Why do Catalonia wanting indepedence triggers Sup Forums so much? Are you all globalists?

Why do Catalonia wanting indepedence triggers Sup Forums so much? Are you all globalists?

No, that's why we don't support divisive meme countries

Because the borders are not aesthetic


Tomorrow the oppressive Spaniards will force me work the coal mines another day.

Also stay tunned for tomorrow the central government will fire a lot of Catalan MPs tomorrow.



The whole independence thing is just a scam and all our politicians are retarded

Imagine if the Falklands were independent for 8 whole seconds little Timmy.

why did you elect them then?

we elect corrupt assholes, but they aren't as retarded as yours

falklands war was not over independence you dumb EIGHT second lasting idiot.

lol yes they fucking are


>Quiero transmitir a los españoles un mensaje de esperanza. ETA es una gran nación; España, perdón, es una gran nación
>España es una gran nación y los españoles muy españoles y mucho españoles
>Somos sentimientos y tenemos seres humanos

This whole thing


Puchidemon might get fucked in the ass for 8 seconds too.

i don't fucking care

I'd explain, but typing it out would take longer than the country's independence.

catalonia is a rich city (Barcelona) wanting to separate from its country so they are better off economically, cities are full of left globalists who want every country to have the same collection of cultures, shit
we support regions wanting independence purely because of nationalism and in most cases it will hurt them economically (eg, scotland from the uk and the uk from the eu), independence like this preserves national cultures


Its difficult todo esto

I don't want to buy updated world map secretary base just for Catalonia, saving some euros.

they are commies

What does them being independent actually achieve? I understand Scotland wanting to be independent, even more so after Brexit, but Catalonia? This seems arrogant as fuck to me. Please enlighten me on this. I really don't get it.

From what i've heard, Barcelona is one of the least supportive of independence.
Catalonians want independence because they are greedy cunts who can't stand paying for poorer regions (which every rich region in every country does). National pride is secondary. Spain isn't as oppressive as they paint them to be, and definetly not more oppressive like France with its minorities, for example.
This is all about greed and, brainwashing playing the victim. I've heard catalonians coparing themselves to latin american colonies, which is just hilarious

8cho 2undos

Native assimilation policy

Meme separatism is for faggots.

I want Cataluña to separate.
I want all the globe to be balcanized!
And when every country is small and poor. . no one will be.
We wont be considered a small country any longer...


Chicanos are butthurt because Catalonians dislike them.

They are leftist faggots trying to betray their Kingdom.

Fuck em

The big businesses are going to flee from Catalonia if it becomes independent. Too hostile and unstable environment for them.
Things are more complicated

globalists are behind this faggot, Soros and his friends are funding this

>be catalonya
>go on about "muh GDP" and how spain supposedly oppresses you and you want to become a nation
>companies get scared and move out of catalonya
>no longer have good GDP

>a scam
how come i kept seeing catalonian flags hanging down from apartment windows when i visited barcelona TEN years ago

>are going to
already do. multiple banks, infrastructure and real estate companies announced they will move their legal headquarters and with it the location they pay their taxes due to the political situation.

Yeah. Are they that stupid they don't realize it?

its not about economic choices, its about their feelings. they dont "feel spanish", whatever that means
its like britain's jingoistic tendencies but in a sub-region instead of in the whole country


> C4+4lonia

mom look they did it again


>Cataluña is a city
>Cataluña is rich
Shit, you fucked up un the first line you wrote.

Most Sup Forums posters are from poor and shit-tier regions. No wonder anons here get triggered when a rich region decides to stop feeding some useless poorfags.

>those retarded headlines on the side

i remember how people were shitting themselves about catalonia independence a week ago. like how spanish were so afraid etc. etc.

it felt good to watch the whole meltdown desu.

spaniards really fugged up good though by wounding like, what, 500 civilians during referendum day, EU showed its true colors by not mentioning about police brutality for even a second. but dont worry, this will continue, europe will dissolve into smaller states one way or another. and it will be painful for you all.

I want more flags thats all