Why russians are asiatic? pic is a russian girl but she looks asian

Why russians are asiatic? pic is a russian girl but she looks asian

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.jp/search?biw=412&bih=449&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=GBndWb3HH8no0ATxoYXgDQ&q=스웨틀라나 &oq=스웨틀라나 &gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..41j0i24k1l3.9211.9321.0.9683.

Anyone can explain this?

Hmmm, that's a very interesting topic, yes, hmmmm. . .
Can I see all of them to make stats?

first one look rly korean



Russians have varying degrees of Mongol admixture.

To me she looks Chinese whatever passport she might hold.

Too cute for this world. I'm sad now. And when I'm sad, I'm angry. RAAAAAAAA


She looks like typical korean ulzzang, especially the first pic

pls give angelina danilova

google.co.jp/search?biw=412&bih=449&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=GBndWb3HH8no0ATxoYXgDQ&q=스웨틀라나 &oq=스웨틀라나 &gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..41j0i24k1l3.9211.9321.0.9683.

She is not Korean. But I don't know if she has other asian blood

Something about her eyes and cheeks makes her look distinctly non-Korean to me.
She probably has some Slav admixture.

Both Russia and China have lots of mixed people in various degrees, and to me she still looks like she is on the China side of the spectrum.

why you ask stupid question that you know answer to?

no, that's a bonafide korean

name of the girl?

too many asian migrants bred their women.

I was still talking about the OP pic, should have clarified.
The pic in is indeed distinctly Korean

I dont know the answer why russians are asiatic? I heared they are white aryans


>too many asian migrants
you mean mongol invaders?

thats a turk you pseudo-chink

Korean women are pale af.
Also wh*Te.
Males tho are quite tanned.
Being wh*Te is feminine in asia.

With her white boyfriend


Found her instagram instagram.com/23.11_/
she's basically korean-ified russian

because most of russia is in asia you absolute fucking retard

Russians ARE Asian. I don't get why people think Russians are white with blonde hair. The word "Russian" literally sounds Turkish.

they are. your pic is Asian monkey in Slav controlled land.

WTF I'm in love now

More like russified korean or tatar.
>I don't get why people think Russians are white with blonde hair.
Because ethnic Russians are
>The word "Russian" literally sounds Turkish.
Kek. You're an idiot


Uhh, we already have a mongol insta-waifu

>itt anons who don't know what makeup and filters are

>Being wh*Te is feminine in asia.
This is fact here. Are you asian?

Japs and Koreans has always been more fairer compared to other Asians

Russians are whites
She is not partly Korean

So ethnic Russians look like her?