Well, Sup Forums?
b-b-b-b-but racism and double standard are over in murica
Capitalism is to blame. One can afford a good lawyer, the other is a nigger.
Rape and sexual assault are two different things deserving of two different sentences. Fingerblasting a girl who wanted it is not rape.
Black guy has the JUST look about him
Ignore this shill thread and come join in discussing how to fix the world's problems
he was convicted of sexual assault, not rape
I didn't know unconscious women wanted to be fingerblasted.
you would too. And I love how by lefty logic two cases is enough to make an argument and confirm their biases.
black dude didn't rape the girl, she even admitted it later after asking if she could keep the money she got from the university
banks should be legally allowed to kill her if this world was just
Just ignore /r9k/ faggots it's what's I do.
>3rd base
Pick one.
Brian was in with a bad crowd and knew a cunt who said she was raped by him
Brock had a good lawyer
Brock Turner did not plead guilty to rape, and in fact was never tried on a rape charge. Additionally, his sentence was completely in line with what he was convicted of, in consideration of his lack of a criminal record.
Literally no one fucking defended what happened to Brian Banks.
Sup Forums is actually one of guys who got people to donate to his movie based on what happened to him.
The person who accused him of rape was black as well, by the way.
He never got his penis out
You should be pissed at the woman who falsely accused this upstanding negro instead pissed at a white guy who is in jail for a completely different incident.
Also black people tend to demand to testify in their own defense (always a bad decision) and have a bad habit of talking to police.
Everyone else keeps their mouth shut and lawyer up.
What both Conservatives and Liberals miss about this issue is the root cause: class. We live in a centaur state, a state in which there are two sets of laws and punishments according to your wealth or status. This is an unavoidable fact.
Now transfer that knowledge to situations like these and a pattern emerges. Since blacks are disproportionately poor, shit like this is bound to happen to them more. It doesn't mean its racially charged.
The penal system isn't racist, it's classist
Legalize rape
They'll just lie/come up with all types of excuses and deny that racism and classism is big factor like they usually do.
>unconscious and taken advantage of
>wanting it
>ifra nadeem
this is what you get for letting all the shitskins into your country.
kill whitey
yup, this
Sup Forums hates womyn who cry rape more than niggers though
I'm convinced most of Sup Forums don't even hate black men, just black women
had brock turner been falsely accused of rape, he'd get a similar sentence
but he wasn't.
I'll give you a penal system in your ass big boy
>cherry picking in a country of 300 million
Both fucked over by women?
Yeah. Brian Banks got fucked over. I hope the public through the government can repair that situation.
Nevertheless . . .
These are two different kinds of rapes we're discussing. They are not equivalent and should not be held up as such. It is a typical liberal fallacy.
Ignore this shill thread, come discuss ways to actually change our nation and society.
Shills aren't even trying anymore
>Black guy has the JUST look about him
Yeah he does. Fucked up shit, man. I hope he was compensated.
Why is anyone pissed at the kid instead of the woman who literally lied about a rape? Brian Banks was accused of raping someone he didn't.
Brock Turner is accused of finger banging some girl based on what other people saw. Brian Banks of accused of violently dragging a woman into a stairwell and raping the shit out of her.
The crimes they were accused of are obviously very different in intensity so the punishment shouldn't be the same. The only thing to be pissed about is that some bitch fucking lied about Brian Banks violently fucking raping them!
Brian Banks plead guilty on the advice of the black lawyer that his mom hired...
It's both.
nay mayn is sum rayciss shit goin on in here mmhmm
why did you delete your earlier comment
I'm detecting a lot of privilege in this post.
The fuck are you talking about? He doesn't have any look about him
To remove the "and more" part, mainly.
Dumb comparison. Everyone of every race is pissed off about the corruption in the Brock Turner case, but a woman of all people shouldn't be the one arguing that a rape claim shouldn't be taken seriously.
I'm sure if we look far enough back on her social media accounts she was a #SolidarityWithSonya
>All the cuck responses itt
Sup Forums is dead
yay more cherrypicking
>He doesn't have any look about him
If you weren't a psychopath you'd be able to interpret facial expressions.
I'm not
I honestly don't give a shit
The only reason it blew is because it fits the college is a scary rape place narrative that feminists have been pushing for the past decade
Go stick a nazi flagpole up your ass, adolph.
Here's his accuser.
it's all about the money not race
Brian Banks didn't have money and he got shit advice and plead guilty to something he didn't do
black people are poorer so they don't have the money for decent lawyers
the worst aspect of this is that instead of getting angry at the justice system and the elected prosecutors that stacks on charges to scare the defendant instead of doing what is right, liberals focus on creating a racist narrative.
Not upset about the Brock Turner case? The upsetting part is why he got such a slap on the wrist, and that's because his dad was wealthy and used his money to persuade the outcome.
fuck off nigger and kill yourself
Never trust women.
Thanks for the reminder.
Also that kid fingered a girl drunk at a party. Granted it was wrong and I dont feel as if the punishment was unjust but its not the real version of rape just the new one.
The sad thing about Brian Banks is his mom hired a lawyer instead of him using a public defender. The lawyer was just really shitty, the public defender would probably have been better.
Is she in jail?
If she didn't get the justice she deserved from being raped they would be crying racism on that also.
>Is she in jail?
No. That would be both racism and blaming the victim.
2 reasons
Reason 1:
Brock Turner had a much better defence thanks to the two Swedes and the fact that he was drunk
Sexual assault does not get you the same penalty as rape
Just like we have degrees of murder we have different degrees of sexual crime
Should a man who flashes people be treated like a kiddy fucker in the eyes of the law?
Still hasn't stopped the world from hating turner
Reason 2:
Brian Banks lost his case hard
You see we live in a society with two courts
One that that is based on laws and evidence and one that is based on emotion
I would like to tell you what I'd do to you, you mongoloid finnish piece of trash, but they'd probably ban me.
Slap on the wrist?
His life is literally over
The Sup Forums Hierarchy:
Women >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blacks >> Hispanics >>>>>>>Asians >>>> Whites
double standard is a norm in america
>ignoring the issue of false rape accusation in favor of constructing a "race" issue
Only women.
I can understand not putting false accusers in jail for one reason: You want them to recant their false accusations and if they get in trouble for it they never will. As much as I think they should still go to jail I don't think they should be punished simply because otherwise the person will rot in jail. However if the lie is found out any other way the person should get whatever sentence the person they accused would get.
It is now, social justice prevailed.
It is funny though, there was a TED talk (yeah TED is garbage now), about that CEO who made the "Going to Africa, hope I don't get AIDs" tweet and how social justice has by ruined by liberals who join the bandwagon to destroy lives just to be a part of something.
I'm glad Brock Turners life is over, It's a victory for the underdogs.
There are different degrees of rape. It's like saying "5 years for theft vs 6 days for theft"
The guy who got 5 years was accused of a brutal rape, the guy who got 3 months was fondling some girl, that's sexual assault and the only reason it was rape is because he was fingering her.
>f the lie is found out any other way the person should get whatever sentence the person they accused would get.
I agree totally with that.
No. Part of the deal she made was that in return for her testimony saying that she lied and that Banks didn't rape her, she would be immune from charges.
I think she won a settlement from the school district though and had to pay that back.
tell me you fucking nigger. world is a better place without you
Not actually a pre-med student.
Money talks. Deal with it.
Remember when O.J. got away with murder?
>well Sup Forums?
>1 post from this ID
Sage goes in all fields
How much time in prison does a person deserve for fingering a drunk girl?
Don't White college kids get falsely accused and arrested for "rape" like, daily?
I thought the guy on the right only fingered her
It's a bad thing but it's nowhere near full blown rape and does not deserve the same kind of punishment
Banks plead not guilty and was found guilty.
he actually didn't do anything.
>ID: Soiled
I'm whiter than you, you asiatic mongoloid. My progenitors are from Sweden.
We should just remove rape and sexual assault completely. The narrow ass definition that rape takes and the fact that feminists get people accused of it falsely all the time while men "can't be raped" proves that it is a clear example of legislated women's privilege
Women can want and consent to sex and later come and change their mind and get people they were fucking married to locked up and ruined for life
Let's just remove rape as a charge. If these dumb women use their pussies over their brains and think they "want it rough" when the are drunk then too bad. In the exact same words feminists use "too bad deal with it"
The world would be a much better place if all white women under 38 who were not married to a white man would just disappear
You white Americans will be so fucked when the shit really hits the fan. And you deserve it.
Hmm....At least 2 years. And then probation for a while and mandatory therapy to keep an eye on them because people who take advantage of defenseless people fall somewhere on the psychopath spectrum.
>false accusation of rape
wait I thought that was impossible?
He got charged with intent to rape and digital rape. Kangaroo court already ruined his life.... Thanks title 9, drunk slut cheats on her bf to varying degrees and then passes out unconscious
She was conscious during the fingering
The mandatory minimum was 2 years for forced sodomy.
The judge jewed out and went below the guidelines because of extraordinary circumstances.
>Banks plead not guilty
He pled "no contest."
but now you are a mongrel. God is going to smite you.
Thats a instigating racism meme, what are the details of the cases? Do you have that? Or just grabbed this off facebook? White privilege? Yea right, its 2016 not 1950. I see more racism towards white people cuz alot of people fear being seen as a racist.
Mongrel vs. Mongoloid
I win.
more shekels to your accoun-er banke- er LAWYer = less punishment
don't you know this goy?
nope. you're an abomination. God is not going to let you live.
It's funny because it's because of feminism the black guy was in jail.
Had sex, girl regretted it, said it was rape, he gets locked up, she then later says it wasn't rape.
How fucking dare these whores now turn around and try to use him as ammunition for their cause.
>the U.S. "justice" system
And I'm detecting a lot of semen in your anal cavity
Reminder that the black guy was most likely raped in prison and the same extreme leftists preaching anti-rape most likely gave no shits about it because he "deserved" it for allegedly raping a woman.
She was concious and minor hunting since the bitch was 28 and thr guy was 20.
Says the country raped by russia every few years.
>wealth issue
As a true national socialist who actually knows and follows the ideology (not some dumb skinhead nazi who just likes calling people nigger) I agree
However this begs the question: are you a national socialist or an international communist?
Except we were never raped by Russia and we were never part of ex soviet uninion and we were their number 2 enemies. You don't even know where we are man.....