Black Lives Matter leader Deray just got arrested in Louisiana.

Chimp Outs about to get real.

Other urls found in this thread:

I saw that! I wonder if he's ever been arrested before.

By the way it was hilarious the captcha for this thread was bananas.

post the link to the tweet you mong

Is he Jewish or what

Please kill him please kill him please kill him please kill him please kill him please kill him

Kek wills it

ignore all tweet posters.
report all tweet posters.
if we wanted tweet updates, we would go on twitter, not Sup Forums, faggot.


Quiet dummy, this has the potential to be huge

No but he's as powerful as a Jew. He's sodomizing the creator of Twitter and pulls strings and rubs elbows with the elites of silicon. Ran for election in Maryland and was BTFO. Overall a black faggot

This nigger faggot's Twitter was hacked a little back and it was revealed he was communicating with government insiders including allegedly Loretta Lynch to get niggers to chimp around both political party conventions. Him getting arrested now is interesting.

He's been wanted by the FBI for a very long time. If they have any shred of decency left they'll charge him with domestic terrorism and inciting violence and lock him up for at least 10 years.

Not really. He probably will be charged AT MOST with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, get no jail time, then get a speaking tour about how he was mistreated.

I'd be happy if they just put a bullet in his head and be done with it.

He probably got himself arrested on purpose for "street cred"

He's a massive faggot


He'll actually enjoy getting butt rammed by a big buck nigger.

Islamic brotherhood training is in jail.
They teach him how to sodomize children like other fellow inbreeds.

How can be wanted by the FBI and social justiced his way into a top spot in the Baltimore schools?



Also wondering, is water wet?

>Realtime updates of chimp arrests labeled by their Twitter handles as they are told the more outraged they are, the more justified they are
What a time to be alive

He got arrested on his birthday (Sunday 10th). He will be a martyr.

That would great the ultimate chimping.

No, but his handler is.

Better he dies than continues to preach ignorance and incite violence. He is less than worthless, he is actively trying to divide the nation and spread disinfo. Only retards who already eat the bullshit he slings will call him a martyr.

Honestly though, I think I prefer he just lives out his life in prison getting beaten to shit by the aryan brotherhood and forgotten about.


who is deray? how significant is he?

I wonder (((who))) is behind this arrest.

Literally Shaun King except actually black and significantly more violent

BLM agitator

Amazing Atheist: the picture


This was the fucker trying to get martial law declared.

He's actually a terrorist and needs to be charged as such.

So what's he being arrested for?

He's basically the leader of Black Lives Matter. If he gets incarcerated, I'm guessing everyone is going to chimp out.

BTW, the more chaos = a Trump presidency
4:30 for the good part

I knew that deray guy was involved in some crooked business.
Civil/race war starting when?

Was in conspiracy with lorreta lynch trying to get obongo 4 more years

>not posting the full image

Betta not sign dis sheit rasiss ass honkeys!


did they throw carbon monoxide?

Don't believe shit you read here.

I usually don't unless there is source material. As usual the neo nazis being just as toxic as the blacks.


All you can say is snopes but you dont even provide a source.

Seriously this, people act like the fine folks at snopes don't have an obvious agenda


So Snopes proof is they contacted Deray and this commie nigger faggot said "Nah... never happened. I love white people."

Get the fuck out of here.

The UK had our own Deray back in the '60s, a nasty piece of shit called "Michael X", who emigrated to the UK in '57, but fled to his native Trinidad after a scandal emerged where he lured a white businessman to his black commune and tortured him to extort money.

Before that, however, he was imprisoned for 12 months under the UK's Race Relations Act, for his public statements and revolutionary bent. He is quoted for advocating the immediate killing of any white man seen "laying hands" on a black woman. He also said white men have no soul".

While in Trinidad, he murdered Gale Benson, a daughter of a conservative UK MP, who was also X's girlfriend. He and his thugs attacked her with a cutlass and buried her alive, following this he fled yet again to Guyana. He was arrested there and hanged.

What I am saying is, these people usually sort themselves out.
Deray's arrest is a good thing. It could possibly signal the end of BLM.


Snopes. Literally two people's uneducated opinion. May as well ask the Huffington Blog.

There was ample evidence his account was hacked. He wants to create unrest to institute Martial Law. They want Obama to stay forever.

>We contacted Mckesson to ask about the rumors and whether the messages were authentic. Mckesson confirmed earlier reports that his account was hacked in June 2016, adding that the messages shared were fabricated by parties unknown after the fact. Given the messages in no way hinted at disruptions to Black Lives Matter protests or violence against police officers prior to the tragedy in Dallas, reference to them as a harbinger of the shootings was moot.

>In a sense. the claims were similar to "cold readings" done by psychics, in that the claim's assertions were interpreted as "hits" when in fact the details were entirely off-base. Regardless of their "accuracy," Mckesson stated that the messages were not authentic.

Are you fucking kidding me you nigger?

I think they are using this to create the chaos,

I think they may use as some people were saying earlier, Deray as a martyr.

>Black Lives Matter leader Deray just got arrested in Louisiana.


Also do Jews have big noses because air is free?

And yet this bitch walks around with impunity.

i hate these niggers

Instead of being lazy fucking shits, sitting on the sidelines while laughing at the Soros' useful idiots, maybe you guys should consider spending your time trying to dig up the information on the CF. Wouldn't it feel nice to contribute to keks and be part of history?

Field Nigger #90,210


Seriously. EXACTLY what was said in the messages happens "nothing to see here"

Fucking Snopes. Those two fucks need their asses kicked for this propaganda.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if it's not even them now, but Democrat operatives.

So, if anything happens to this officer, we already know that the nig nogs are responsible.

Whew, thank goodness the leader of BLM got arrested. The world has achieved peace.

Something needs to be done about snopes, they bill themselves as this (((apolitical fact checker))) how the fuck do they get away with that?

If Soros had any sense, he'd have contacted and given Deray his orders through cutouts.

But if he didn't, and if Deray is taken to court, he's gonna sing. It won't look good for Soros.

I wouldn't be surprised if Deray mysteriously dies in jail, or something. It would sow more chaos certainly, and Soros loves that. Of course what really is happening is that Soros is bumping off a witness, while simultaneously stoking the fire he helped start..

Even on a business trip it's ok to take a few minutes to rest and watch the wildlife.

Why does he always wear that blue vest?

This is these faggots proof.

If Snopes asked Charlie Manson if he tried to incite a race war and he said no, they'd label Helter Skelter as a fake internet rumor.

Who is this fucking stupid to buy this?

He can't keep getting away with it.

>FBI finds out black guy has been hacked
>Get black guy in jail, no evidence that the fbi was involved in anything, just like they wanted
>He got double crossed once the FBI realized the hacked conversations could lead to a scandal.

Quick question Do Armenians smell like shit?

Interesting Snopes just updated that article literally yesterday and he gets arrested today.

Yes, Fuck off shill

I honestly think Deray is going to (((die))) in jail.

hell be fine

Yup, smelly armpits


Kek's prophecy must be revealed

Black people will hear that he didn't get shot and think "hurr it was a conspiracy, cops always shoot us nggas, he musta been in on da whole thang"

"lawful cummandz is just cracka ass bullsheeit"

t. Cenk Uygur

So theyre going to make him a political prisoner and then build him up to follow a manufactured narrative theyve created for him.

He will be Mandela'd to the top and preside over the final destruction of the country. Screencap (((me))).

Poor Obama looks ready to quit. All the bullshit is wearing him down. I'd feel sorry for the guy if he has to stay longer than his sentence.

Non violent protest

im sure they'll be reasonable.

Why do people jump up and down and scream this shit as if it is absolutely vital to the continued existence of mankind?

When was the last time a martyr was, in any way, a difficult problem to deal with? Couple thousand years ago?

It's just a bullshit excuse the government uses when they've got no proof, no evidence and still wish to take credit for something. Can't make anything public, can't dispose of the body after it's examined or photographed, can't collect or release any proof ever - because martyr. Same shit with Tsarnaev. They tore one brother apart in the streets and let the photo out all over the internet but can't televise or make available the trial of the living brother - because martyr.

They're starting to reel that bullshit out even when it makes no goddamn sense. Like w/ tsarnaev where he's not even dead but they can't do anything out of fear of creating a living martyr, apparently.

Stop for one second and think about it. People become martyrs without graves - most notably those christians eaten by lions. Also Jesus. But they reel the martyr excuse out for bin laden's body despite the fact that no grave is required, no place of worship needed for a martyr. They reel it out for most things now.

We can't be told the truth or allowed to know things anymore. For our own safety. Because apparently the world is simply full of martyr potential which would undoubtedly bring us to our knees. Thank god our governments care so much that they let us know nothing, allowing us to stay in the dark, safe from all these martyrs.

My dubs have spoken

Rule #1 of the Commandments of Kek.

>The ride never ends

Reading through the Wiki biographies of them all now. Has everything, including a Jewish slumlord/pimp/underworld leader.

What horrible horrible people.


he's a puppet. someone will just take his place. what is he the lead cheer guy? who gives a fuck they'll just hire another. i wouldn't care if he ended up like that nig from baltimore.

We know. Some of us saw The Bank Job


Then some jew would probably buy him out of prison.

check out my aunt guys

Good that'll complicate their ability to pull triggers

Hopefully he gets a decent long sentence. Nigger belongs in jail or the Slave Quarters

shots fired at police in houston.

@Degay picked the wrong town to terrorize.

Should cut their fucking hands off so they don't need to worry about it.