how are you holding up this christmas spee?
How are you holding up this christmas spee?
>already been to the ER twice since my grandma moved in two weeks ago
>dad is slowly become more senile
>vidya is boring
>still no gf
>still no friends
Is reporting a sport?
>gf leaving to beligum for holiday
>alone in france and don't speak french
>in lower normandy where the weather is dog shit every day
>can't effectively follow NBA because of time difference
>failing to produce results for my phd research
>already signed 3 year contract so can't back out of phd
dreaming of an hero, senpai.
Why don't you speak French you fucking brainlet
is it true that not so many of the french can speak english?
The sight of those couples around my age I keep seeing the few times I go outside torments me.
Quite well, of course still no gf but will have a comfy Christmas with my family.
>tfw next month I turn 26
They can speak it, but they refuse to do so out of pride
All I want for Christmas is (you)s
At least you have a gf
Reminder that feels are cancer and must be purged at any cost.
Merry Christmas user
so are germans but we let you exist
And unlike you, we don't make such mistakes. We eliminate what needs to be eliminated.
zero friends
never been in a relationship
spend all of my time working, working out and on the internet
so...this is fucked up
i turn 30 tomorrow which makes it even worse
the end of the year is the worst
>mid 20's
>shit job
>small group of good friends
>still no gf though
>still khhv
>comfy Christmas at home with the senpai but not feeling festive at all
>working nye
2018 will be the year r-right lads?
>small group of good friends
make sure you keep them at least
happy birthday user
> French
> pride
no friends, no girlfriend
but at least i have a good family and i'm looking forward to spending a few days with them
some people are 100% alone and my thoughts go to them
because I'm from america, I speak english.
a surprising amount do speak english, especially in paris, but they don't like to because they mostly think their pronunciation is garbage tier (even though I think its quite understandable).
actually they don't do it because they are self conscious about their accent. only once have i encountered someone that knew english but wouldnt speak it out of pride and it was at a hipster sneaker store in paris.
I love you
>because I'm from america, I speak english.
I thought you spoke spanish
this is true because they are superautistic about pronunciation in french and it carries over to other languages
also learn french retard
Christmas is a Christian holiday in the same way it is a pagan holiday - not anymore.
>celebrating a holiday religiously instead of culturally
thanks bro
thanks user
Schöne Ferien user
I know you're making a Sup Forums joke but in fact I do speak some spanish because I am from south san diego which is about 20 minutes from mexico. It hasn't helped with my french though :\
>no gf
>small group of freinds
>Shit Job
>Keep fucking up in college
Next year is the year . . . . right?
shit is completely orthogonal to english. you're right about them being superautistic about pronunciation, to the point where even if I try to say something they cannot understand me. To me it sounds exactly like what I hear from google translate, I even thought people were just fucking with me when they said they didn't understand what I was saying because I literally cannot hear the difference, but it happened enough times that it's just how the fucking french are.
Happy Birthday Dutchbro
I had a girl that I was going out with literally get enraged because I couldn't do the "r" thing correctly. They are so conceited in the loveliest little ways.
Yeah I imagine Normandy has similar weather to the Uk, at least you might get a snowy xmas
>Finished uni
>Moved out
>Hate my job
>Hate all my friends
>Still no gf
Yep, feels great man
>Exgf coming back after finishing med school
>have little spending money cause garbage job
>for some reason she still likes me and is attracted to me
>tfw she’s actually attractive and we have same fetishes
Dunno what to do
If I were you I would do the FWB thing, at least enjoy it for now and then if there is still a spark, you could risk it and go back dating or something
>all these fags with friends or gfs complaining
user i've been coming here since before r9k was even a thing don't act all gatekeeper-y because some of us have a gf. I still jack it to traps and piss in bottles, I am just better at hiding it than you.
>26, getting minimum wage and living with parents
>back in college but no passion about my major or anything beyond playing video games
>plenty of female friends but no gf
at least I can laugh at memes. They can't take away the memes