so i am supposed to believe this movie is better than terminator 2?
i saw the trailer and it looks like a piece of shit
so i am supposed to believe this movie is better than terminator 2?
i saw the trailer and it looks like a piece of shit
RT scores are not factual statements of quality. Good movie though.
>only bad review is by a black guy
Really, REALLY makes me think.
user don't you know? It's 2017
I'm not sure how it happened or when it happened but the world turned into an sjw normie cuck shithole.
>inb4 da joos
I clearly remember the world being better in the early 2000s
>inb4 9/11 & Iraq war
All that means is that a lot of people liked it, it doesn't mean that it's better than anything else.
Sup Forums would actually like this movie because it satirizes leftist "SJW" type racism
>it satirizes leftist "SJW" type racism
Sup Forums is racist though. why would they like it?
>democrats/liberals are the true racists
they would see this as a cuckservative point of view.
by saying this you are lumping liberals in with yourself since you're a racist. why would Sup Forums lump liberals in themselves?
lump liberals in with themselves*
this picture gave me yellow fever you fuck
i didn't even like asian girls before
We don't worry about being called racist when we call out shit for being shit.
Sup Forums is satire, it's a liberal safe space hiding under levels or irony that shouldnt be possible
>it's satire
it's actually not. prominent alt-right fags started there
Reminder if you don't see this movie or saw it and didn't genuinely like it you're a racist.
They used to be liberals.
I cried in the trailer when I saw the maid and groundskeeper were black
I think the turning point was Occupy Wall Street. The social justice HIV was spread there (also killing the movement because they couldn't get anything organized over arguing about how there were too many white people) and it pozzed up the entire country.
>the left being overly paternalistic when it comes to black people because of white guilt and self-hatred is racist
sorry, but it's not. racism involves hating a race other than your own or believing that your race is superior to another race.
republicans are trying to play semantic games to trick blacks and liberal moderates into becoming conservatives. it's a cuckservative tactic
you can't be racist out of guilt or love. that doesn't make sense
funny enough my first red pill was at occupy.
Just got back from seeing it. It's alright, but the praise is absurd. The climax was rushed as fuck and unsatisfying
Racism is just prejudice based on race.
Anything else added to that definition is superfluous bullshit.
Don't you know Goyim, that these movies are superior in every way?
It was pretty funny but wasn't that great as a comedy or horror thriller
>i saw the trailer and it looks like a piece of shit
see it then judge it, its obviously not better than terminator 2 but thats why the grown ups look at the average rating and not the tomatometer
I'm getting really tired of seeing this bug-eyed, crying nigger everywhere.
>Mad Max: Fury Road at number four.
Rotten Tomatoes isn't an accurate representation of quality, it's polls are just "was it CERTIFIED FRESH or was it ROTTEN?" So there's not a real score to it.
I went in to watch GET OUT REEEEE expecting t see some neonazis or ultraconservatives and you know, today's boogeyman. But actually it was rather different, the bad guys are more liberal that are trying to assimilate black people.
T2 was much much better though.
>Mad Max: Fury Road
>Inside Out
>Get Out
See what I mean when I say RT isn't a very reliable representation of quality?
It's pure trash. Literally everything stolen from Cure of Wellness.
But the black guy is gay, so the two things cancel each other out.
Sup Forums is mainly right-leaning libertarians. some of them want a white ethno-state but most of them, white nationalists included, would agree that leftist sjw types are unintentionally racist by treating minorities like idiot children with no agency. you're right that they would see it as a cuckservative talking point, but it is something they agree with nonetheless.
t. Sup Forumsack for 5 years
At 99% just means that 99% didn't think it was bad and gave it at least a 6/10 averaging a 8.2
Consider that Avengers is like at 90% with an 8.6 meaning despite 10x the number of people disliking it enough people liked it more to give it a higher average.
Tumblr Tomatoes scores are the equivalent to... i don't even fucking know, twitter retweets?
Don't trust that shit.
It got an 8.2... more '''critics''' gave this film a 9 or 10 out of 10 than they did a 6 or 7 out of 10.