Have a group of children, some smart, some dumb

>have a group of children, some smart, some dumb
>give them each a knife
>some of the dumb children start misusing the knife and hurting others pre-emptively
>blame the dumb kids instead of simply taking away all the knives first which removes all risks

>b-but there is higher correlation between race and violence than there is between gun ownership and v-violence!
t. Sup Forums

>dumb kids just pick up rocks and sticks instead
git fukt feylord

also, fuckface, all you proved is there's a correlation between intelligence and violence.
stay fukt

>dumb kids smuggle in knives from mexico and other black markets
>the problem persists but now the smart kids are unarmed
>have to start forcibly cracking down on the dumb kids
>violence escalates, have to use knives also to fight back dumb knife armed kids
>end up in daily knife fights with little kids

Still better than daily gun fights.

>over 300 million firearms in the US
>no way to collect them all without resorting to militarizing the ATF/police force so they can start kicking down doors

>Japanese/Mexican interracial porn
I've seen these before. Who draws these? Is it a spic mad he'll never touch a Japanese woman?

those daily knife fights i were talking about ARE the daily gun fights. prohibition and the drug war only caused the cartels and the mafia. imagine the death toll when gang bangers and gun nuts start firing at ATF doorkickers who are coming for their guns?


They're really old but I'm pretty sure originally it was a spic.

>not segregating the dumb kids and taking their knives away
Playing to the lowest common denominator is just a race to the bottom.

This logic only works if it's at all possible to pre-preemptively determine WHO the dumb kids are. The increasingly high number of recent white mass shooters has shown it's not at all simple to merely identify who the potential shooters may be.

it isn't just difficult, it can lead to some really serious blood shed. the cartels and the mafia exist because of bans on drugs and alcohol, imagine what kind of gangs will spring up when guns are banned, and the militarized law enforcement units that would need to be deployed in order to combat those gangs. you're not fuckign thinking. it creates an awful precedent where SWAT units can kick down your door for whatever reason they want, as long as they're suspicious that you own a fire arm

>This logic only works if it's at all possible to pre-preemptively determine WHO the dumb kids are.
It is possible, in fact it's trivial. The dumb kids in this case are color coded for ease of sorting.

>The increasingly high number of recent white mass shooters has shown it's not at all simple to merely identify who the potential shooters may be.
You don't expect me to fall for this one do you?

Drunk Aussie is drunk.

>You don't expect me to fall for this one do you?
It's not about falling for it, it's about the fact that removing all the knives would cover all the bases. A few statistical outliers is always reason enough if it ends up saving lives.

Your initial premise was flawed in that you stated there was a trend where there is none.
>A few statistical outliers
And now you've backpedaled on it.

You can't expect me to take your arguments seriously when you can't even establish a consistent premise.

>it creates an awful precedent where SWAT units can kick down your door for whatever reason they want
This already happens with child porn and everyone cheers them on when they break down doors for it.
>the cartels and the mafia exist because of bans on drugs and alcohol
They exist because greedy mafias gonna greed, bro...

Yeah, civil war is a small price to pay to stop gun violence

>half breeds
Pretty much every Mexican is a meztiso of the white Spaniards, and the Mesoamerican indians. They are already half breeds.
Her kid is going to be a one half, two one-quarters (is there a term for that?)

Your country started a civil war to stop slavery as freedom is a basic human right. And now you don't want to start one to stop outright deaths?

>an easily identifiable population causes problems
>punish everyone instead of just said population

Who is making these? It's so specific that it has to be one guy. Is his fetish single mothers with half-mexican children? Why is he doing this?

It was some mexican-japanese half breed

Well, that would really explain it. I thought it was just a spic obsessed with bitches who would never give him the time of day. But him being a hapa makes so much sense.

Look at the flag and images he's posting.

I made them... .

No correlation between outlawing guns and homicide rates.

Will you make more? They're so silly and weird.