Hollywood is officially dead.
Hollywood is officially dead
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I don't want to believe this.
Kill yourselves, there are already multiple threads going.
calling it now, it'll be primarily about smart phones. the white rabbit will be a fucking app
why not a prequel trilogy
just make the fucking second renaissance
and cast anybody but michael b jordan fucking WHY
why are you blaming me? i didn't make the thread.
you bumped it you fucking queer
hollywood is too fucking cheap to make the second renaissance into a full fledged film
fuck this industry
im 18 and havent heard of this matrix movie stuff
can't be worse than the sequels...
things can always get worse
I wish I could live 1999-2008 over and over again
They are going to flip the colors of the pills or do something else entirely so they don't get labled evil racist nazis
without the trapowskis, no way any of the current crop of directors (except for perhaps Villeneuve) could do it
hence the rehash
>Choose the White pill, live ignorantly in paradise forever
>Choose the Black pill, stay woke
>Rebooting the Matrix
Well, I mean it kinda works...
This will be the...what, 7th time they did it?
literally nobody wants this
>It's going to be a meta-reboot movie about Hollywood rebooting old ideas.
Because they want to reboot popular movie? Ok
>What should we reboot?
>Lets reboot a movie that was made less than 20 years ago and was lauded for the unique premise (which is now old hat).
There should be some sort of rule that you're not allowed to reboot a movie within the lifetime of the original's director. It is WAY too soon for a Matrix reboot.
I can kinda' see how this makes sense for (((them))).
Possible pros:
>normies love the Matrix
>muh strong female Trinity
>older Matrix movies printed money
>dedicated fanbase are now old enough to have kids who they can indoctrinate with this new shit
Possible cons:
>it WILL try to deal with social issues, and not the social issues of personal isolation and existentialism that the first ones delt with
>if they can get away with it, they will try to make Neo a woman, nerds are the new nu-males
>what used to a be a very original concept in the late 90s is not very original concept now, which they can either stick with and it'll be boring, or they can change and it will suck
remember that if Wachowski's are in charge it will be filled with faggot and tranny stuff
wasn't that what Hail Ceasar was about?
also the unique visual aesthetic built around practical effects that will be entirely replaced with CGI.
Are you implying that it won't be anyway? There is no way modern WB can not sprinkle in a few social issues.
If Neo is torn between genders instead of a existential crisis and finds freedom to "be who he was ment to be xD" outside the matrix the movie will win 9 Oscars right there.
Remember that lobby scene? Remember how they went so far out of their way to film the practical columns being torn to shreds as Neo fights between them?
I remember reading in some interview how long all that took to get it the way they wanted to.
That's all gonna' be CGI now.
holy shit it's time for a reboot already?
>tfw u realize 1999 was 15 years ago
Not really.
me too
>another reboot
>focus on making a cinematic universe to squeeze as much money out of the franchise as possible
I fucking hate cinematic universes and the companies pushing them.
At least they didnt try to pull that shit with the new Dredd movie.
it didn't get enough attention luckily
>can't be worse than the prequels...
>Melissa McCarthy as Trinity
>Michael B Jordan as Neo
>Djimon Hounsou as Morpheus
>David Schwimmer as Agent Smith
>implying Neo will be a man
>Michael B. Jordan, the actor best known for his work in Creed, Fruitvale Station, The Fantastic Four and Marvel’s upcoming Black Panther is reportedly being eyed for the lead role. Sources told the magazine, however, that certain projects need to be cleared in order for Jordan to commit to the role.
18 years ago senpai
Whos the black guy that will play Neo?
I want to know what happened in the first 5 editions of the matrix before the 6th neo reached the architect for the last time. Seriously why are they remaking this if it's just the name they want to draw people in make prequels and give an in depth backstory. Show us the first 5 neos and how Smith evolved into a self loathing piece of garbage after watching neo trying to escape over and over again.
>not known for chronicle
Ahah, le only Villneuve can do sci fi meme.
There are load of directors who could do justice to the Matrix.
Gilliam is one of them.
holy fuck I was memeing, there is actually a black guy playing Neo. WHY IS Sup Forums ALWAYS RIGHT
you wont like this one = you're a filthy racist
>black guy takes red pill
>stays woke af
>black neo takes wokepill
>emerges from prison pod as an Arab tranny with tits.
Wasn't Neo originally black anyway? I i am not mistaken he was supposed to be Will Smith
he was. will smith chose wild wild west instead
l m a o
Jesus fucking christ.
Don't expect the kids here to know anything about the making of the original trilogy beyond 'muh fights'
Even funnier was when Jada was cast he asked her if she could get him a part and she was like 'NOPE!'
The movie is what? 18 years old? Why does it need reboot?
What next, Superantman vs. Bane 4(May 2027) reboot, in your nearest cinema on July 2027?
>"Neo" is offered the Red and Blue pills because of course they're going to keep that scene
>The Red Pill is not described as the objective truth/reality, but a series of systems that contain truth and lies alike, to help spread doubt about the new "Red Pill" documentary (which severely undermines modern feminism) pending imminent release IRL
You know this to be true.
So was Jonny Depp and multiple other people.
>Jonny Depp
Jonny Depp was black!?
>Neo is offered red and blue pills
>takes blue and becomes full-blown hedonist
>this is now movie about him partying
Remake of the remake of Total Recall when?
>The movie is what? 18 years old? Why does it need reboot?
Well they rebooted Superman after 7, Kong after 12 years, Godzilla was 16, don't get me started on Batman
reloaded was good
lead actor is going to be a black Muslim man
lead actress is going to be a white Christian girl
I'd watch that
You forgot Spider-Man.
>the bar has fallen so low that the matrix is now considered a classic
I dunno, disney star wars bothered me more
I'm talking about WB productions, obviously
They're literally rebooting and re-using every single thing they can, not just until we stop paying them for it, but until we beg them to making anything.
They ran out of ideas. They got too big, too corporate. Creativity is too costly and risky these days, and focus groups can only seem to come up with the word "emoji". The major industries are now hollow giants, while the creative, new, independent companies can't get enough funding/resources/support staff to get their ideas off the ground.
It's going to get worse before it gets better. We're in an artistic drought, and it's eventually going to topple the industry unless something drastic happens to change it.
>Starring WE WUZ KANGZ as DA WUN
You forgot:
lead villain is going to be a white Christian man
Playing the girl's oppressive husband/father whom she rebels against
They guy who they tapped for nu-neo is the guy who played nu-torch in nu-Fant4stic.
Good. Maybe Theater will make a return.
It didn't have any marketing, that's why
Michael B Jordan's an OK actor but Sup Forums hates him for being black or some shit, I'm sure in their headcanon he burst into the Wachowskis bedroom in a doorag waving a gun demanding to be cast as Neo then raped them until they complied.
They're going to make Neo a nigger, aren't they?
Good fucking riddance if they do.
>I'm sure in their headcanon he burst into the Wachowskis bedroom in a doorag waving a gun demanding to be cast as Neo then raped them until they complied.
It was the other way round.
Showed The Matrix to gf who hadn't seen it, she really liked the first half, found the premise interesting but laughed at most of the fight scenes so the second half wasn't her cup of tea.
they didn't run out of ideas, retard. they have plenty of ideas in the vault. ideas are cheap. existing properties are a safer bet. when big dumb movies don't make money anymore, then we'll see a return to ideas. but the same people will still be in charge.
Trannies can't rape.
only white christian men can rape
>t. Nigger in denial who got to know the power of BIG TRANNY COCK
soon you will crave for more
>but laughed at most of the fight scenes
That pussy game ridiculous obviously.
This could be kinda cool if it's set either before or after the OT. Would be cool seeing the first matrix where everything is perfect and people reject it and it crashes, with the first One desperately trying to unplug humanity as they reject their reality and go mad. Or a sequel showing humanity forced back to where they were by the machines, with a new Zion set somewhere else, different tech, different matrix to stop the One.
A shot for shot remake is unnecessary and I'd hope hollywood would realise that. Also I liked the sequels (9, 7, 6).
shut the fuck up reddit, it's been posted 10 times in this thread alone.
>implying the nu-waschowskis don't dream of that anyway.
>Sup Forums is the same person.
good, they didn't get a chance to fuck it all up with a normalfag sequel
This, strict remake and it's doomed. Adding to the universe might (might) work.
you mean Warner Bros. (DC) is officially managed by hacks.
You talk about reddit so much you should stay there, you obvious newfag.
>>Sup Forums is the same person.
>implying it isn't
Sup Forums is a pathetic hivemind that favors memes above common sense, don't feel bad getting called out
that was my first post on Sup Forums today reddit.
>it was true
Im done with these kikes.
>the perfect "nothing is wrong lalalalala" matrix crashes
>implying this isnt sweeden/other cucked EU country
>they will try to make Neo a woman
nope but he is gonna be black
Lynch would like a word with you.
>Implying it wasn't the case for the original Matrix.
The rational-liberal ideology behind the Matrix was pretty much the only reason it was successful. I'm wondering if Wachowskis could keep it in the middle again, presenting options, but not glorifying them.
I really liked the MMO and how they continued the story. It'd be neat to watch something like a team of humans and machines working as Agents inside the Matrix as they uncover more and more that make them rethink what they're doing. Either way if we get sequels they really should be about Humans and Machines truly reconciling.