I wanna be a ghost in her shell if you know what I mean ;^)
And yet both are still the nu-generation's Neuromancer
Host N He Hell
Really makes you think to take the first letters off
What else are they going to say? "Inspired the Matrix!" That would just confuse the normies that read the magazine.
>Hurr, how could it have influenced The Matrix if it hasn't come out yet?
but Scarjo is ugly. Sup Forums told me so.
GitS is post-cyberpunk
was meant for
>live action film is the same as my cartoons
Stop being a retard OP. You know they both stole from Neuromancer.
how is empire still in business? who actually buys this useless crap? everything they publish can be found online, in more detail, for free. they never have real exclusives or even mildly interesting content. and here they've put something just blatantly stupid on their cover. it's honestly baffling
>both stole from Neuromancer
Boy if you don't quit your hipster bullshit
>You were dying, we saved you, now you save others
>they did not save your life, they stole it
>How many were there before me
>they created me but they cannot control me
it's literally going to be the Matrix Revolutions of this generation
or is that too long?
How so?
that would make people think its either "old" or "FROM THE PEOPLE WHO SAW SHREK"
how can you be "post" "high-tech low-life?"
Your dick is so small you'd basically be a ghost inside her.
Nigga the Matrix is old who the fuck cares
I hope to fuck you're not implying GITS is in any way original.
and would make it seem even older.
You can't just call everything in a genre "nu-" whatever the work that popularized or invented the genre was. Every modern fantasy movie isn't just "nu-Lord of the Rings".
Neuromancer pretty much invented cyberpunk, but that doesn't make every cyberpunk story a ripoff of Neuromancer.
>The-gen Matrix
but that would be the Matrix reboot :^)
>it takes neo almost 20 years to reach the architect.
Apparently he didn't choose to save trinity so we get the reboot.
t. Someone who didn't read Neuromamcer
>Neuromancer pretty much invented cyberpunk
you misspelled blade runner
People are high, expectations are low
Ackhually cyberpunk predates Neuromancer by at least a decade.
Cyberpunk is like the xG cell-phone naming convention. Marketing bullshit. A guy who wrote articles for a sci-fi mag took it from a short story, people started applying it to pretty much any science fiction that showed even the smallest bit of dirt on it.
So you guys can argue over it all you want, but not of the OG "cyberpunk" writers respected or even liked the label thrust upon them.
>Every modern fantasy movie isn't just "nu-Lord of the Rings".
sadly it is. same with fantasy novels. epic fantasy anyway.
epic fantasy doesn't have to automatically be swords n "races" n shiet, but here we are.
>Every modern fantasy movie isn't just "nu-Lord of the Rings".
But it is , Every non jap fantasy movie or book is mostly inspired LOTR .
>"Inspired the Matrix remake!"
I'd say pre desu.
Because cyberpunk is happening in real life already
Not really, though.
Nothing is completely original.
I mean, imo Brave New World is cyberpunk
Fuck, I'd argue that Hieronymus Bosch's paintings also have a bit of the cyberpunk feel to them. And that's the early 1500's.
Cyberpunk consists of two things:
the whole dystopian near future setting and a protagonist/plot based on classic noir film cliches.
actually it doesn't
Brave New World is one of those subversive utopian novels in which, unlike in cyberpunk, the protagonists are not aware of the "wrongness" of their world until they're faced with something from outside that world.
GITS isn't even that good.
The first movie isn't even that good.
Its pretty over rated.
Even in the anime they done the same twists twice were the bad guy is actually the good guy.
Second movie is the best
And the new GITS is total shit.
>GitS (2017)
You're a bit dumb.
>based on classic noir film cliches
Nyet tavarich, Neuromancer has an actual good story and interesting ideas
do they have the copyrights?
>actually it doesn't
Only if you argue that cyberpunk has it's origin exclusively with the short of the same name. And even then it's about 4 years younger.
>I'm in
Maybe, I bet you wouldn't say that a hypothetical remake of 2001 is the new gen Star Wars though...
No problem with that of course, most people outside japan don't know about the anime version of GITS.
What to say.
They have to sell copies user. That's it
>read literal description of cyberpunk
>don't understand it
>post random bullshit
cyber = high tech
punk = low life
Probst in the Shell