We've come full circle lads, is it time to just commit sudduku?
We've come full circle lads, is it time to just commit sudduku?
this is going to be absolute shit, even if Keanu's in it
Oh yessss, I am so excited :^)
>absolutely no mention of any involvement or even interest from the Wachkowskis
dead project or next ghostbusters.
considering most of their work after Matrix sucking ass (and their dive into gender identity madness) that's nothing but a positive
have you seen anything they have made lately? that is honestly your concern about this?
Neo will be a strong transgender muslim woman I assume
God no, I hope they stay far away
Could you imagine how full on BDSM it would be if they made it now, there was enough of that shit in the originals
Wanting those two wacked out trannies to touch anything
Their last two movies SUCKED and that fucking faggy series SUCKS. They've lost it. Let Nolan direct it as a sequel to Inception
>nothing confirmed
Calling it now Switch will actually switch genders when entering the matrix like it was originally written
Could actually be interesting if it isn't full on SJW about it
are they the best female sibling director tandem of all time?
the article says it might star Michael b Jordan. He's a nig.
the matrix: the one awakens
>a geek girl learns she is the one and a transgender black womyn teaches her the world isnt as it is. white people are still the bad guys. also we learn that Zion was actually in the matrix too so its not a reboot- its a sequel.
>neo gets cucked like luke
*robotic voice* your effort to remain what you are is what limits you
>cellphones instead of phone booth and old Corded telephones to get back to reality
Oh awesome. Because people really liked Fan4stic.
>We've come full circle lads,
kill yourself kid
>Michael B. Jordan to star
For fuck sake
Wachkowkis are hacks. They got lucky on the Matrix. Its the only good movie they ever made.
>the new Neo turns out not to be the next Neo after all
>it's his black girlfriend Neonaynay
>she turns into a lesbian and scissors a deaf chinese dyke Chi-Chi Melon in the sequel
>Michael Jordan as neo
isn't he a fat old fuck now. Just put him in space jam 2
speed racer was pretty good
The Matrix: Rebooted
if there is a god please don't destroy my childhood further
You know they're going to make one of their MCs transgendered or at least a reference to denying gender identity if they got their revolting hands on the reboot.
>black neo follows the white Rabbit
>instead of it being a rave club playing rob zombie it's a generic club playing trap music
>neo resurrected as a girl
>"old" neo her mentor somehow
you know the wachowskis would love it
Wait for the ET reboot
>trap music
Frued would like a word user
Se7en: Part 2
that would be cool
I'm still waiting for the Hackers reboot and the Hackers cinematic universe
that would be some real 90s nostalgia
So who should direct this?
If Neo is black, will Morpheus be white? Or more black?
>The Matrix
>A movie a couple of dorks spent years trying to get made while writing pulp comic books. It was their passion project.
>The Matrix reboot
>A movie demanded by suits handed to a hack to write a script
Yeah. It'll be reddit.
Reminder that Neo was originally meant to be played by Will Smith
He's gonna take the WOKE pill
Just because (((they))) keep rebooting great films doesn't mean I have to watch any of them.
will Will be willing to play Morpheus?
nah Bound was okay, speed racer was okay and Cloud Atlas was great. matrix 1-2 and faggot 8 and jupiter suck yes
where theres a _:^)_ theres a way
and a-gin. AND A-GIN. AN A-GIN.
>choose your character
I main Raptor Roger
Hopefully they do it right this time, more future ship shots, less spirituality, more in-matrix destruction, less agent smith, potentially earth orbiting ships, I mean you fucking hover and you can't get above the clouds? Bull fucking shit.
Morpheus the early years confirmed
why the fuck is everything getting a reboot
Because Millenials refuse to grow up
more name recognition = less risk so it's good for corporate profits
because studios want to take the easy route and start a marvel/dc/star wars movie universe with an already existing brand, rather than take a risk and start with a new one.
personally, I think it's putting the cart in front of the horse by quite a bit
because it makes money. What said basically
fuck off grandpa
>Please remake things from when I was a kid!
Only 90's kids will get this reference XD
mental illness
I'll watch it, as long as Trinity gets BLACKED by a nubian Neo
who the fuck are you quoting faggot
white people are crazy
yeah it is no shit sherlock. So?
>Could you imagine how full on BDSM it would be if they made it now
not seeing the problem here
yfw will smith is Orifice
>Remaking something that came out in 1999
So we're pretty much at the point where it will be no longer possible for original material to actually get made in Hollywood, and it will just be an endless cycle of reboots with the only injection of anything new being adapting comics and the occasional book?
this board is normie capeshit and reboots with a sprinkle of retard now. Of course they're going to give them their money
I hope it explains more about how the matrix came to be and i hope they do real hacking stuff like in reloaded.
A full mental illness fuckfest from the minds of the current wachoskis would be funny and unpredictable, i tell you.
What we should really dread is a jj abrams tier generic cgi clone non story rehash, which is also more likely to happen, sadly
The Matrix fucked up their minds. They took too many red pills.
Movies will be cool again in the 2040s, when the first generation of CRISPR-enhanced whiz kids come of age and expect more from cinema and can do more with it.
Will Smith was one of the original ideas for the role of Neo.
By the 2040s computers will just generate movies for you on the fly based on your tastes with CGI actors.
Here you go, OP. Since you're too fucking retarded to archive the page yourself. You can thank me later, cock sucker.
>1999 was 18 years ago
>babies have been born, grown up and had their own since it came out
I was a virgin in 1999 and im still a virgin now in 2017. Do you think i will still be a virgin in another 18 years?
For a moment I was conflicted but then I remembered what prison planet I was on and yeah, fuck.
well im a cis muslim woman with great tits and a perchant for bdsm wear, i al totally open to star in this.
It wasn't the content of the film that fucked them up, but the Matrix money and freedom that enabled them to lose themselves in second lives. Recall that Larry only became Lana after hooking up with a dominatrix whose professional accomplishments included once placing over 300 needles in a man's penis. The director's late-life transition from heterosexual man to pink-haired lesbian woman seems much different, admittedly from this user's outside view, from being born in the wrong body, or whatever.
A reboot would be fucking retarded, movies based off the source material would be cool, like the guy that freed Morpheus, or the original person to free themselves from the matrix, or the story of humanity and machines before the war.
Could be cool if they really want to make serious money off it, or they could fuck it all up with a quick cash grab.
The only halfway decent thing they did was Cloud Atlas, and that leverages the strength of the book.
Their most recent attempt at an original IP crashed and burned
>1999 was almost 20 years ago
I dunno man, you can tell even if you watch behind the scenes footage of The Matrix that Larry/Lana was already a little fruity back in 1998/1999. If it's true a dominatrix pushed him over the edge, that's kinda sad and fucked up.
they really dont need to reboot it they can just continue the world of the matrox. i really hope this doesnt happen pls.
>make a classic movie
>transition into women
>suddenly make shit movies
What did they mean by this?
Can't wait for the return of Aki Ross.
>just continue the world of the matrox
it was an unholy mess after the third one, no one knew wtf was going on or even cared by the end
trap music is an actual popular genre atm
the original idea was to follow other people in the matrix, i would be very interested in that
i never wanted a "resurrected neo" thing, i would totally watch a narobe/ghost matrix film tho
if they just want to cash in on old movies why not just put them back in cinemas?
In Matrix you can be anything
peter jackson
George Miller
do you have an actual certificate that proves that you're a verified retard?
Was that david hayter rollerskating?
now's a good time to get into literature