>Star Trek Discovery will fail
>CBS will never sell the rights to someone who is competent/gives a shit
>the decent fan productions will get shut down
>there won't be a fourth jjverse movie
>Star Trek will be dead and forgotten by the end of the decade
>but Disney will keep shitting out mediocre at best Star Wars movies until the heat death of the universe.
Star Trek Discovery will fail
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Star Trek's come back from TOS into the films was a miracle by itself. It has been very lucky to make it this far.
>>Star Trek will be dead and forgotten by the end of the decade
Star Trek won't be forgotten until the fans all die. We were talking about it before all these shitty reboots and we'll keep talking about it after.
And anyway, Star Trek is too big to die, they'll keep trying to reboot it, or they'll go bankrupt, sell the IP and someone more competent will have a go. Be patient.
Thanks for reminding me about that episode, poor Miles
where did it all go so wrong?
Is Tapestry the pinnacle of Trekino?
I think I'd rather have it dead than get (more) niggerfied by CBS
we don't need no tranny space plant who loves boys as a captain, or a chong.
At least Voyager did blackface in the 90s, we still have that.
I'm drunk at 8am.
>set in a time period nobody was asking for
>barely any room for innovation because of this
>fucking klingons... AGAIN
this was a failure from the beginning
>decent fan productions
Nice try, Alec.
>tfw when you're a middle-manager pencil pusher in some no-name company
>tfw watching tapestry
It hits too close to home, lads. I want to die.
>Did you also say, and I quote "The bloody Cardies can't be trusted"?
Fucking this, why is no one talking about this.
>Star Trek will be dead and forgotten by the end of the decade
Fuck off. April 5, 2063, I'll be seventy-one years old and flying to Bozeman, Montana, and I know there will be hundreds, if not thousands of others just like me.
It'll only be forgotten by shitty little fuckcakes who are actually disappointed that "there won't be a fourth jverse movie"
Those Kkingon designs, ignoring hundreds of underused alien races to invent a new super gay one.
Litterally called STD
Because you're both casuals who need to finish watching Enterprise.
Protip: Being a prequel didn't prevent it from getting pretty good.
>>Star Trek will be dead and forgotten by the end of the decade
Be still, my heart!
>Being a prequel didn't prevent it from getting pretty good.
Yeah, and then it fell in quality again.
Season 1 Episode Average Rating: 6.73/10
Season 2 Episode Average Rating: 6.46/10
Season 3 Episode Average Rating: 6.79/10
Season 4 Episode Average Rating: 6.45/10
3 > 1 > 2 > 4
when tf is discovery supposed to be out?
What is this, some IMDB shit? Fucking watch it yourself, you dumb casual.
What? No, those are my own ratings. I rated each episode out of 10, and calculated the average.
These are the IMDb ones:
Season 1 Episode Average Rating: 7.37/10
Season 2 Episode Average Rating: 7.53/10
Season 3 Episode Average Rating: 7.88/10
Season 4 Episode Average Rating: 8/10
4 > 3 > 2 > 1
Fall 2017.
>I rated each episode out of 10, and calculated the average.
Consult a psychiatrist.
>Implying you're talking to someone who has seen TOS once, TNG 3 times, DS9 once, VOY twice and ENT twice
Fuck off. No one wants this show.
I don't understand what you're finding overwhelming about this. Lots of people rate things after they watch them. It's not very difficult to add them up and divide them by the number of episodes to determine what season you liked the most.
I'm just happy that Star Trek exists. If Discovery ends up being shit, it doesn't matter to me. There's so much good stuff to go back to. So it's not important if Star Trek doesn't have a future, it has a glorious past.
Lots of people give overall ratings. Few people assign points and calculate averages. Those few need help.
Did you try calculating season 4 without the outlier?
Good, then it can be Babylon 5's time to shine.
>There will never be another Stargate
>There will never be another Farscape
Good and good.
>Lots of people give overall ratings. Few people assign points and calculate averages. Those few need help.
Well, we're having a discussion about which seasons are best. Seems pretty straightforward to actually provide any sort of stats. I guess I just don't find it particularly difficult or time-consuming to do.
If by outlier you're referring to the finale, removing it bumps my season rating from 6.45 to 6.57 - higher than 2, but still lower than 1 or 3.
>those few who calculate averages need help
>can you calculate this please?
>Well, we're having a discussion about which seasons are best.
And though your own ratings differ, the general consensus in the fandom is that 3 and 4 are a massive improvement over 1 and 2.
So despite being a prequel, it ended up being good.
>the general consensus in the fandom is that 3 and 4 are a massive improvement over 1 and 2.
I agree that 3 is an improvement. 4 got it cancelled.
Where is this general consensus of which you speak? The Nielsen ratings show that fewer than half of season 1's viewers made it to season 4, and season 4 won the fewest awards of any season.
In fact, the only possible metric that shows season 4 as being regarded as the highest are the IMDb ratings, and when you thought I linked those earlier your response was
>What is this, some IMDB shit? Fucking watch it yourself, you dumb casual
I don't correlate Nielsen ratings with quality. By that argument, you must think that TOS is low-quality since TOS got low ratings.
Even Berman and Braga are aware of the pro-3/4 consensus, which you can see whenever they dispute it.
You don't need to correlate them with quality, I'm merely offering them as one of several possible ways to measure reception. I also mentioned the IMDb audience ratings as well as the awards won by the program.
And comparing it to TOS is ludicrous. Comparing TOS's seasons to each other would be a better example for you to have made, and yes, absolutely you could.
Berman and Braga saying "our show was good it shouldn't have been cancelled" is not at all evidence of "the fandom" enjoying season 4 the most.
Know what would've been a better indicator? Actually watching the show.
I'm very happy to acknowledge the IMDb audience ratings as being an indicator of audiences liking season 4 more. I just find it funny that you were disgusted by them until you realised they shared your opinion.
>the pro-3/4 consensus
bro here we are in a trek thread. where is the consensus? you're the only one who liked 4. everybody else is disagreeing with you while you put your fingers in your ears and say that everybody agrees with you.
>the IMDb audience ratings as being an indicator of audiences liking season 4 more
probably worth mentioning that imdb also has ENT4 higher than any other season in any other star trek show so...
Watch the video, they're ridiculing the consensus that Enterprise "only got good with Manny [Coto]", meaning seasons 3 and 4.
There is a consensus, Berman and Braga are aware of that consensus, and they don't like it.
You've never seen /trek/ posters praise season 4? The only person I see disagreeing with that is the poster who spams Sup Forums copypasta.
I'm sorry, I'm not going to watch an hour-long video but I'll take your word for it.
This is Sup Forums. Literally every opinion can be found on here. I've had debates in Trek threads with multiple people telling me together that Janeway was unironically the best Captain.
It's easy to believe people like season 4. Hell, all of my season averages were within .4 of each other.
All I'm arguing is that season 4 got the damn show cancelled after a drop in quality from 3, that's all.
>All I'm arguing is that season 4 got the damn show cancelled after a drop in quality from 3, that's all.
Right now I'm arguing that you're wrong because season 4 got the damn show canceled after a drop in ratings.
Network executives don't make cancellation/renewal decisions based on quality.
>season 4 got the damn show cancelled after a drop in quality from 3
I'm not the guy you've been arguing with, but if you were around at the time watching them as they came out, you'd know that Enterprise was on the chopping block the moment after it premiered.
They moved it to Friday night after season 3 ended because the Nielsen ratings were consistently plummeting since the pilot. Season 4 was just the final nail in the coffin.
See, this guy knows what's up.
>>Star Trek will be dead and forgotten by the end of the decade
Long time star trek fan here.
Maybe it is for the best, I hate to say it but star trek does so much to cloud our political discourse that perhaps it would be best if it were not around for a while.
Here is a chart of average episode quality ratings for Enterprise, brought to you by the Trek fandom's #1 autism resource website.
If you can't trust EAS then I don't know who you can trust.
>I'm sorry, I'm not going to watch an hour-long video but I'll take your word for it.
They revisit the topic later on, but the first time they get butthurt about the fandom's praise for Manny Coto and season 4 is only about 1:54 in.
Dead thread is dead.