Was this the greatest, most altruistic thing Tony ever did?

Was this the greatest, most altruistic thing Tony ever did?

I think so, its either that or when he mercy killed Tony B

Saving his son from suicide is instant, he didn't want to kill above, it pained him.

AJ was a small guy it wasn't hard for Tony to save him

Before this thread gets full of memes I'd say hiring Meadows boyfriend out on the construction site

I can't think of much else without very overarching motives

Maybe some shit about trying to get Chrissy sober would be better.

he was in the water, not floating above ground

Shut up, Paulie

fuck off reddit

not killing the coach

admitting he is a fat crook with milfie, just like anybody else

Why are you even in this thread if you don't watch Sopranos?