Anyone else seen this?? WAY better than it had any right to be at all.
Great Wall
Agreed, it was actually really epic in the sense in how grand it was
>racing across the desert from Mongol raiders
>different colored warriors signifying their class/skill
>the fucking blue divers
>the drummers
>Matt Damons bow skills
>generic monster but got the job done
>the Mountain slayer from GoT
Good shit, expected less
>different colored warriors signifying their class/skill
Just Independence Day set in Medieval China. First third was interesting but after that its boring and cliche
I went to see it and thought it was great!
I also really liked the design of the creatures
This looks like amateur studio shill hour, lads. Try harder.
Good popcorn flick. Better than I thought it would be.
The bungee jumping spear unit was retarded as fuck though.
That was my favorite part. I liked how they had different costumes for the didifferent units. It reminded me of an 80s movie done nowadays
Chinese girl leader was a qt 3.14
How does the film explain Matt Damon's character not being Chinese?
He's a mercenary who hears rumors the Asians have something called gunpowder wants to steal it.
The main guy is an overt capitalist and the film features the cute chinese general browbeating him for not being a collectivist retard with the people's republic of china shill actress practically winking at the fucking camera. No thanks. Fuck the Chinese.
If I was a libtard I would tell you to fuck off and the movie had no such underlying propaganda message, but i'm not so.
It's an issue of being a libtard or a neonazi or any of that shit, it's the fact the chinese government overtly controls what kind of films can get made and messages they can have and they're still very amateurish at the movie game so their propaganda is extremely unsubtle. I don't want some stand-in for the west to get shittalked and come to see the error of his ways and the advantage of glorious chines system, shit just makes me sick. Communism sucks.
not an*
And here's why I deleted my facebook. Can't talk about anything without it getting political. News flash both sides are assholes and ignorant.
I liked it a lot. Way more than I thought I would. The music is fucking epic too.
it honestly was pretty good
Yeah, I loved it.
I think the first fight scene was the highest point though, which was kind of disappointing.
The drumming was fucking awesome though
Why didn't they just blow up the meteor?
you deleted your facebook... good for you you are so much smarter then everyone else know. Good job.
>chinese girl telling white man that fascism is the solution to his Jewish problems
Im going to see this now.