Sup Forums we've created a monster! Are we the cause to Stefan's raise to power?
Stefan molyneux on RealClear politics
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I watched him for the first time last night and holy shit why didnt i start earlier
Based meme man
I love how when he started his channel, he was a full blown NAP libertarian. But now with how much Western culture has been poisoned, he's reasoned with himself to transform into a white nationalist. Kind of funny.
He needs to go fascist already
How is he a white nationalist?
He's an anarchist. Meaning, that he rejects the idea of a nation or borders.
>Being this stupid
>Stefan molyneux
>white nationalist
quit shilling your fucking fag cultist
you idiots realize you can't actually be an anarchist and support any form of government right?
His apart of Sup Forums now, deal with it!
Have you seen any of his videos in the past year? He has drifted away from libertarianism/anarchism because he understands that multiculturalism can not handle such ideologies.
He is now
Who said that we did? Fucking moron
Every video he seems more and more redpilled lol
He said that forced free movement and welfare can't exist at the same time.
He is for free movement.
He's against welfare.
What's his story? I see him being associated with "not an argument" but doesn't that imply for all his talk he can't debate?
He just did an interview with Jared Taylor and another with Richard Lynn
His views have greatly evolved
He can debate, he is pretty good at it.
Watch his early, less topical stuff.
To be fair, I haven't heard that one.
What are the highlights?
I'm glad he is on our side now. I've heard he's part Jew but idc. Any of us could be part Jew and not know it. He's a white man to me.
Not an argument
Not a single argument to be found.
You should just watch it
It was enjoyable
Not an argument.
Weve memed stefan from fringe libertarian going muh spanking to a real champion of the time who will never be forgotten
He is able and willing to call out attempts at emotional manipulation and rhetoric that contains no actual argument as such - he's associated with "not an argument" not because he has no arguments, but he calls out those who have none.
Go home you fag.
Excuse me, but i believe you have failed to provide a single argument to validate your argument.
Rude, also not an argument.
No one is making arguments.
We are just shitposting. It's Sup Forums after all...
For your troubles
Fine, what is there to discuss? I argue against containing it as he will reach out to more people increasing the red pill distribution. Simple shit.
So RCP has such a real clear political bias?
Why do people take their early polls so seriously then, fuck
Nevermind, thought it was a hit piece
>That entire article
Overgeneralization fallacy conga line.
The fact that Blacks are statistically disproportionate criminal perpetrators (and victims) among a smaller sample is not a justification for State-enforced prejudicial harm against Blacks at large.
The samples also do not represent even close to a majority of their total population. Even taking the author's 85% black committal rate of interracial violence in 2013 as a prior, that would be 561,000 persons out of a total population of 22,033,000 Black adults between the ages of 18 and 65 from the 2010 Census which equates to a population fraction of 2.5%. This assumes no population growth at all by 2013 so that percentage is actually even lower.
The videos he did on immigration 10 years ago are hilarious in the context of what his "opinions" are now.
Someone on RCP clearly browses Sup Forums and posts shit that gets popular here all the time.
IDK if he still supports open borders, but neither open borders and nationalism is contradictory to anarcho-capitalism.
Oops, I said open borders, I meant restricted immigration.
It violates the non-aggression principle.
No it doesn't. Open borders does however. Read Hoppe and Rockwell.
Not an argument.
>blacks do more crime
>have more incidents with police
Why is this so hard to understand? A black man is 12 times more likely to assault another ethnicity, then an other ethnicity is to assault them. That includes Police.