Would you let Mike Tyson punch you in the face for 1 million bucks?

Would you let Mike Tyson punch you in the face for 1 million bucks?

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i'd pay a million bucks for Miu to punch me tbqh

What's the worse that can happen?

>Would you die for 1 million bucks?

if it's a straight punch I'd do it for a 1000, If it's a hook only if he wears gloves and I a mouthguard


where do I sign

If he wears a glove, sure.
You can live off returns from investing a million dollars, and I would have a great party story.

>You can live off returns from investing a million dollars, and I would have a great party story.
Not in this market

We're in frenzy mode, shit's gonna get bloody soon


I'd have a really expensive funeral

Yes, Mike seems like a really nice guy, I beat he won't punch me with full force if I ask nicely

Yes, and if it's from Tyson circa 1987 then I want it adjusted for inflation, so I actually get at east $2.2 million

I'll let him give me a combo for a million if I can have a mouthpiece and he wears gloves.

Only if he promises not to bite my ear off

Gloves feel worse. Gloves are for hand protection, so the puncher doesn't break his hand on the other guy's face.

no why do you think boxers in heavier divisions have to wear bigger gloves

Yes. Then I would buy a house for me and my waifu



you guys are fucking crazy if you legitimately consider doing this.

Plus, there's no "oh he'll go easy on me" shit. Iron Mike is coming at you like he just caught you molesting his daughter. He's trying to punch a hole through your skull.

There's no fucking way anyone with a lick of sense would agree to this shit. It's not worth the brain damage/paralysis/blindness/permanent disfigurement/death that would result

>padding feels worse than knuckles hitting you
are you actually retarded?

t. Pussy made of glass

Do you at least get to roll with it or something? Or are we talking arms to your sides and head tilted back?

how many of his opponents ended up paralysed/braindead/blind ?

oh I'm sorry kraut, I forgot you have a granite chin and years of experience learning how to take a punch

>implying the damage doesn't come from the brain hitting inside the skull
>implying the brain doesn't move towards the back of the skull and the fluid surrounding the brain doesn't protect the brain from hitting the back of the skull
>implying the head doesn't immediately come forward and this doesn't jolt the brain forward and the fluid can get to the front of the skull before the brain can and the brain doesn't hit the front of the skull which causes the damage
>implying the exact same thing doesn't happen in car crashes
>implying you would punch a solid object with a bare hand as hard as you would punch it with a cushioned hand

I thought Chinks were supposed to be smart.

>I thought Chinks were supposed to be smart.
Do. . .do you think China and Canada are the same place?

thats not how this works you either can take a punch or not and having a granite chin may cause more brain damage since you take more punches than you would if you would get straight knocked out, look at ali. and brain damage doesn't come from one punch it's from countless blows to the head over years

>brain damage doesn't come from one punch it's from countless blows to the head over years

Niggas die from one punch every day son.

>the absolute state of german education

Yes, I would die but that doesn't matter, at least my family wouldn't have to worry about money for a long time

people who die from one punch die from the impact of falling and even thats very rare. but still its true that brain damage comes from many blows, boxers aren't punch drunk after their first fight, they start start slurring in their 40s

Literally none of that has anything to do with whether or not a padded punch or a bare knuckle punch would hurt more you braindead inbred

Would you let him rekt your boipussy for 1 million dollars?


golves are weighted you thick nonce, you're getting hit with harder force


>Not knowing.

Canada has one of the highest Chinese migrants in the world. Mainland Chinese millionaires/billionaires actually own a FUCKTON of land over there.

can i at least try to dodge or block it?

if its 1988 tyson and i have to stand still, he would legitimately break my neck 100 attempts out of 100.

>american meme knowledge

imagine being this new

Gloves aren't going to help you user, headgear is what you want.


Tyson's punch was estimated to be anywhere from 1600-2000+ joules, which is literally like having an anvil dropped on your head.

He used to drop the strongest/fastest men on earth in one hit. He would 100% kill a normal person.

no, there are cheaper ways to anhero


its not enough because the probability of me dying or suffering paralysis or some shit is 99% likely

Yeah he's like 60 now

He should be one who is scared of what I'll do to him

There was this scrawny kid in high school that said "I'd take a hit from Mike Tyson and still be standing."

I would step in a ring with him in a fight for 1 million bucks, he can try to punch me, but he's old and I'm fast, I punch him once and I run, I win the fight by points easily

>this passes for humor in Brazil

>Implying gloves aren't softer to get hit with than knuckles

No humor here, just avoid his punches all the time, run, trash talk, hit one at him (a fast one, don't even need to be strong) and win by points. People used to lose to him because they were fighting, against him is all running and a really little fighting, just to lure the judges to give you the win because of one little shitty punch

>No humor here
I disagree.

>just avoid his punches


yeah, it would hurt, i would get knocked out and i would feel weird for a month, but i would be set for life. He punches very hard but even getting knocked out by a weak fighter sucks almost the same.

Yeah, if it's your little brother punching you. This is fucking Tyson

100% yes

>be American
>get hit and end up in a coma for a few months
>when you wake up your family tells you that unfortunately you insurance didn't cover treatment so they had to spend most of the money

that's cute everything you know about america is from memes

damn thats hard, i guess, but fuck, also need to cast my teeth before i lose them all

but its only one punch, at worst it is some brain damage, ofc youd have to avoid it like death if you have some issue like aneurysm or bad clotting

i'd give him half to just tap me lightly

if it's a million after medical/dental expenses and taxes then yes

gloves = worse for your brain

bare knuckles = more likely to have huge laceration in your face

Only if it's modern day Tyson, one punch, bare hand and I have a soft, free space to fall after the hit

Mike Tyson's power is very overrated

Lennox Lewis hit harder
Tommy Morrison had a better left hook

Sure, if I give him half of it and make him sign a document where he has to pay millions to my family if he gives me a permanent injury.

Lennox Lewis is the GOAT tho

This guy got it

>all these white guilt cuckold faggots

i'll eat it for half that. uppercut, hook, hell even let him combo since I'll still be standing.

Id probably do it as its my best chance of making $1m

Real question is, do you tense up or stay loose, which causes the least damage

theres also ochocinco, but still, the skill gaps are huge, even with two years preparation it'd be like a college team facing an allstar team

t. McGregor

This. He'd punch me and I'd shake it off and literally murder him in the ring

>le Tyson meme

Lennox made him look like a child.


>I'll let him give me a combo
>Tyson throws the first measurement jab,0.01% power.
>Tyson follows up with a crossed
>Before the second punch hits user, Tyson notices OP is lying on the floor, dead from the first jab. No breathing, no brain waves, no nothing, literally dead.


loose and turn your head+body away as he hits

I'd let him do it. My teeth are already fucked up so I could spend some of that $1 million on a new set of teeth after he knocks my old ones out.