In your opinion, what's a red pill that most of Sup Forums refuses to swallow?
In your opinion, what's a red pill that most of Sup Forums refuses to swallow?
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We only refuse to swallow the blue ones.
2/3 of Sup Forums are shills so the jewish pill probably
Muslims treat women properly and ban usury. Muslims are your ally against the banks and the feminists, not your enemy!
That black men are naturally more attractive and also more sexually successful.
Thread related, come discuss.
That's there's a reality outside of Sup Forums
God is not real and was invented to control the masses.
Sometimes I think black pill is the only way.
>an autralian shilling for islam
360 degree fucking shitpost
>Muslims are your ally against the banks and the feminists
But then there's everything else. Also the IQ drops from cousin-marriage. I'm fine with Islam so long as it stays the fuck away from me. I don't think we should be over there for muh oil and muh Israel. I don't care what happens in the Middle East, and neither should you.
That they're wrong
as in, your fairy god doesn't exist and there are no cons to being pro choice
Not all black people are niggers
95% of posters are JIDF including me
To condemn without hate and support without love. Neither pleasure nor pain should enter as motives when one must do what must be done.
I think abortion should be illegal for whites but that's it.
Christianity is as bad as Islam.
The Clinton foundation will expose all governments of the world
FBIanon thread 1
>neo-Atheists actually believe this
He was made to explain reality when people were stumbling out of caves with out any idea of why they even existed. Stop being a retard.
Apollo. We do not currently have the technology to send humans beyond earth orbit.
Honestly, this.
The one good thing Islam's state system bullshit does is offer good small-scale alternatives to gigantic banking bullshit we've got in western nations.
>God does not exist pill
>there is no free will pill
>there is no objective morality pill
That there is no red-pill.
There is just right and wrong, and Sup Forums happens to be right about 15% of the time, which is 15% more than the Left.
Islam is actually the most logical and based of religions.
ugliest race imaginable except for abos
FBIanon thread 2
GRU influence.
Nah. Ive seen sonics of fetus' squirming. Im an atheist but that changed my mind pretty quick.
That this world is evil and in a constant state of decay; it's the role of Conservatives to keep our existing values and institutions functional until the ultimate destruction of the sinful world.
The superiority of 2D over filthy 3DPD.
This. Ultimate red pill that pol will not swallow. It's the one that actually removes you from the matrix.
Really faggot. Troll harder
White people are some of the dirtiest fucking people on the planet and the leading cause of degeneracy through all of history.
Hiroshima was only a big fire bombing, not a nuke
We shouldn't use the Jews as a scapegoat for our problems. Sure, Jews are at the forefront of the decay right now, and don't really belong in the United States or Western Europe. But they're merely opportunists: If we got rid of every Jew on the planet, a different group of people would take their place, and the decay would continue. It's not as simple as having a league of bad guys for the good guys to fight against, like in a movie: The root of our problems is leftist philosophy itself.
Well originally mabye. But I think theres good evidence for the Abrahamic faiths being population control. But I dont think thats bad. Im going to raise my kids Christian.
Back to /r/atheism sweetheart
Would white people except that though? If they can't afford/don't want kids, they probably shouldn't have them.
Here's your (you)
That while man-made climate change is exaggerated by liberals, it is still very real and very much a problem
Whites are not central to this world
True. With accepting that, we should also be able to condemn them for the greater good of our group. Propaganda exists for the people, as they need an emotional charge to act. The "red pilled" should be able to do that without subscribing to falsehoods. They should be able to take reality as it is, and do what they need to accomplish their goals. No one can call themselves enlightened who cannot do this.
Going on more websites than Sup Forums for political discussion is a good thing unless you want to become completely retarded. People regularly take completely fucking fake stories 100% seriously here.
flat earth thread?
That Amehico in Nigg Merica is like a Twin Tower jumper who is pointing and laughing at people who are watching him in relative safety from the street.
jews are what white people are to black people
This. Ancient Jews needed the concept of a higher power, along with a book of rules b/c they were 4 hairs away from being baboons. Most of the 1st Testament is total bullshit.
That generalizations are useless in a non-academic context and none of the solution you guys approve of is doable.
i try to be critical about capitalism/consumerism while simultaneously embracing it where i can. i think the "hard facts" that Sup Forums throws at you are dangerous.
I would say at one point in history it was just as bad. You know when the pope tried to take the holy land for the christians? That's some fucked up shit.
Come to /cfg/ sometime, witness God's work
Not even trolling. Nobody left earth orbit for apollo and nobody will leave earth orbit in our lifetimes. If another 50 years pass and nobody leaves will you still believe?
I'd like to be proven wrong but it's not gonna happen.
Jews are overrepresented everywhere on every side of every issue in politics and business. When taken to its logical end, the anti-semitism on /pol shows that either the jews are actually at war with one another or that there is no jewish conspiracy.
Theres like 8000 fucking mitzvotes. I once read it to confirm.
Fuck you cunt
The Jews are intellectually superior to the anglo, germanic, and nordic whites.
That is why they control us. Out-earn us. Rule us in our own nations. Own the corporations we work for. Own the banks who own our houses.
The Jews are the real master race, and that is why we despise them. We seek to overthrow our masters, as we should.
*tips fedora*
muslim inmigration in europe is because of civil wars (refugees) plus the european goverments incites inmigration because their native population is aging (open borders for refugee welcome shit).
muslism terrorism isn't real islam and it's basically saudi arabia backed up militias to destroy other nations and keep power on the region by having proxy wars with iran.
muslims attacks on white nation are false flags attacks to use as propaganda as to curtail civil rights.
black supremacy and black lives matters is george soros backed up people.
there are some black african races that has bigger IQ than whites (Igbos).
african inmigration hoods in london are safer than the white trash ones.
those are the main ones.
A good half of Sup Forums refuses to accept the fact that sexual promiscuity, casual sex, hookup culture and the sexual revolution were all horrible for society.
They're under the impression that
The ultimate red pill is that capitalism wont survive the coming robotic revolution and some kind of robo communism is inevitable.
If Sup Forums stopped meming about A fucking leaf, Leafs would, probably within a week, no longer be known as shitposters. Accusing a country of being shitposters is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If leaves shitpost it fulfils the prophecy. If leaves make a serious post people will shitpost about how they're leaves, and shitposts beget shitposts.
Read the picture in this Now tell me about where they touched you
>Muslims treat women properly
If this were even a little true they wouldn't be fucking goats and children
Islam is hot garbage. When are mudslimes going to take that redpill?
it's funny to see someone so smug about being blue-pilled
The U.S. has been mostly responsible for the rise of radical Islam and mass immigration of Muslims into the west, in the modern era. For every 5 Muslims killed, 1 turns Jihadi and 4 come to white countries as migrants and refugees.
The only way you can support this is to make peace with the fact and acknowledge it, claiming economic incentives for your support of it, which contrasts ethnic, nationalistic and moral values. To clarify, only the top 5% of society gains anything from the globalist/neo-conservative narrative.
you're just gay, dude
That there are more things in life than hugbox and
chamber ecoing on Sup Forums
the CERN pill
>we need to be more welcoming of shitposters so that they stop shitposting
lmao faggot the only reason that the >leaf meme exists is because you dumbass cucks were shitposting for so long
If we tried to and succeeded in making babies without women society as a whole would be better with only men.
Not communism as it's been practiced, but some 90% of the population within developed countries will be made useless, despite the relentless narrative of their never being enough people in an already competitive job market.
>image depicting what appears to be a roman gladiator
hate to break it to you bud but ancient romans were pretty gay...
Please somebody make this guy "win"
>hate to break it to you bud but ancient romans were pretty gay...
In their final centuries, yes. They succumbed to decadance and degeneracy.
literally one of the most popular opinions on here and on the website at large
No, you kill one or two and 10 million move to your country. If you leave them alone, they stay under the hand of their leaders, but then they do things like nationalize their oil and make corporations pay a fair market price for it.
PsyOPs and shit tier crisis acting/hoaxes.
Lots of strange (((facts))) and instant attention nation wide.
Perfect setup for diverting attention from the WW3 uptick.
I've had a 10.
Looked like anjelina jolie but hotter.
I still think the "sexual revolution," was death to society.
So fuck off basement dweller.
That we invited them in.
r/atheism is that way senpai
yeah, its just sand everywhere anyways. whats the point. I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
>Roman soldier
>bastion of traditionalism
Whew, lad.
people in power are too shortsighted and greedy to think up conspiracies that will effect the world 50-100 years from now.
That no human being can prove OR disprove the existence of A God. At least Christians have the decency to admit that they rely on faith however. Atheist just think they can prove God doesn't exist because they can disprove a point of Christianity. God doesn't have to be associated with any religion if he did exist. But we don't know of he exists or not because all of us, including me, are ignorant beings.
>there are some black african races that has bigger IQ than whites (Igbos)
This X1'000'000
>muslism terrorism isn't real islam
Ahi fue donde la cago, user.
less than 10 as in number of sexual partners you ass
Not 10 as in rating their looks. I guess not everyone can be smart
Starting with Erich Bethe in 1907 and continuing with K. J. Dover and many others. These scholars have shown that same-sex relations were openly practised, largely with official sanction, in many areas of life from the 7th century BC until the Roman era.
Christianity also did this.
smoking and drinking is degenerate