Hey i have a question for the black folks of Sup Forums how doe sit feel like to be black?Is there really a systematic level of aggression against you?Is this Johnny rebel song accurate?
Hey i have a question for the black folks of Sup Forums how doe sit feel like to be black...
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I'm 200% nigga
They hate us cause our dicks is bigga
You see it from time to time but I think at the end of the day if you are a smart black male and know the importance of conforming a bit it ain't all bad. Whites will have their perks. The country was built by whites and whites are the majority so you have to respect the game. I think some blacks are literally "blacker" than others in the way they dress, talk and act and I think that causes consequences. Ofcourse if you have gold teeth and sell CDs in a parking lot you will have a rougher go then the guy who's educated and knows how to dress the part. It's just facts.
>thats all niggers care about
I'm my mother is white and my father black. I'm somewhat older than most others of my racial make-up (30yo) so I have been more or less beta testing this genome.
My experiences were very positive; would do again.
It's all that matter boi
You mean the difference between being a civilized human being in western society and being an OOGA BOOGA GOLD TEEF JUNGLE DANCE PLEASE BUY MUH BONGO TRIBAL MUSIC NIGGUH hood rat?
this. its pretty easy to spot a ghetto nigger from a mile away, those are the ones I avoid. those are the ones I hate. Normal guy going about his day with a smile not dressed like a hood slob, no problem we can be friends.
what I dont understand are the normal non trashy black people working hard that defend ghetto trash nowadays or the behavior that comes through into the community like women fucking 20 guys and having several kids, guys making kids and running off, screaming black lady drama, whole family in jail but thats ok, etc.
YOU WILL NOT BE A NIGGER. Thought you should know. It's a fucking choice.
I'm only a halfy. Most people assume I'm arab or indian.
The only time I've blatantly experienced discrimination was a white man downtown who handed me a flier for "why coloured people should be eliminated". He looked a little nuts so I just refused and left him alone. He was pretty polite for a white supremacist, said okay and told me to have a nice day. Canadian Sup Forumstards are still Canadian I guess.
>id: KKK
White man here, agreed. My neighbors are black. The father is a doctor and the mother is a housewife. I grew up with their kids, we carpooled to the same private school together. BOTH of their kids went to Ivy League schools, and they actually had the grades to get in without relying on affirmative action bullshit. They are devout Christians as well. Because they choose to be hard-working, respectable, productive members of society I just don't see them as being the kind of people to wind up as HashBrowns.
On the other end of the spectrum I watched a nigger smoking crack in a vacant lot around where I work. Fuck that guy.
If you really are black then I have a question for you. Do you feel blacks are prone to aggression quicker than others. Do you feel blacks feel their best defense is to escalate a situation not de-escalate as seems to be the case? Why is 'black reaction' real? I mean you ever see the sidelines/bench of an NBA All-Star game? Ever see that black 'over reaction' is such an accepted fact that it is even mocked in black comedy skit shows such as Chappelle show and Key and Peele and even as far back as In Living Color. Ever see the audience at the Apollo? At a black comedy show?
Why did blacks suddenly decide at some point, hey, lets act as fool as we can in every circumstance we can find? I see black 'over reaction' in so many different circumstances and many, are the cause for their stigma and why they end up dead or arrested. Why do blacks feel being polite is being a bitch and not 'keepin realz'?
Why is this? What black message went to start over reacting to every fucking thing?
Well as ive noticed, mulattoes that have white dads and black mothers are usually more docile than the those of the reverse of that parentage.
Black guy here.
>Do you feel blacks are prone to aggression quicker than others.
Pretty sure some user posted a gene that was linked to aggressive traits being more prominent in blacks. Not an excuse, just a scientific finding.
>Why did blacks suddenly decide at some point, hey, lets act as fool as we can in every circumstance we can find?
Simple, its done for attention. Its like the undisciplined child that can't have their way. They will make a fuss and get rowdy, but a quick reminder of their place usually shuts them up.
>Why do blacks feel being polite is being a bitch and not 'keepin realz'?
Their pride is what causes them and people in general to feel the need to assert their dominance in every situation.
I have noticed that I used to have a short temper unill I learned to stop giving a fuck. Now if you hurt one of my fraternity brothers or my family, I may just snap. Minor things, I just brush off.
Learning how the game works is one of the best things a person of any race can do. Once you learn the rules, you can use them to your advantage. Im an engineer and its a whole lot easier to find a job thanks in part to affirmative action and my credentials. I am almost like a unicorn, I stand out without putting much effort forward.
I have progressed from raging at the stupid things my people do, to just laughing at them. I refuse to believe that anyone is holding me back. I don't place imaginary restrictions on myself. Yes that song is correct, a lot of those "racist" songs have little nuggets of truth within them. The thing is there are niggers in every race. Some equally as bad as the black ones. Also you have to play the part of a dumb nigger in order to be labeled as one. I know, I know stormweenies think everyone is a nigger, but that is ignorant. BLM thinks all white people are racist slave-masters/slave-owners. That is equally ignorant.
Everyone just needs to treat people with respect until they cross that line.
Hey man I appreciate the reply. I just see both sides. You sound like you could be a victim of a reaction that was created by the blacks that do bring shit upon themselves and that sucks for sure. I mean why should you bear the results of their fuckheadedness.
I also don't get how the number 1 export of black culture is fucking hip hop. Don't get me wrong, hip hop is fine, just as any other music genre is.It seems that it is embraced by all blacks, young and old, street thug fucking hip hop culture.I don't get it. Other cultures, you grow out of some shit usually. But in the black culture it seems it is just spreading more and sticks as you age. A hip hop lifestyle fan at 15, doesn't seem to have grown out it at 30. I had friends into all kinds of shit. Almost all grew out of it as they became adults. The lifestyles of their music choices did not actually set the course for their lives. It seems this is not the case in the black community. I just don't get it. It is a culture of packaging. Most blacks seem to only care about the wrappings and not the contents of the package.
Yes we're violent people and yes we love to dindu. However I believe criminal energy can be converted into something positive or least legal. In like 10-30 years physical crimes will be eradicated and blacks will end up becoming nigerian scammers for the most part
We really don't, we don't even really hate you. We just want you to stop being savages and do something with your communities.
Having a big dick and being successful is better than having a big dick and getting shot in the face by another nigger. Just saying bro.
I'm half black. There's little to be proud of when 80% of your race are victim claiming, uncivilized, uneducated, and ignorant.
The only systematic level of aggression against us is self made. What do black people expect when the 13% of black people commit over half of violent crimes in america. It doesn't matter who you are, if you're a cop, you're going to take extra precautions when dealing with blacks because of the fact they commit so many crimes. The only way this shit could be fixed is if blacks quit being low lives that turn to crime for a living because of the low expectations for themselves, especially when it comes to education, they don't take it seriously.
This would lessen the amount of crimes in black communities, thus lessening the fear officers have, and number of altercations, and as a result, lessen the fear that blacks have for officers.
The fact that black people avoid acknowledging their own bullshit is just astonishing. They really don't care about themselves, just about how the white people treat them.
Exactly... All of this shit stems from the black communities themselves, and people fail to realize that.
Do you feel like you belong to the black community as a mixed race person?
I'm just curious man, I'm mixed too but not with black.
Only time I had a run in with a police officer was when I was 17 waiting for the bus and he stopped and asked me how I was doing. I told him I was on my way to X and for safe measure I asked him if he wanted to see any identification. He said it was fine and then he fist bumped me and drove away.
I think we need to turn all this aggression into a shock army and dump the most violent into the middle east and tell them to pillage and destroy.
You sound like a black man. Not a nigger. Curious, do you act black or white? Which one do you identify as and do you look more black or more white?
It's all they really have, white power user.
i'm mixed but it probably feels no different for me than for anyone else. i live in the northeast though. i have never felt aggression towards me or anything like that. i love my fellow white americans.
how does it feel to be black? It doesn't. You just *are*.
as for aggression, there is no real aggression. white people avoid me because I'm black. big fucking whoop. I didn't need them anyway. Blacks act like they're my friend but stab me in the back. big whoop. that's what people fucking do.
being black doesn't mean shit. whining is nothing. you are as you are. make something of yourself or off yourself.
No, let the white man exact revenge on islam for its thousand years of slavery and hatred
you niggers can help by working in the textile factories and fuel the war effort
>hat I dont understand are the normal non trashy black people working hard that defend ghetto trash nowadays
You have to understand, blacks are convinced whites are out to get them and it's because of the liberal narrative. They really think every white person secretly hates them. It's the same brainwashing these self hating whites have.
Not to say they dindu nuffin but the media got a lot of control over the narrative and a lot of people buy into it.
the south can just breed some really stupid inbred people, white or black. i live up north and most the black people I meet are suburbian white people who are polite and hardworking, even the ones that dress ghetto are polite most the time.
I have 3 half sisters and one full sister. We're all mexican and black, however, my sister and I, the darker ones that don't act like niggers, are uncultured, know niggers, beaners etc. when we see one, did better in school than anyone, attend college, became atheist (saying this because the supposed christian sisters aren't such good people in the eyes of their own religion, while we are), are Trump supporters, etc. My full sister isn't a social media clinging slut either, like the rest are.
So yeah, I think my genome is great. I really don't now exactly what it is, but for some reason, we're just smarter. Never did drugs like our other sisters, never had sex at a young age, have yet to have children while the irrational half sisters had children at a young age.
I don't now if it's a coincidence either... I really think it has something to do with out genome. Why do my other sisters act like straight up niggers while we don't?
>most the black people I meet are suburbian white people
uh, suburban black people*
>We really don't, we don't even really hate you. We just want you to stop being savages and do something with your communities.
I stopped being a savage around 17. 17 was the year a lot changed me so there's that, I used to bump heads with the police a lot and was a party kid. After being slammed on the hood of a police car four times in the same year, eventually I began to change for the better and I really mean it. Didn't realize until years later I could have probably died for it and that I shouldn't be so stupid sometimes. Still now I'm being a responsible young adult, making some minor mistakes every now and then, mainly forgetting about assignment due dates and money stuff. But feels good having a nice PC that I built using the money I worked for. On my way to becoming a computer science major, I will admit I'm still like to party every now and then as a college student, but I do it responsibly.
Yeah, go tell that to Chicago, Washington DC, Camden New Jersey and all the other black shit holes in the north bro.
At least the south has reconstruction era as an excuse for their problems, only excuse the north has is that it's comprised of Potato niggers and degos.
It has nothing to do with le liberal narrative or whatever dumbass meme you're talking about. Blacks historically have had shit times with white people. My grandmother and my great grandmother (RIP granny) both lived in times where they fucking had to pick cotton in Crockett TX til their hands bled. That doesn't fly. Of course blacks will be apprehensive or even hostile around whites. You could say, b-b-but no slave is still alive!!! And you might be right. But guess what? Shit passes down in the family. Granny will tell great grandson the things that transpired in her time. and great grandson will form an opinion that whitey is out to get him. it happens 9/10.
This kinda divide happened to me personally, I was around 9 or 10 yrs old and had a middle eastern friend. we both went to masjid and shit. loved playing volleyball and basketball. then out of the blue, one day I wasn't allowed to play with him or go to masjid. it was the day of 9/11 of course. Never associated with him again. hey Shu'aib, are you a terrorist? I hope not, man. you were a good guy.
I'm black, my social networks seem to be waking up desu.
I live in the hood too. Pic related some dude just posted it on fb
I can safely say that unfortunately, my childhood psyche absorbed a lot of my angry mother's tendencies. I hated her for it, but it tends to surface from time to time. I can never tell whether it's me emulating what she did due to simple psychological stimulus or just me expressing my reaction to having to be angry, which I hate being. I don't want to perpetuate the stereotype, so I always hold back my aggression. I know my other black friends tend to do the same, smiling a lot to try to hide that darker side of them.
Everyone has angry and happy sides. I just think because of the way society looks at us, black guys have to wear more of a proper mask. And if we break it, we end up looking no better than our more nigga counterparts.
On the flip side, I have no fucking idea how kenyas never show anger. A lot of africans are proper as hell for some reason and don't seem to get angry despite some fucktard speaking down against them. May be a culture thing?
Mixed here; Indians think I'm upper caste and people are always surprised my mum is black.
Can't say there's been much discrimination in my life; seeing as my family are pretty much just English (culturally so to speak).
I was talking about the whole "racism is on the rise after brexit" nonsense that's everywhere with a white friend that went to a private school (I'm from a working class background); she said something along the lines of rich, white kids who go to uni love nothing more than to hate themselves with made-up guilt & diversity. Many keks were had.
>blacks are convinced whites are out to get them and it's because of the liberal narrative
I ain't convinced that white people are out to get me. I'm convinced that this liberal media is out to DESTROY us, hell everyone not just blacks. It's not right, most of those motherfuckers should be sued for libel.
But I'm glad one man is actually standing up to them.
I'M 100% NIGGA
I'M 200% NIGGA
>I THINK YOU SHOULD BE ELIMATED and have a nice day! :)
The dualitity of man.
>hat I dont understand are the normal non trashy black people working hard that defend ghetto trash nowadays
Some people are just trash man, it happens. I think everyone has trash in their family. My brother is half black too and he's a complete fuck up and it's all impulse control. He doesn't think before he does shit at all and I've noticed in a lot of his friends and shit too. Like we are just two different types of people. Dude can't hold a job and he's always making shit up to look good when he's really just ghetto as shit.
That's what I'm talking about man. You gotta work hard for yourself so you can live a good life. I'm glad to hear it man. I wish other people realized this. I get called a coon and shit for pushing black people to be more like whites but it's only because that's the good life. White people figured it out and for some reason people don't want to join in, they want to "dismantle" it. Like the fuck? I'll never understand it man.
If you're a proud black man you will have realized by now the politicians want you to vote Liberal so you can be a welfare slave. If you're a proud black person you'll do whatever you can to climb up in life. If you're a proud black man, you'll hate niggers more than Sup Forumstards because the reason why people think black people are retarded is because of niggers, not you.
Do you think any of the blacks in BLM realize they are a co opted force meant to only cause chaos and to bring down order to bring about communism?
You're free to feel that way but it's female emotion bullshit that carries no weight in the real world. Nobody is obligated to feel sorry for you or your ancestors and restitution never coming. The world isn't just and you can spend your life fighting the white man. I can't argue how you feel but I don't buy into that shit. Your hate is just chasing ghosts, no white people today harmed your family and even if they do benefit from the past of slavery you aren't entitled to their sympathy. Be a fucking individual or go with the mob. The world isn't obligated to wait for you.
My family moved away from the black side of town when I was young so I was raised around mostly white people. Yeah people discriminate, call you a nigger and what not but in the end you just have to be "you" not black or white, just yourself. It can be hard to make an identity for yourself when everyone assumes your mom is a maid or your dad is in jail but you just have to live with it. This whole black lives matter bullshit makes life a hell of alot more difficult for me and my family when most of my race act like everyone owes them something.
I don't even know if it's a conspiracy or if the media just knows it profits from racial violence but they push the narrative. People want to deny this shit but the profiteering is apparent no matter if you think it's conspiracy or not. The media have zero to gain from slow news days.
I'm not even preaching that whites and black gotta like each other but the hate hasn't done shit for anybody.
Listen man I've been called all those words too. But I do what I want now, I don't have to be "white" succeed. I just do the right things in life now, I guess I'm still guilty of liking some of the modern rap now, but that's only entertainment. Nothing to emulate. I am probably the most Southern black weeb some people have ever encountered in their life, but I guarantee I won't care what color they are. If they are good people, I will treat them like they are family.
Nope. I remember being against BLM the moment it started, hell I was on Sup Forums during all the happenings from Trayvon until now. When it comes to BLM, I say it's a hate group. It's pretty much like the KKK if you really think about it. Except this time it's blacks, we've kinda come in a circle except this time the colors are switched. For me to say black lives matter, I'm telling people who aren't black that my life matters more than yours because I am black. It ain't right. A friend of mines, a white girl I might add, was killed by a black man. And these fuckers wanna say that their lives matter right now more than everyone else who isn't black?
Fuck them.
That is exactly right nigger. Strive to be a black man and join the rest of society.
I will admit black and other minority crimes are reported more than white crimes, but statistically, it's not hard to fathom than those races are minorities cause they tend to be more poorer and thus more crime-infested areas than the richer white people. I don't try to argue the morality of it because crime tends to come from someone who doesn't have something they want and it leads them to leading a life that can bring negativity, but the reality of it is, thats the current state of society. Can't really do anything about it. Now, if I had the power to do it, I would make it so all modern children are given a good education and have good income to help grow them. When a child is given a good environment to sprout in, they do become more productive and kinder in society. This is a psychological fact. Even the comedy Trading Places had the right idea about it.
I'll also add on to the happenings on Sup Forums. If you weren't here from 2012-2013, you missed out on some damn good laughs.
We can do shit about it though. Jobs would change everything. I know it sounds like a pipe dream but if you could bring jobs back to America it would benefit a lot of communities including blacks and whites. When peoples only choice of work is McDonald's and gas stations they won't want to work at either. Look at Sup Forums, look at all the white dudes on here who not working and spending their whole day posting. It's the same epidemic as the black community, they just have more entertainment and money to stay out of crime.
Only reason I'm voting for trump is because he the only candidate who will say anything about the unemployment rate among young black men. Prosperity trickles down, I grew up in tennessee and witnessed manufacturing plants shut down in white and black black areas and those areas go to shit quick as hell. We have an entire working class of young men of all races who aren't working and that shit is why the internet full of mad millennials slinging hate at one another. That's the best place to start but what can you do when the government incentivizes these employers to ship jobs out of country. If you read some of the older cpaitlists from the late 1800's and early 1900's they warned that greed would destroy this country and greed is what has cost an entire economic class it's jobs.
>ID says KKK
>Only reason I'm voting for trump is because he the only candidate who will say anything about the unemployment rate among young black men.
I've said it many times, He tells it like it is
Funny you mentioned TN. Im from memphis. That town use to be a hella lot more active when I was there a kid. Downtown was active as hell, you had festivals, a lot of businesses were up and about. But when I came back after ten years, the place had turned into trash. It was sad to see the degeneration of everything, and I knew it was likely because a lot of jobs had left memphis, and thus any kind of middle class with it.
Oh yeah man, the towns around nashville were really hurting but they got some of the plants to come back through tax incentives. It's crazy how an entire town can be employed by 1 company and when that company leaves that town goes to hell. The Nissan plant in Smyrna Tennessee literally employs the entire town and takes really good care of them. That's what the rest of the country needs. I lived in the Nashville area for a long time so that's why I brought up, that whole state lost jobs. My best buddy and his sister lived by themselves for like 3 years because their parents had to go out of state to find work.
If parents have good work they can take care of their kids and their kids don't have to turn to crime and can then focus on school and live better than their parents did. And the kids who still do badly will at least have a job and an economic class to fall into. That's why i pushed my brother in trade school. He was shit at academics but I wasn't about to let him sit around doing nothing and end up in trouble.
I don't know, I still have faith things are going to get better soon.
He does and he doesn't pander. He didn't sit up on stage and talk about how much he carries hot sauce around with him just to try to connect with us, he actually says the truth about what the problem are. I don't know if he will actually fix them but he's doing more than anyone else by at least talking about them. and to be honest, that "my African American" shit was funny as hell to me and I'm black. I still laugh thinking about it.
>Nope. I remember being against BLM the moment it started, hell I was on Sup Forums during all the happenings from Trayvon until now. When it comes to BLM, I say it's a hate group. It's pretty much like the KKK if you really think about it. Except this time it's blacks, we've kinda come in a circle except this time the colors are switched. For me to say black lives matter, I'm telling people who aren't black that my life matters more than yours because I am black. It ain't right. A friend of mines, a white girl I might add, was killed by a black man. And these fuckers wanna say that their lives matter right now more than everyone else who isn't black?
Man I missed out on the Sup Forums happenings during that case, I was too busy shitposting on /o/.
Im glad Im not the only one who thinks BLM=KKK but with extra colors and more social media presence.
So my question is, how do we stop BLM?
Im at the point where I say kill them all or indoctrinate them to the point where they become productive members of society. Im sure someone has a better idea than these two.
It's not that simple, they're too powerful at the moment. But social media started it, so social media must be the way to kill it.
Its really IQ and them trying as hard as they can, but leftys not realizing this.
thanks black Sup Forumsack
We don't have black people where I live. There are gypsies though. The police kick the shit out of them.
Black guy here - ask my anything. I hold a lot of disappointment for black people, but I don't really associate myself with them as a whole. Laugh at me if you want, but I won't an hero for someone else's failings.
I'm half pic related and half Finnish. No one thinks I am not a native Finn though.
Wasnt the KKK basically stopped by law enforcement in the end?
when are you going back?
this. pol unconditionally hating all blacks is a meme. fuck niggers tho
Fuckingay, I will drive the fucking immigrants out myself some day.
I'm 100% black, and no I really don't notice much racism besides stares from older people. Being black is fucking great, you can seem edgy and tough and nobody can call you out because it would make them racist. Or you can try to act super smart and people who don't think you're a really smart intellectual cant say anything because they'd be racist
It's fucking amazing how scared white people are to seem racist and its so easy to play you guys lol
Since people call us "white niggers", it feels like I always want to rape a white woman.
If you dress and speak like a white you'll get treated like one by 90%+ of people. Your skin color is just the first part of the puzzle, what's more important is what tribe/culture you signal yourself to be a part of by the way you act.