Whoa, is this really her?
Whoa, is this really her?
that would be a great place to get a bj
>lad doesn't trim
absolutely disgusting
still getting head in a beautiful place. might not his trim game on point but he's get everything else. son.
that's justin long's penis
excellent cinematography
well he's inadequately named
more like justin short
Why she isn't wet?
Despite everything else, this makes me feel better about my own penis size.
>wanting to look like a 12yo boy instead of a dominant alphamale
heh guys I'm talking shit about the size of this dudes dick. I belong here now right? cause I'm so insecure with my dick that I gotta talk shit about a dick that's getting sucked while mine stays shrivel in my pants. ha what a loser right guys... I mean whos got a dick like that that gets sucks. what a whore... plus this is a nsfw board but I'm not 18 yet so I gotta prove my self by doing stupid shit like this.
Back in my day you'da got a fucking hammer and none of us would have to deal with your fag ass anymore. but that doesn't happen. so go fuck yourself you stupid fucking cunt fag.
looks like it's superimposed over one of those insipid posters from a doctor's office
Why are you projecting so fucking hard, man? He just made a dick joke. It's not a big dick. It's funny.
Hi Justin short
am I the only one who feels like the background is photoshopped in?
Stop thinking life is like porn, autist.
It's ok Justin, just because you have a small penis and the whole world now knows doesn't mean you're any less of a man.
funny how everyone has a 7 inches penis on Sup Forums
must really be the internet master race
Everybody is also 6'6 at least.
>he wasn't in the Leicester v Sevilla match threads last night and everyone was dick posting
what's going on? how come these pics don't exist on google search?
What did I miss?
are you some kind of queer user?
>circumcized dick
fucking americans
>how come these pics don't exist on google search?
The hacker called Sup Forums put them on the Dark Web
What is this expression trying to convey?
no asshole it's not. your the reason this board isshit.
>you will never get your dick sucked on a boat by Amanda Seyfried
Just off to kill myself lads haha