally on work visas
>what about Bernie, he wants free college
>even if we taxed the top 10% 100% of their income, it still wouldn't even come close to paying for "free college"
>maybe Trump isn't so bad, I won't vote for him but maybe I won't vote this election at all

We went at it for 2 hours, at least I had him cancel out his own vote. He's too blue to go full MAGA

Does anyone else here go full Sup Forums mode when they're drunk?

I don't remember much but according to my friends a week ago I rambled on and on about the jews and said 'goyim' on numerous occasions.

I don't hide my power level. If someone asks me what I think about something I tell them exactly what I think about it.

Stop being faggots.

Based Australia.
More compliments about Australia.
92% White

If I said I was voting for Trump at work I'd lose my job instantly.

>illegals do dirty jobs maymay
I love that one. Just ask the person if you can brake into their house and leave there in exchange for soing dishes

Try working for Trump

You planted the seed added some shit and put some water on it. Give it time to grow. He will MAGA.

>10th grade english class
>Teacher comes in wearing an Africa Tshirt
>make a comment about how Africa sucks
>She asks if ive ever even been to Africa
>Instantly reply "Does Baltimore count?"
>complete silence

Not sure how i didnt get in trouble. This was like 5 years ago.

This is like an encounter with a German.
When German tourists come to my country and ask -inGerman- where the bloody superket is, I tell them.
But also to elect AFD. They then start to laugh nervously.
Kind of sad.

Fear is the exact reason lefties have so much control over you guys now.


My friend and I got into a Trump debate with some fat blonde slut at the bar a few weeks ago. Bitch found it so inconceivable that someone would vote for him she broke into tears and left. I have a habit of getting super drunk and arguing with women until they cry actually

shit, and here I was, convinced all's well that ends well

Yep. Got it. Nice

You know the Great Wall of China is in the middle of modern day China right?

"i made a total ass of myself and am trying to justify it with some dogshit excuse like growing out friends"

sounds like you need to lay off the alcohol bud. there's a difference between not giving a fuck and having a sense of decorum

Baltimore resident here. Yes it does count.


I think the hospital on the citadel was named after her.

nice projecting

>eating at semi-fancy restaurant with family
>guy a few tables over is talking a little too loud about the virtues of socialism and how the evil American bourgeois are at fault for its failure
>I make it a point to start a conversation with my brother about how Pinochet should have thrown more leftists out of helicopters
>I say it loud enough for him to hear it
>guy makes eye contact with me for a split second then stares back at his salad

It's been awhile since I've seen that lovely .gif. She's probably 40 by now

> Sup Forums open in one browser on right screen
> online resume open in other browser on left screen
> ctrl+v and Enter
> realize I had the wrong browser selected
> mfw

>be me
>going to the doctor to get my testicle checked out
>one is much much smaller than the other
>low test lol
>talking to the lady scheduling my ultrasound
>she's pretty straightforward
>during a lapse I mention that at least i could still be successful if i only had one ball
>she asks me what i mean
>I say hitler had only one testicle, and he seemed like he was fairly successful
>she smiles and we joke about testicle prosthetics

that was a good day.
>tfw you're charming enough to reveal your power level and not get shit on

>be talking to old Vietnam vet Democrat
>talking about how he was a conscientious objector but decided to serve anyways
>talking about how much he hates Trump
>says he's going to vote for Hillary instead
>say outloud, "Shit, man. I'll never vote for a woman period, let alone Hillary."
>couple people look
>oh well

I am also a TA/GA at university for my PhD so I have to be EXTREMELY careful not to reveal my power level.

Fuck niggers btw.

Someone's a little butthurt not everybody thinks the same way

Another time

>go to some stupid unit Christmas party
>team leader brings his gf
>I get progressively more hammered
>go to a bar after the party
>start arguing with TL's gf
>black out
>wake up next day with a headache. Apparently I told her women are useless sex dolls that have no right to vote, and that they're the reason western society is collapsing
>she bottles me, and runs out of the bar crying
>TL was taking a piss at the time, goes out and drives her home
>she cries the whole ride back
>breaks up with him for not kicking my ass

No you genuinely sound autistic

Bloody hell. I wish it happened.

>be brown person
>casually make race jokes to hapa friend
>get drunk and shittalk niggas, trannys, whites, pretty much Sup Forums talk
>got him to switch from bernieboi to Trump


rule of power : act like others but think as you like

you can run your mouth to anyone you want and while people may respect your straightforward demeanor you will pay the price slowly but surely, whether it's you not getting promoted at work or losing a social circle.

I know you're going to say something like "lol I do what I want cuck" and that's fine, but there is a reason why some of the smartest men in history played all sides to their advantage

Nice. Just subtle enough to not go full autism while still BTFO of him.

Best part was apparently after she bottled me I said "fuck, you hit like a girl."

No shame in only having one teste. Used to work with a dude who had one of his crushed when he was a kid, manliest dude I've ever met. He didn't give a fuck

>work at paint store

Keep on Master-Racin' there, Mighty Whitey!

>Meet dude in DayZ SA.
>He's pretty chill and actually enjoyable to hang around.
>After 2 hours of looting and shooting, he sends me a friend request.
>Hes a furry and hes also gay.
>We play together for another 2 weeks before he invites me to a group skype chat with all his other furry and normal friends.
>All of them are pretty tame except for his bf.
>His bf is bluepilled as fuck.
>Orlando shooting rolls around.
>I've already made myself the known conspiritard of the group.
>At this point, me and his bf have gotten into multiple arguements about the holocaust, climate change, and mass shootings that seem staged.
>Me, the dude i met, his bf, and 4 other prison island when I tell them about how the shooter was a muslim.
>The bf blows up on me, calling me a racist southerner piece of shit.
>Everyone in the group is confused and wondering what the fuck is going on.
>He attempts to shoot me in a fit of autistic liberal rage.
>Drop him with a headshot.
>His friends run over, meanwhile hes screaming in skype that i shot him.
>They all try to kill me.
>Kill all of them while screaming racial slurs and other offensive things.
>Kicked from the skype chat, told never to come back.

They still attempt to try and track me down in-game.

I once told some leftist faggot that trannies are mentally ill degenerates who should be treated for their mental illness and not for "being inside the wrong body". He raged. Then I told him it would be best to euthanize everyone who is genetically mentally handicapped. He fumed. Then I told him whites are better than niggers. He exploded and stormed out in a choleric fit. That was my first experience of impotent liberal rage, and I plan to provoke it more often.

Dolores Huerta is fucking awesome tho..

I don't get how you can associate ruining a party with being cool.

multiple people went home because of this guy. no one with an actual social life will ever want to hang out with some faggot that thinks insulting everyone is cool.

there's a difference between banter and insulting, and this guy came across as a massive prick with no social skills. he even admitted to saying shit like "Hitler could have prevented this." that is neckbeard shit to say

>but there is a reason why some of the smartest men in history played all sides to their advantage

You mean the Jews right?

World History class. Laughing while we learned about the holocaust. Trying to contain my laughter only made it worse.

Also wrote an essay about how great Hitler was. Shit talked the Jews and said they had it coming .

I am Hispanic, so no one said anything. A white kid would've been suspended or punished.

where are you?

you think that's bad? My brother actively harasses racists on facebook. Makes me sick.

Look at the IDs newfag.
People are entitled to their opinions and don't have to hang around people who won't consider them and shame them for being different. Grow up and learn what autism means

is that image real

oh you were THAT kid

they didn't say anything because they thought you were autistic

I drank a daterapepunch (Soju and everclear mixed with fruit punch), and ended up screaming at the top of my lungs "If you're not white you fucking suck! White powah"

The worst part is all my friends are already hardcore nationalists and no consequences.

>illegal immigrants work hard and do jobs Americans don't want to do

For the same wage. That's the thing people always seem to forget about when arguing for illegals to stay. It's why both the left and the right want illegal immigration. Left is a bunch of retarded globalist white genocide bleeding hearts while the right wants big agriculture to be happy. No worthwhile illegal immigration acts will get passed with the current parties or have ever been passed.

>About a year ago
>Sociology class (a mistake, yes)
>The class faggot keeps piping up about virtue-signalling bullshit about feminism and how bad women have got it
>I go on massive rant about why women should be discouraged from voting because they vote based on vibes and feelings, which is why they're better suited in the expressive role
>Talk about this being the source of the migrant crisis and the collapse of the west: women's rights
>Class is all female except for me and the faggot
>They're all liberals

But boy did it feel good to have them all so, so pissed off with me.

>Japs invented cuck porn

I'm cringing just reading this. Spic.

lol, so saying shit like "Hitler could have prevented this" is a totally social apt thing to say right?

the kid admits to blacking out, saying neckbeard shit and trying to look cool. maybe his friends were faggots, but insulting people to try to prove something is beta as fuck.

a real alpha would just smile at the betas, get the number of the nearest girl asap and dip to do whatever the fuck he wants. sticking around to say autistic shit to prove some asinine point will ensure you have no friends as quickly as possible.

>discussing safe airlines with parents
>dad mentions that he's never heard of an El Al plane getting hijacked or shot down
>say without thinking "Of course they haven't, because Israel is the one orchestrating everything"
>parents laugh and jokingly call me a conspiracy theorist

They're both semi-redpilled, so they don't get angry when I reveal my powerlevel, but they are still from the generation which fears to name the (((redacted)))

who is this semen demon? I need to know for research purposes.

>give other cunt a panic attack because i wouldn't stop touching him
I dunno why, but that got me good. Holy shit that made me giggle.

I would definitely at least interview someone who shitposted their resume.

I'm not sure. Just saw her on some random Romanian post I think.

Redpill her instead. Women seem unbending and stubborn at times, but they give in quicker than delusional males do. Treat her to a nice sharia exposé. Start with them, it's easier because of how they treat their women, the gays, Jews, etc. And when you've already redpilled someone on something, you'll notice it gets easier to redpill them on something else. Just remember, once you control the vagina, you control the cuck that fucks it.

What's the source of this photo? Who are those chicks?

Those faggots shoulda manned up.
You sound like a little pussy too


Oh shit I keep giving bursts of redpill every time I'm drunk. Because I live in fucking britbongistan I'm just anticipating some shitlib girl to one day report me for "muh transphobia" or some shit.

cuckold your bro

if you're going to troll me at least use a smug anime pic.

poor fucking effort.

>All those videos and not a single one of her getting fucked

>socially apt
People can say whatever they want, no one should have to adhere to any "social norms"
Humans(except blacks) aren't monkeys, those concepts don't apply to us

I know it could be much worse, it just hurts because he is a really intelligent guy and (((they))) brainwashed him so easily.

Another sibling donates to the Dems and used to work for one of the giant jew banks. At least my pops in conservative and agrees people need to work hard to protect their family.