How great is the Italian government Sup Forums?
How great is the Italian government Sup Forums?
Italy hasn't been relevant since the fall of Rome
It's not.
It is funny. I grew up in an Italian neighborhood. All the kids were stuck up, talking about how Italians are the greatest.
Now I look back, and they were all poor working class families and highly uneducated.
not true, and no I'm no wop. They invented and developed a shitload of engineering and science, as well as contributed mightily to art during the Renaissance.
Why are there so many threads about Italy since yesterday?
Do you have a problem with Italy?
So they haven't been relevant since the 17th century?
How was the police and other government parties there?
Just the sight of nigger paws makes me want to fucking vomit.
I'm only saying, doesn't really match up with things currently happening on this board
Do we really need to do everything? Can't be relevant for thousands of years without a pause, give us a break. Meanwhile, enjoy that microprocessor and pc.
> Military so weak that the Swiss Guard can beat them
> Contributes nothing but military bases to NATO
> Spent scarce and valuable resources trying to integrate Ethiopia and Albania into their """empire"""
> Invaded by fucking Austria
> Had to beg Venice to join the kingdom
> Passed around by Spain and France like a weed joint
> Culture is essentially Greek fandom
> Debt surrounds it like the Mediterranean
>Military so weak a bunch of rice eating manlets kicked the ever living shit out of them
>Contributes nothing but degeneracy and the destruction of western civilization as we speak
>Spent enormous and valuable resources trying to make their supreme jewish overlords happy
>Invaded by fucking mexicans
>Laughing stock of the west
>Culture is essentially ghetto nigger shit for mongrels
>Debt surrounds it like the oceans
inferiority complex desu
nothing but assgroping pedopriests masquerading as government officials
all catholics should be removed from italy and the handful of people left can run things just fine
Ignore this shill thread and come discuss how to change society
> America vs. Soviet and Chinese-backed masters of jungle warfare; America lost
> Axis-backed Italy vs. Ethiopian mudhuts and Albanian farmers; Italy lost
> Supposed to be the birthplace of the West, spends scarce and valuable resources fishing up Muslims from the ocean
> Still thinks America is destroying the West
> America shills for Israel
> Italy destroyed by Jews before subverting them
> America invaded by people from the neighboring nation
> Italy invaded by people from Pakistan
> America is the laughing stock of the West
> Italy isn't even part of the West
> American culture is based off niggers from our cities
> Italian culture is based off men in tights recreating a decorative version of Greek culture
> Big debt for a big nation
> Bigger debt for a small nation
>amerimongrel in charge of history/global affairs
your nigger stench is getting too strong now, piss off
> wahhhhh i cant respond to any of his claims, WHAT A MONGREL
Whoa, I'm sorry if I made fun of /such/ a powerful and influential nation.
>Axis-backed Italy vs. Ethiopian mudhuts and Albanian farmers; Italy lost
>Pakis in Italy at any time in history
when you make such ridiculous claims I can only assume you are a negro, for the sake of the few white americans who I can't assume are this ignorant
now stop with your chimp out, your dad is probably speaking on television
> this much denial
> this much anger
> Axis-backed Italy vs. Ethiopian mudhuts and Albanian farmers; Italy lost
>He Forgets that Russia supplied the Ethiopians with weapons
>He Forgets that The Ethiopians outnumbered The Italians 3:1
>He Forgets That Italy suffered less casualties by 2,000 men
pretty ignorant desu
> Italy isn't even part of the West
Are You Actually Fucking Retarded?
>inb4 wop
It's corrupt as fuck, like everywhere else.
A new populist, a-politic, corruption-free party ks rising and now it's certain that they will win the next elections.
Dunno how It will turn out.
I may shit talk Italy but I do wish you all the very best
>Invented banking
>Invented perspective drawing
>Reinvented astronomy
>Invented phone
>Invented batteries
Not relevant. Of course.
Can an Italian please tell me why you all are so self-deprecating? Why can't an Italian take a compliment without shitting on himself in the process?
>tfw father's side of family is full Italian
feels good being masterrace
Our women are beautiful, your women are obese whales by age 25. And yes, without Enrico Fermi (Italian who discovered nuclear fission) or the Guglielmo Marconi (inventor of the phone) your shit country of obese fucktards would have never won against the Axis.
Black lives matter happened in the US for a reason. Your insignificant two hundred years old masonic experiment will soon be wiped out by the monsters your Jew overlords have created themselves.
Yeah but what have the Italians done for us lately?
You know USA is a huge plot of land, and that blacks occupy the southeastern states mostly, and are clustered as heck down there, then the hispanics live along the southwest, and whites pretty much dominate everywhere else. Sorry your country is the size of a single state. I will admit, NJ and NY have wops so maybe they aren't completely white.
For that shithole prison country you live at? Probably gave you some decent civilized food on top of marmite and bread. Ah no, you eat vegemite.
Ah, and literally Google. The tech is powered by a superior Italian brain.
Now go back to that shithole down under and dig out some metals for the chinks.
Are all third worlders this salty?
>spends scarce and valuable resources fishing up Muslims from the ocean
nah the swedes and EU fellas do that, then they leave them here go back to their snowy country and pat themselves on the back because they're very altruistic
>Italy invaded by people from Pakistan
More Bangladesh tbf
>Italy isn't even part of the West
kek typical altrightist milo cuckdrone lmao
>Invented banking.
Wew. They invented the Jew.