ITT: Outdated memes

ITT: Outdated memes

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I should really delete all of this shit some day.

gato largo





>But still no run game anyway


Ah man these again

I wonder what became of Boxxy.

she ded


how he king if he no ring?

Apparently not.

Damn near pissed myself after Lebron and Heat lost to Dallas, all those spongebob Memes.


San pedro bigboys






Anyone have the "Isaac?! ISAAC?!" Copypasta?

>implying the fucking super cup counts for anything

Top kek

yes fucks yes

Is this from 2008

>6 years

I honestly wonder if that brief moment of site infamy was worth it. It's been harshly downhill since that bit of glory.

What do you mean, senpai?

better to burn out than fade away. so much of 4chans culture originates from early Sup Forums. the entire website would've gone to shit due to the election regardless of unpaid post deleters.


i was just thinking the other day how i truly miss the 'how he king with no ring' memes

Didn't that happen like a day after they added flags?


nah, way after that


Sup Forums finds a way

Only one (1) team won both UEFA Cup/ Champions League/ Europa League/Champions Cup

Apologize, Sup Forums

>it will never be 2012 again


>mfw i first discovered anglo internet in september 2012, watching Pewdiepie and maxmoefoe vids
>exactly 2 years later i found Sup Forums thanks to ebola chan
>i never got to experience le golden years of any board
>it has been a "downwards spiral" for the entirety of the time i've been here
>i can only imagine what it was like

fffuuuuuck have I been on Sup Forums this long?

This. 2008 Sup Forums was peak Sup Forums


I feel dead inside now







How good were Sup Forums memes pre 2011? I only went on Sup Forums for 4 years before I started to venture to other boards

Kinda hard to say desu. The generals didn't exist back then and the mods weren't as nazi about off-topic shit.

There's probably a lot of good memes I don't know about/don't understand because they're hidden in generals I don't frequent, whereas before you were exposed to all of it, good and bad.

The 2010 world cup was amazing though, don't think anything can beat it


2009 Trollbowl and 2010 meme world cup were pure gold.
> USA won FIFA
> >E >A >S >Y
> Malian refereeing
> Maradona's time to fap
> mad Javier Aguirre
The only event that came close since then, apart from 7-1, was Euro 2016 with Iceland and the street riots.











to think someone with this cropping ability were employed by the new york mets...

what happened here during Uruguay-Ghana? What was the general consensus of what Suarez did?
I hope I find an archive

>Euro plugs

Good shit

how the fuck can you tell what kind of plugs are those?

American electrical plugs definitely aren't a slot.

The butthurt over it was so big that I remember seeing threads in 2011, which is when I started browsing this board. Many did defend him, though, saying he took a risk, got punished, and it ended up paying off in the end.

Why does she wear the eye patch

this was never funny and just makes me miss the invincible banter of 2009

18-1 is still funny. I also have an urge to type BRETT FAVRE BRETT FAVRE BRETT FAVRE BRETT FAVRE BRETT FAVRE at all times

Crustiest of oldfags here. Been here since the beginning.
>Rax Grissman

2010-11 was unequivocally peak Sup Forums. It was good through the London Olympics and then started to go downhill. Mainly shittier jannies and mods. The last couple years of pollution by the red pill has just been the death of it.

>putting your ketchup in the fridge.

annual reminder that those are brits in that photo dipshit


Manchester comics
Fernandon’t Scorres
Shiggy diggy


It’s alrigtht m8 I'm a burger and appreciate the bantz.

>Andy Murray is English
>that fat woman whose weight was listed in stone called American

Only true old fags will understand XD

Are you the autistic dolphins poster

90% of posters here wont have a clue what this means


Sup Forums is clutch superbowl performances
Sup Forums is the red wings dynasty
Sup Forums is the women who dunk in the wnba
Sup Forums sometimes includes wrasslin' before it gets moved to Sup Forums
Sup Forums is 18-1, THAT.BIRD, Rax Grissman, THE JEST, BRETT FARVE, USA WON FIFA, WHY, greentext and reaction images, trolls trolling trolls trollercoasters, Kobe rape,
Sup Forums believes in delivering all sides of an argument, including side A, side B, and side Sage
Sup Forums gives us a reason to live
Sup Forums gives us a reason to search for reaction images
Sup Forums complains about how the refs handed you the game
Sup Forums calls all the other boys bandwagoners
Sup Forums appreciates Kobe, LeBron, Crosby, Grossman, and the Mets bullpen the same way it appreciates gay Gundam wing fanfiction
Sup Forums knows which sport is the best
Sup Forums is a collection of copypasta and copyarguments, but every once in a while there's a thread where we dole out 6 or 7 samefag posts
yet Sup Forums is known for delivering humor at approximately sixteen times the rate of all other boards put together, including Sup Forums
Sup Forums is the reason I'm on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is the reason I stand up for the Vancouver Canucks, Alex Ovechkin, Roy Halladay, and the collective NBA officiating.
Sup Forums is the reason
Sup Forums is the only reason

This thread makes me just a bit sad

Will we ever get good again, lads?

>tfw >Schalke threads get deleted nowadays and *that* picture gets you banned

Based mootdusky pls cumback ;_;

>not getting the joke

trb achiever saga was great


before the dark times
before the 12s



newfag to sp give me that quick rundown

Where are you nowadays RealMou...?

You now remember Matt Schaub

I don't know why this cracked my shit up. We need Brett Favre now more than ever.
