1)Audience unable to concentrate for 45minutes.
2)Since it needs collective team effort and there is no one man show in Football.
3)No time for ads
feel free to contribute
1)Audience unable to concentrate for 45minutes.
2)Since it needs collective team effort and there is no one man show in Football.
3)No time for ads
feel free to contribute
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You nailed it my friend
great thread
This is a scientific discussion .
No need to get salty
1. They care about other sports more
2. They don't have the system for grassroots football to exist
British sport
In all of the former biritsh ruled countries football is not the main sport
That's not true at all
They are brainwashed into think "lol USA #1, the rest of the world is shit" so they won't play international sports.
They took netball, changed the rules and called it basketball like it was a new sport. Same for American football and rugby, baseball and cricket
I think they couldn't make their own version of football because the sport is too complex
Americans are just cowards when it comes to international affairs, they had to be dragged late on in the two world wars when it was already finished. They now drone people from 10.000 kms away. It's always been like that, they just couldn't stand the fact there are better nations out there, that's why they seggregated themselves like the cowards they are
Soccer is merely a kids game. No one plays it here past the age of 12, when a boy gets mature enough to play real sports like American Football or Basketball, when the boy gets a sense of self-worth and wants to become bigger, taller, faster, stronger, more dominant. Soccer limits you in your abilities, only girls should play it, and guess what? Only girls play it here and they are World Champions. Lol fucking losers, we don't care about your sport and that's final. Deal with it.
jesus christ
nobody plays it paast the age of 12 because thats the age after which amerimutts get fat and cant run for more than 2 minutes anymore
>white guy kicks a black guy in the head and then pretends to be the victim
Sounds like the history of South Africa
If Americans truly don't care about football, can you tell them to stop playing FIFA, shitting up Sup Forums and twitter with their terrible opinions, bandwagoning big clubs etc.
For a country that doesn't give a shit about football, you sure have a lot of people pretending to
>when a Yank bandwagons a club like Swansea or Wolves or QPR
>I'm a Brough fan
For me it's highsbrough
4) its boring as fug
Obsessed with America
>1)Audience unable to concentrate for 45minutes.
literally irrelevant, you can space out for 5 straight minutes and you miss nothing in most soccer games, you like to paint it as non-stop action, but joggling around in the midfield for the most of it, isn't exactly exiting
>2)Since it needs collective team effort and there is no one man show in Football.
also there is baseball, where your best pitcher can only play once every 5 games and your best offensive player only gets to bat 4 times each game and he fails the 70% of the time, it requires a lot more team effort, and it's still more popular than soccer
3)No time for ads
valid point, but not because you might think, since you only get to have 15 minutes of commercials (which you can skip easily) TV channels have very little motivation to broadcast soccer, each channel likes to broadcast their own ads, which is what pays their bills and salaries, they get nothing from the in-stadium ads
2% of 350M is 7 million people, what you see is a very small minority in comparison
>you can space out for 5 straight minutes
I completely disagree since
everytime I go take a pee my team fucking scores a goal
n) no ad breaks during game to go get more pizzas and hamburgers for drink
>be American
>don't support Crystal Palace
It's a girl's sport, soccer is
It's called soccer and yeah, it's shit.
Where isn't it? Obviously not counting Africa
Because they suck at it.
Who cares. Football is fine without amerikneels, keep it that way.
>0-0 tie is a typical score
>Scoring is the only exciting part of the game
>Players flop constantly
The women's players are cuties though, which is why we like the uswnt
confusing cause and effect much?
And 2% of 350m people is a lot of people, so can Americans stop claiming that none of them give a shit about soccer?
20m Americans watched the World Cup final.
That's not an insignificant amount
Bad post, 0\0
Nobody plays it there past age 12 because everyone there is shit at being skillful with their feet. If you ignore the elements that give your CTE football is like hockey and handegg. You run with a ball and then score. There's nothing stop the fast guys being fast the difference though is that the ball is at your feet. You can also dispute the ball with your shoulder so if you're stronger than other guys AND you're have skill with the ball you're going to get past them just like this:
You're retarded
>watch soccer highlights
>90% of it is players missing a goal
you can't make this shit up
Muslim accidentally posts a Christian college to show excellent "football"
lowkey btfo
What this guy said, basically.
It's not even post-colonial resentment, either. It's simply that in countries thagt were never British colonies, football (i.e. association football) arrived as a fully-formed and codified sport.
In colonies, especially early colonies like the US, football arrived as a loose, highly variegated sort of proto-football with no real established rules. Thus, in isolation, each colony developed its own codified variation of the sport. The Australians have Australian Football, Americans and Canadians have American and Canadian football - which co-developed and are highly similar - and so on. Pretty simple, really.
>watching an nfl match
>90% of it is adverts or standing around doing nothing
You can't make this shit up (you actually can't)
>Catch nfl highlights
> man runs 10 (Ten) whole yards and catches a ball
>play of the game
Yup. Not to mention that the sport has been gradually growing for decades. I've been following that phenomenon my entire life, and I'm 44.
The difference now vs. 20 yrs ago is genuinely night and day...has really shocked me. People who underestimate that growth curve are probably not very old.
Soccer is a kid's game.
Explain why football is a kid's game but basketball isn't.
>He thinks standing around doing nothing is actually what's happening
Highly tactical sport - if you have an idea what's going on, the forty seconds (sometimes less) between plays are no more boring than the moments in between chess moves.
The commercials are ridiculous though; everyone hates those.
>coaches do all the thinking for handegg players while footballers follow a formation but are allowed to think for themselves and created plays
Why the fuck would we go racing into bloody and destructive foreign wars? We should have kept that habit...
And we didn't segregate ourselves - we have an ocean on each side. This isn't Belgium, where you drive an hour and you're in another country. It's called geography.
Kids can't dunk (unless you count their nuts in ur momaƵ's mouth)
This is not entirely untrue - the two sports simply have very different forms of tactics. One is highly centralized and depends on elaborate scheming, the other is more delegated and improvisational.
But be aware that several of the players on an American football field DO have extremely heavy tactical responsibilities themselves.
>he thinks soccer is just passing a ball around and jogging for 90 minutes
look I can do that too
Football is a highly tactical sport too. In American Football you pretty much have the one smart guy in charge and an entire team of coaches preparing for plays where the time has stopped. In football every single player has to make snap decisions thinking about the rest of their team at all times without stopping for a break.
He's just an idiot troll dude.
Didn't say otherwise mate. Lifelong soccer/football fan here, as well as American football. As I was saying in another post, simply two very different types of tactics.
>Someone says something stupid
>I'll disprove that by saying something else really stupid.
5d chess
soccer is for faggots
hur hurrrrrr
so 1 in 17, while literally half the world watched it, 20M is nothing in the great scheme of things
There wasn't even international competition in soccer when football & baseball became popular in the US
Where did that bullshit start?
Football is a man's game. I said soccer was a kid's game. Basketball is a kid's game, too. But, for black kids.
Yeah, but for an oldfag US soccer fan like me, you look at the trendlines. Do you have any idea how few people watched it back when?
Predictable. You can act all smug but your sport comes from English rugby and football. Also the name makes no sense if you pay attention to what happens in American football.
Also you're not manly because you watch men getting CTE from your couch. I've actually practiced martial arts. Fighting is way manlier than you crashegg
The name "football" comes from the fact that the game is played ON foot, rather than with your foot.
Seems odd today, but it was an important distinction hundreds of years ago, when more sports were played on horseback.
Just to clarify.
t. fan of both sports
Why does anyone care what sports we play?
fuckin high schooler tier cultural analysis
fuckin high schooler tier political/historical analysis
football (real football, i.e. - inb4 >you're a hipster soccer fan faggot) is the most popular youth sport in america. demographic changes are making it much more popular too. coon collision is also a dying sport and most people dont have the patience for baseball.
>I've actually practiced martial arts
>running around for 90 minutes is more physically demanding than pushing through a wall of 300 pound men, on and off for 3.5 hours
Who are you kidding, here?
>pushing through a wall of 300 pound men, on and off for 3.5 hours
Sounds a bit bent
>Obviously not counting Africa
So excluding half of the British Empire?
>The commercials are ridiculous though; everyone hates those.
Literally everyone watches that superbowl thing for the adverts
You're a troll, but:
* Netball is a version of basketball and not vice versa
* American football is derived from proto-football, like rugby. It is not derived from rugby any more than you are your cousin's son.
* Same with baseball and cricket
* Americans have competed internationally in sports for over 100 years
does anyone suck more at fighting than muslims? literally have to kill themselves to do any damage.
Not in reality, though this is a common joke.
The Super Bowl is watched extensively by people who don't really watch sports ever, and it is also the mecca of US TV advertising - where companies roll out their best efforts to amuse the lowest common denominator.
People who don't watch sports are most comfortable talking about things they understand better, like commercials, so everyone talks about the commercials. Hence the joke that people watch for the commercials...which is a dated joke at this point anyway.
In reality, commercials are the bane of the sport. Ask any fan.
>being this insecure
>90% of it is adverts or standing around doing nothing
~14 minutes of every NFL game is action. Given that an average NFL game is comfortably over 3 hours, but let's say it is 3 hours, the actual chance of them standing around doing nothing or commercials is 92.2%.
I am aware that it's incredibly autistic to reply to every troll post with actual rebuttals, but I have already admitted to being an oldfag and might as well educate some of you as I go.
Not enough black people dominating it is another reason why Americans think football is unmanly.
Americans associate superior athleticism exclusively with blacks, so when they see a sport where white people such as Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo or Kevin de Bruyne are able to compete at the top level, they don't think it's a "real sport" at all.
Americans never argue that ice hockey is unmanly - even if they don't like it - and said sport is dominated almost entirely by whites.
It's almost like you need to take your argument back to the drawing board.
Or - dare I say it - actually gain some experience with America outside of the internet before you pontificate about it four our benefit?
"Standing around" - you're the guy who thinks that the moments in between chess moves are dudes "sitting around"...can't help you there, Joao.
I'm another hue but the is the unmanliness just that soccer is more of a gentleman's sport and don't allow thuggish behavior? You only consider a sport a sport if people try to give each other CTE?
There's kinda of a contradiction here. Most of americans of Sup Forums talk about being civilized and all that but when it comes to sport they want to see the most brutish behavior possible instead of appreciating honing of skills.
I didn't create that image, john smith. That's from an American study. Just google "football 11 minutes"
the only answer:
because they aren't the best
and they know they will never be
I'm a lifelong soccer fan, going back to the late 70s.
The "unmanliness" thing is just something people say reflexively to justify a pre-existing disdain for the sport. That disdain in turn, just comes from people knowing fuck all about it, not really knowing how to watch it, and having to find "reasons" for their uninformed lack of interest.
You could chalk that up to American ignorance...but of course, one needs only to look at this thread to see people pulling the same crap with regard to American sports they are totally ignorant of. So, more like human ignorance.
Anyone with the slightest sense can see easily that while hockey and gridiron football are far more physical than football/soccer, football/soccer in turn allows more contact than basketball or baseball. "Unmanliness" is...a dumb critique.
Again, confusing cause and effect.
Do you really think Americans were crazily passionate about soccer/football, then realized we aren't the best (magically, decades before standardized international competition), and then skulked away, hands in pockets?
Your "only answer" is the ill-thought-out guess of a dimwitted child.
Nerds hate sports, Mozart Washington de Souza Oliveira. Nothing new there.
>Diving\faking injury
>Grabbing a man's balls and fingering his asshole
>Constantly badgering the referee
>Gentleman's sport
desu senpai
4) not enough pie breaks
>USA 1994
>24 teams
>"the tournament was the most financially successful in the tournament's history; it broke the World Cup average attendance record with nearly 69,000 spectators per game, a mark that still stands today"
Can anyone explain this?
it is childish to act like you don't care about the biggest sport in the world
and we all know most Americans truly think they are the best in everything (sports, war, etc etc)
300,000,000 people market (not counting foreigners obvs) + a booming economy + exotic sport.
Soccer is my favorite sport, along with American football, and I have been a fan since the late 1970s.
Millions of other Americans love it as well. Millions more are at least interested.
Millions beyond that legitimately don't care. It's not an act. America is a fairly insular country, bound by two oceans and geographically massive. We're not like the Dutch - that's not a knock on you, just a statement of fact. It's easy for things that are popular elsewhere to not be popular here, and vice versa. You can drive two days straight and still be in America. That lends itself to a certain amount of self-containment.
Americans are prideful and tend to state things pridefully. In a serious discussion, not very many intelligent Americans (in b4 HUR DUR OXYMORON) will strenuously contend that the USA is ACTUALLY the best at X, Y, or Z. We're just better at it than you think.
Reasons why Americans do not like football
1. they are hard of thought and have awful attention spans
2. they're thick as fuck and easy to please, they want destructive instant payoffs like big fat guys coliding into each other because it looks coool and manly!!111! they dont want to sit and watch a team weave and work their way inricately through an opposing team with a 62 pass move involving every player in the team. becaose that is GAY and BORING. see also why action movies are popular in america
3. Americans are fat cunts. their isnt enough breaks in football for them to run out to the fridge to grab a burger, or enough time for the 12 mountain dew and pizza hut adverts
4. not enough blacks. americans are obsessed with black people
5. they want to be different for the sake of being different
so that was posted in December 2016 when Bellerin was already an established first team player for arsenal with around 100 apperances for the first time, and already a household name with football fans round Europe?
and you thick cunts actually believe that post was him?
>Reasons Why Americans do not like Football
Why do we have these threads every week and why does Sup Forums keep falling for it?
you don't sound like the average American :)
>a bunch of negroes run around and score a couple of points every ten seconds
>lots of flashing lights
>lots of buzzers going off
>big white guy throws a ball
>two big negroes smash into each other like yaks during mating season
>old white guy blows a whistle
>twenty minutes of adverts for soda, fast food and interracial sex
>a game that's actually cool
>but nobody really knows what happens because they only turn up to eat nachos and wear those funny caps with straws coming out of the top so you can drink pepsi without having to lift your arm thirty centimetres
Autism rules the roost in the world of American sports
This being said by a white fat 5'6 who has never played a sport in his life lmao
People who are actually good at some sport tend to appreciate sports themselves
Britain invented nearly all of the world's major sports, including ice hockey, water polo, etc that you would never have imagined they had any connection to.
That's before we mention rugby union, rugby league, cricket, snooker, darts, tennis, table tennis, boxing and myriad others besides
Can you die?