Girl In The Spider's Web director's reason for Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig not returning
Rooney you dont need that shit
But desu i can relate with the director a bit
>i cant allow myself to use wheels, because theyre someone elses invention
>so ill invent new wheels!
So he doesn't have to devote half his time to something already established...But whatever. If reinventing the wheel makes him "a good director" so be it.
Makes sense to me. You wanna tel your own story, not continue some else's.
yeah, nothing better to tell your geniune artistic vision with scarlett "past her prime" johanson.
>Girl in Spider's Web delayed as director designs new cameras, chairs and floors
You guys don't see that obviously this is his excuse. Daniel didn't want to come back, and they didn't want Rooney back.
The Sony leaks that talked about this show from years ago confirmed this. This was years in the making.
There was one talking about the season of the show that will be based on the new book after the author's death, Amy goes "this new book has Lizbeth's twin. if we were bringing her back it'd be Two Rooneys!" Scott replies "My suicide." Amy replies "my dream!"
Daniel Craig is having a mid life crises so he hasnt been in anything recently.