Do Russians actually want a war with America? What do they think it will accomplish?
Do Russians actually want a war with America? What do they think it will accomplish?
>this is what americans actually believe
It's seriously getting embarrassing
especially when """"""""""""""""conservatives""""""""""" side with Obama and SHillary
Actually it's the opposite. US wants to push their currency towards them.
no, they want us to collapse so they can bum rush their expendable troops, move in the muslims for labor production, and have all our valuable assets for their elite puppetmasters.
Putin himself said there will be war if Hillary gets elected.
That says nothing about who would be the one starting the war and why.
Nobody wants war.
It will accomplish Russia and Europe being btfo, with US remaining intact and coming in the very end to enslave survivors with debt for several eternities to come.
I want war with Russia...
Russian, NK, and china more like it for me.
I want to fight with Russians because they seem pretty bro tier. There is no better way to make friends than beat each other silly and have a drink afterwards.
Everyone says there will be a war if Shillary gets elected.
That bitch is evidently crazy.
With internal problems like the ones you have now? Suicidal tendencies much, amerifat? Stick to bullying weaker countries, Russia is a bit out of your reach for now.
Our "internal problems" are overblown. Besides, war is unifying in a patriotic nation, and it would give us an excuse to purge the leftists.
Realistically, though, we would just nuke Russia off the map and make the world a better place.
I think russia is cool
I don't want a war with them
Fuck the yankees.
Do Americans actually believe what the media tells them? What do they think it will accomplish?
oh hell yeah i want to die for fucking nothing
think with yer head mate
>I don't want a war with them
Oh well that fucking settles it then
I'm amazed so many amerifats are so short sighted that they don't realize that, by all accounts, Russia declaring war to USA or anyone in their influence zone would be the most stupid movement ever. They just can't win against NATO.
Whoever thinks Russia is a threat is a brainless bot.
I know right? Total bandwagon baseball team
Nobody has planned USA vs Rus war, don't worry about that kind of idiotic stuff.
OP is a nigger.
>implying it won't be dying for Holy Rus
Isn't it way past your bedtime?
So declaring war to another superpower over some bullshit excuse like you usually do is going to unify you? lmao.
You barely pulled a tie against Vietnam and it was inferior in every way. No one will send the troops required to invade Russia and nuking is out of the question.
Realistically, you will keep doing what you already do. You will bully smaller and weaker nations because that's all you're good for and IF people wake up, you will either break into smaller countries or stop the warmongering altogether.
He got cucked earlier, don't mind him.
>It will accomplish Russia and Europe being btfo, with US remaining intact and coming in the very end to enslave survivors with debt for several eternities to come.
Didn't we already do that twice?
Russia has 1st and 2nd strike advantage, your own analysts have confirmed this time and again.
Not to mention the dead hand system and such shite, so you are definitely not just going to nuke them off the map.
Nuking is out of the question because... you just say so?
Man, no wonder you need to pay your debts.
you're describing Jews
>Russia has better, bigger and more nukes
>we will blow them off the map
LMAO americans never cease to amaze me
when it comes to a war with another superpower and theres a draft, america will be drafting fatboys who will eat more rations than their life is worth, while other countries have a much healthier population to choose from
No you idiot. We're the ones with thousands of troops in Poland, not them.
You speak about 'realistically' nuking Russia and purging the leftists because... you just say so?
Man, no wonder there's so many ''Americans are stupid'' videos on youtube.
Their dead hand is fifty years old, their readiness level is nonexistent, they are complacent and weak. An alpha strike would wipe them out before they could wipe the cobwebs off the launch keys to respond.
I don't want a war with Russia. Maybe some day... but I'd rather wipe out all of Africa, the Middle East, South Asia... let's just say Russia is at the bottom of my list of enemies.
Luckily there is no other superpower, so that's not a fear we need to face.
> 50 years old
That's funny considering Russia is constantly updating their nuclear arsenal and it is America that's still fielding Tridents from fuck knows when.
Also they have nukes on trucks. Your argument is invalid.
only a select few (((people))) actually want war
everyone knows what it would unleash upon the world, especially at a time when we should be standing side-by-side against the third world hordes
Well, purging the leftists is just a happy idea. Nuking Russia, however, is a very real possibility. If you don't think there are guys whose entire job is to just war game it every single day, then you're a fool.
>Their dead hand is fifty years old, their readiness level is nonexistent, they are complacent and weak. An alpha strike would wipe them out before they could wipe the cobwebs off the launch keys to respond.
Is that because... you just say so?
historically, US has never been unified under wars you've incited. in fact, the population has only grown more divided with each one.
> If you don't think there are guys whose entire job is to just war game it every single day, then you're a fool.
You are the one who thinks Russia does NOT have said guys, retard. lmao
Hook me up with a link so i can go spam it to normies
Yeah, but they're too poor to put gas in them. Meanwhile our satellites can read the pressure ratings printed on the tire sidewalls from geosynchronous orbit. When we nuke Russia, none of their weapons will survive the attack.
Greece telling america about internal problems?
Russia has a dead hand system. In the case of all it's control centres being destroyed and it's government being dead, hidden silos will launch nukes at predetermined cities. Pretty much every major city in the world.
You cannot stop this system. If you found out where the hidden silos are, they have seismographic sensors which register the impacts of nukes on the site and launch anyway. If power is cut, they launch anyway. If the Russian crew don't regularly confirm they're alive and there (say you killed them with gas) the nukes launch anyway.
If a meteor hits the area near them, they launch anyway.
It cannot be switched off. If it's switched off, it launches.
The only way it can be 'fixed' is by dismantling every single missile that Russia has.
Their survival
Their guys are weak and complacent. They will not be able to respond effectively before the bombs fall.
You wanna fuck off back to /k/, you delusional fuckboy?
I heard there was a F35 test that the plane didn't completely botch.
You need to stop reading spy novels.
We're not planning or wishing to start a war with anyone, retard #2. Lmao
t. future nuclear victim
> jungle nigger
They do have this system
russia hasn't been a serious threat ever
by which i mean, neither side really wanted a war and barring some accidental catastrophe or some actual lunatic coming to power on either side the war would never happen.
since '91 this hasn't changed.
ideologically they're not even our enemy anymore, considering they stopped being :DDDD gommies ages ago.
there's no reason to bother chestbeating against the russians. if you want to go test your newest military hardware go to the middle east and blow up some turbans.
Nothing to do with spy novels. It's just batshit crazy USSR shit they did.
Whatever, thankfully you're not in any position to decide when to use weapons of mass destruction. If you think Russia cannot launch it's nukes because 'it doesn't have the gas to launch them' then you're fucking retarded and I think you're baiting.
Lmfao this cuck thinks it's the 1990s
> Their guys are weak and complacent. They will not be able to respond effectively before the bombs fall.
Is that because... you just say so?
He is overstating it. Every machine breaks down eventually and requires maintenance. Especially 50 year old ones.
Thanks man
It is for the same reason you must pay your debts: because it is.
Says the drug pusher to the junkie.
That's a reaction to Russia's build ups on the borders of eastern Europe which is 10x bigger than NATO's. Our troop placement is more like a gesture saying "oh we'll help you when the ruskies come"
some of my family was adopted from an orphanage in moscow. America and Russia together could wipe out ISIS, put a man on mars, and cure cancer in a single thursday afternoon.
No, my flag is not German.
Not if your rulers have anything to say about it :^)
Nice source
But whitey holding us back and not letting our gay relationship commence!
And what I said earlier is for the same reason you're a retard. Because it is.
You are retarded my man.
>amerilard talking about debts
How cute
Sheeeit wit noe whitey we be kangz of marz
Only boomers and kikes want war with Russia.
A war between Russia and the United States would be bloody. Not to mention the chain reactions. Catch my drift?
>he thinks Russia wants a war
So the Clinton's
I can't post what I want, system says it's spam.
Fuck sake. Basically, China is causing USA to want deploy shit in that area. Russia took advantage of USA pulling out of Europe.
Repeat, it is the opposite. The Obama administration and the Democrats, and the Republicans are quietly leading us to war with Russia.
War is getting closer. Vote Trump 2016 to save the world.
>Putin Issues Desperate Warning of WWIII
The United States last month expelled two Russian officials in response to an attack on an American diplomat by a Russian policeman in Moscow, the State Department said Friday, in a development that was sure to further strain already tense bilateral relations.
The officials were expelled June 17, department spokesman John Kirby told reporters. He didn't immediately provide additional information.
Kirby said the American was attacked June 6 by a Russian guard outside the U.S. Embassy compound. Kirby said the attack was "unprovoked and it endangered the safety of our employee."
>Why are Russians so insecure?
>implying the USA doesn't have nukes under Yellowstone as a 'FUCK YOU' weapon
Russia simply doesn't have the men of materials to wage a war against the US and her allies. Words are wind. There won't be a war.
I almost want Russia to invade us, win, and put an end to this progressive egalitarian bullshit.
So yeah, I think Russia would love to kick Americas ass in a war. But I don't think they are stupid enough to believe they could actually win
w-what if all the spooky activity we've seen from Yellowstone recently was the government planting nukes in case of a major invasion?
There is no reason for America to attack Russia before 2020, Russia's army is going to be halved because they can't afford to fund it.
>Their guys are weak and complacent
yes, russia is the one whose population is made up of nu-males and mexicans
baka desu
No their population is made up of furries
I'm really pissed off the system wouldn't let me post what I wanted. Why doesn't it tell you what the fucking problem is so I can delete it? I don't know what has triggered the system.
South Ossetia
If this works I have no idea what caused it to react like that.
Russia doesn't need to fight USA. It just needs to claim ground and then do a peace deal and keep that shit. South Ossetia is essentially an annexed part of Georgia. Chances are Russia will claim 'aggression' and say 'we took these countries to secure out borders'.
That's exactly how their system works nigga. We have a code system, they have a "we press this button every day or everything dies" system
Wonder why this whole let's kill each other thing always gets started by americans?
Not like Russia is your fucking neighbour
you are a fucking MORON.
I like russia and hate obama and hillary.
Love trump
Trump + putin 4eva
Any russians with me
>Ivan will never bend me over and fuck me after conquering america
>I will never feel his big slavic cock inside me
Why even live
Oh look somebody's shilling that it's "gonna be an ez war" when has this happened before I wonder.
The US will not allow Russia to annex any part of Russia and claim the vast oil wealth that lie to the south. It's precisely why the US threatened full scale war during Russia's last dalliance in Georgia. The southern Caucasus are valuable to NATO, which is why dinky Georgia is protected.
It just won't be Russia or America launching their nukes, China would be launching their nukes as well.
China has no way of knowing if American nukes would bypass them and only hit Russia since there is so little time before the nukes travels from America to the Asian continent.
So in this scenario, China has no reason to not launch their own nukes as well.
Everyone is smaller and weaker than us though
are you even capable of bending over or crouching?