New RISK thread

New RISK thread

I'll join but on another map

the original map?

Imho best are that one with bonus on cities or Classic risk with just Eu Me and Na

Maybe this map?


New map claim spots

So, are you hosting this?

Put me around Zürich
Name "Eidgenossenschaft"
Colour red
Thanks, man

I think so


Italy still there?

>Turbojugend Kekpublic
>Any colour

Take sorrounding cities
Spill to weath reasource

Claim Albania.
Color Rose.
Name: Empire of Zogu

Bump and fix status



>Lets go OP, we are 5 playaz counting U


Invade Macedonia, spilling into Montenegro if necessary

fill UK start with the cities

Take Odesa
Spill Wheat

Go down to Milano, Torino and Monaco in that order

Scorpiongirl Empire
Alexandria, Egypt

If I can roll, fill Cairo and move east.



shogunate of ISIS

fill the UK

Fill Switzerland and that three tiles above Torino, then move towards Monaco/Marseilles

Annex Sisi and take east territory

already taken

What are you talking about?

Advance through Montenegro to Sarajevo

Take Gibraltar and Sevilla spill to Morocco


Seatravel Odesa > Istanbul
Spill Bucarest

the colors is taken


do I color in the water as well? or just count the number of tiles it take to get over?

Count tiles

Just count
If tiles arent enough sign on next mupdate an i can start from that Point (not this case, rilled enough)

waiting on russia


Fill Syria

Russia lost previous turn also
Move over go go go

Uh I got dubs OP.

Go for Lyon, then Strasbourg, spills Stuttgart

Up for an Alliance?

fill the UK

Fill Finland.
and the t is lowercase in my name

based worthless straight

Take ankara
Take province Left to Istanbul
Spill Kiev

Wait nevermind.
Fill Al'Aqabar, then Israel then Lebanon

I missed 6 territories my bad

Spill more Antioch

you have 2 gaps, brah

Not true, iv Got sea between My city


Denmark. any color

Expand in Denmark

Expand into Greece

Between Bucharest and the northeast city in romania, and between that city and the wheat


Filling next turn



Fill Syria

You have 2 gaps

I don't like hosting this map it confuses the fuck out of me and when I'm filling in the cities I fucken color the lines sometimes

Take your time, OP

fill the UK and ireland

Luxembourg, München, Frankfurt, Nürnberg in that order
If spill, take Köln

soz its gunna take me a while to get the hang of it

Fill Beirut and Jerulasem.
Excess attacks Damascus.

No problem, it's 4:20 am here, I've every time in the world

Fill gap at north
Take Antioch
Spill cyprus

Already resorting to attacking?

Get Aland, then continue expanding into Finland

Also, can I change my name to Terra Incognito?

Fill into Greece and then Turkey

Expand into Sweden

Forgot new bonus


Keep bitching and you'll be out of the game

Fill Syria

Head into Croatia and grab the fish on the way

Expand into Estonia, spill into Latvia/Lithuania

That was kind of edgy my bad dude I just don't like when people hurry me

Fill Jerulasem and take Damascus.
Excess conquers more of ISIS territory

Fill gap at nort
If spill push out Albanian scum

I was talking about how there were no posts by anyone

fill france then cede my land to red

Fill the gaps between my northern cities, then go for Praha, Venezia, Ljubljana in that order.

Into Norway.

Oh damn my bad dude sorry for being a dick


What I do to you?

No quitceding
Just go blank fag

Thanks man, how comes?

Updated Bonus

This. ceding mass Ts is bullshit.

U invaded My tiles in Turkey!!!
I dont want a war anyway

put your name

...I'm moving towards Croatia. The opposite direction of you